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The Richard Gould Tribute Thread.


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You can put it in the toiletroll in your avatar.

Actually, I would like to pass on sincere best wishes to Richard Gould in his new job.

I have worked with him quite closely over the past couple of years in connection with the Tinnion night and the testimonial season, and have always found him to be helpful, generous with his time, supportive and hard working.

Good luck Richard.

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Guest MaloneFM
Same here. Always had time to talk and would do what he could to help if you had a problem . All the best .

You're his mate when you talk to him. When he's gone away you call him 'Gouldy Gouldy Gouldy' and do the fingers to his back

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I particularly liked his talking and all round communication on the badge he wanted us to adopt before buggering off.

Did he hate us that much? Thank god he failed!

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Good honest mistake. We all make them! I genuinely think he wanted the best for the club and he'd be the first to admit his error of judgement there!!!

In response to the initial post, to fill the gaps you could thank Richard for:

Increasing the number of ST holders.

Giving time to the fans in the form of the FCF and the Ask Steve L forum replies.

Increasing the turnover from the club shop.

Possibly (as I'm not sure of his input)for increasing catering turnover despite a poor provider in Lindley.

Progressing the stand development to the stage it is currently at.

Introducing the "match DVDs".

Just a few off the top of my head. Cheers Richard!

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Good honest mistake.  We all make them! I genuinely think he wanted the best for the club and he'd be the first to admit his error of judgement there!!!

In response to the initial post, to fill the gaps you could thank Richard for:

Increasing the number of ST holders.

Giving time to the fans in the form of the FCF and the Ask Steve L forum replies.

Increasing the turnover from the club shop.

Possibly (as I'm not sure of his input)for increasing catering turnover despite a poor provider in Lindley.

Progressing the stand development to the stage it is currently at.

Introducing the "match DVDs".

Just a few off the top of my head.  Cheers Richard!

Not forgetting his involvment in the apparent lust to screw every last penny out of supporters. £1 to use a debit/credit card, £2 if the transaction is greater that £30. Top prices for 3rd rate merchandise. Top prices for 3rd rate refreshments...

I particularly enjoyed his circumnavigation of questions posed on the SL/CS forum, usually totally missing the main thrust of the post whilst touting lines such as 'Compared to other clubs, we are ... blah, blah'

Just a few off the top of my head.

Oooh almost forgot to mention his god awful badge designed on the club etch-a-sketch.

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Speaking as someone in the marketing business, my contribution to this thread is congratulate Richard on an excllent job at BCFC and to wish him well in a more senior position at Somerset.

He was always willing to listen to ideas and act on them....a most valuable trait.

He will (continue to) do well....

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Guest stroud reds on tour

i thank him for leaving but nothing else did he actually do anything for this club? the worst of all was that he was responsible for the cantine and we ran out of drinks every ######g game! city.gif

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Not forgetting his involvment in the apparent lust to screw every last penny out of supporters. £1 to use a debit/credit card, £2 if the transaction is greater that £30. Top prices for 3rd rate merchandise. Top prices for 3rd rate refreshments...

I particularly enjoyed his circumnavigation of questions posed on the SL/CS forum, usually totally missing the main thrust of the post whilst touting lines such as 'Compared to other clubs, we are ... blah, blah'

Just a few off the top of my head.

Oooh almost forgot to mention his god awful badge designed on the club etch-a-sketch.

I mentioned the badge above but you are right, introducing a fee for credit card purchases to cover the club's spiralling bank charges was certainly a good idea! Anything to help keep the club afloat!

Actually, you are also right to congratulate him on his extensive research of our position in comparison to our copmpetitors. I hope he passes on his contacts book.

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As a fan turning up to watch the team I am dissapointed by the changes that he has made and the areas that he has not been able to improve. The catering situation was terrible last season and he quite rightly gets slated for it. How do we miss out on such a great revenue source?

However he was an imprortant member of a team that has improved the financial stability of the club and he should be praised for this.

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I'd like to thank him for helping me find Helen from the ticket office so I could get my play off final tickets.

And very helpful he was too!


Pity about Helen who I have had a few run ins with!! Now thats someone who could do with some customer service training in my humblest of opinions!!

Rant over.

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I mentioned the badge above but you are right, introducing a fee for credit card purchases to cover the club's spiralling bank charges was certainly a good idea!  Anything to help keep the club afloat!

Actually, you are also right to congratulate him on his extensive research of our position in comparison to our copmpetitors.  I hope he passes on his contacts book.

You mean the bank charges £2.00 to process a POS payment? It don't sound like covering costs to me, more like a lucrative sideline.

It's reassuring to know you have supporters best interests/issues at heart, I hope you are as forthright in your FCF capacity.

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You mean the bank charges £2.00 to process a POS payment? It don't sound like covering costs to me, more like a lucrative sideline.

It's reassuring to know you have supporters best interests/issues at heart, I hope you are as forthright in your FCF capacity.

I think it also covers the admin time. It must take ages for them to teach each new member of staff how to use those machines and of course the cost of putting them in an envelope and writing the persons name on it.

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Just out of interest in post #18 lukejones2 quotes England, yet in the quote box it says teepee, why is this?

Its his old user name.. he's never really changed so I still think of him as Teepee... no real reason!

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You mean the bank charges £2.00 to process a POS payment? It don't sound like covering costs to me, more like a lucrative sideline.

It's reassuring to know you have supporters best interests/issues at heart, I hope you are as forthright in your FCF capacity.

OK - it's been a while since I worked where I had to worry about this sort of thing but when I did, I seem to recall that certain cards attracted a fee of £1.50 per transaction for the seller and that others charged 3% of any transaction (ie £30 is around £1). Bearing in mind the fact that the club also have to rent the machinery etc, and that I had to pay £4 per ticket booking fee recently for my REM tickets, similar for my Oasis tickets and not much different for my Eminem tickets, I think the charge is a fair one,

I buy all of my tickets by credit card and therefore have to pay this fee when I do (ST excepted) and I think it is fair that the people who use the credit card facilities pay for them rather than the club feeling the need to increase ticket prices for everyone. I think that this method is probably the best for the fans and is fair.

So yes, I am as forthright in my capacity as an FCF member, if I have a view I will put it forward and I would put forward the view of any supporter who asked me to do so for them in a sensible manner. I have my opinions, I am not afraid to voice them (as I think yuo may have noticed because we have disagreed a few times I feel smile.gif ) but I am also not afraid to listen to counter arguments and opposite opinions.

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OK - it's been a while since I worked where I had to worry about this sort of thing but when I did, I seem to recall that certain cards attracted a fee of £1.50 per transaction for the seller and that others charged 3% of any transaction (ie £30 is around £1).  Bearing in mind the fact that the club also have to rent the machinery etc, and that I had to pay £4 per ticket booking fee recently for my REM tickets, similar for my Oasis tickets and not much different for my Eminem tickets, I think the charge is a fair one,

This is how the booking agents make there money by charging more than the banks will. I don't blame the club for doing so but it's not just to cover the costs!

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This is how the booking agents make there money by charging more than the banks will. I don't blame the club for doing so but it's not just to cover the costs!

There may be fat in the charges as the figures I mentioned (which may not be quite correct any more) illustrate. But I believe it is just to make a round number.. if you halved the fees to 50p and £1 then they wouldnt cover the charges..

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