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Jamie Smith

Bristol Boy

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Just plain daft.

Signing and continuing as Captain.

Both he and club captain, Scott Murray will struggle to be in the team at all next year.

Carey will be first choice RB and, if we sign another centre half, Coles could well spend time at RB with with Jones coming through and Orr as cover as well.

We should have saved the wages and signed a keeper or another centre half/tall striker.

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If he is a leader in the dressing room, than thats what these young boys need.

I agree that Carey is first choice right back, but I disagree that Coles or Orr would be next in line should 4-4-2 be the formation we go with. Smith will and shouldl be back up, however should tinnion choose to play 3-4-3 then I can see Coles playing the right side of this.

I think Brooker (if he plays) makes a great captain. If not, then Russell (?) Carey or Coles all the way... once again.....

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I don't think it's a case of resigning Jamie Smith at the expense of another c/back or target man, Tins has indicated he is trying to get cover for these important positions as well as offering Smith another year. We know Carey will start as first choice R/B but if he breaks his leg or does his cruiciate in Sept after the transfer window closes then we will be glad to have Smith in the squad as I don't think Orr has proved he can be a regular R/B although he has potential there.

SL identified that (in his opion) one of the mistakes/turning points last season was the lack of available cover after Butler was injured in the infamous tunnel incident with Clive Platt, and although we tried to replace him with Ireland when that didn't work out we had no plan B. The signing of Jamie Smith is simply confirming our intention to have 2 players available for every position at the start of the season.

Even Smith probably expects to start on the bench but he probably didn't get offered better terms anywhere else and like everyone else he needs the work!

I think our big squad will prove to be a real advantage next season - most clubs at our level have relied heavily on the loan system to plug gaps and cover injuies and few clubs will now be able to afford a sqaud of 24 potential first team like we are assembling.

So not a big mistake IMO just a case of covering all possibilites.


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Purely in terms of playing, yes it probably is a mistake. When you consider the influence that Smith and Murray have on the dressing room on the other hand it makes a lot more sense.

Although Tinnion has the respect of the young players and is working hard to shift out the troublemaker(s), I think its fair to say that his grip on the dressing room at times last season wasn't as strong as it could have been. It therefore makes some sense to keep on players who are supportive of him and able to influence others.

I don't expect either of them to play too much this season but their influence could be crucial if the team, especially the youngsters, hit a poor patch.

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Guest BeNeRz
If he is a leader in the dressing room, than thats what these young boys need.

I agree that Carey is first choice right back, but I disagree that Coles or Orr would be next in line should 4-4-2 be the formation we go with.  Smith will and shouldl be back up, however should tinnion choose to play 3-4-3 then I can see Coles playing the right side of this.

I think Brooker (if he plays) makes a great captain.  If not, then Russell (?) Carey or Coles all the way... once again.....

I agree mate, Jamie Smith is a plank, theres players in our squad that could do better at right back, carey the obvius one, i think we should have saved the money were paying him and send him packin but no tinman wanted him here so he mite get a first team role ranting.gif

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