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I am not ALWAYS in favour of such campaigns. The England World Cup 2006 bid for example was a disaster from start to finish. However, I'm certainly in favour of London's bid for the Olympics. It would be a great thing for the country and for London. The investment put into hosting the Olympics would surely have great knock-on effects for London's transport infrastructure and the economy generally. Having said that, I think Paris have the best case for staging the Games and the Olympic committee tend to favour those cities where excellent transport links are ALREADY in place.

Does anyone remember the last time Britain staged the Games?


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London last hosted the games in 1948. That time round they were an astonishing success, especially as they were the first games after World War 2.

I'm not convinved that Paris has the best case for the olympics at all. Their tactic all along has been to outline how great a cultural city Paris is. Now, i wouldn't dispute this, but what has it got to do with sport? Absolutely nothing.

I saw Seb Coe this morning speaking with some forthright conviction about the long-term impact on young people's participation in sport and the positive impact on community development, ideas ignored by the French delegation. Hopefully, the IOC will see investment in the future as more important than matters of national pride and cultural heritage.

Also, London's fate won't be decided at 12:46. All that will happen is that Moscow will be eliminated from the voting and it will go to a second round.

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Guest MaloneFM

don't care.

London will look great. They will be putting up more cheap flats and house in London. And selling them for a packet in London. The whole country will get a boost by being able to watch it on the telly.

Step forward Lord Coe CBE MBE and whatever he gets thrown at him for pulling it off.

Tourists will flock to...London.

Its an expensive ass kissing exercise for something none of us will be able to get tickets to. Maybe the winners of competitions organised by Sony. But not even Londoners.

Hands up all those who had a hope in hell of seeing any of the Euro 96 games let alone the final? Same thing.

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Guest Tactical Genius
Hands up all those who had a hope in hell of seeing any of the Euro 96 games let alone the final? Same thing.

Some of us went to plenty of Euro 96 games. Including England games and the final.

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Guest MaloneFM
hopefully ill be able to afford to go there by that time ill be 20 praying smiley.gif

Hopefull you all still be excited when the £2000 each we all have to pay allows us to watch it on the telly with the rest of the world.

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Fantastic News. Can't wait. City in the premiership by then also.

And a resurection for the Millenium Dome - The country has had no idea what to do with this place for years... They do now!! Basketball.!!

Is it true also Paris' bid was affected by a debacle re their Live Aid organisation. Was it moved to another location outside of the city. Or did i dream this ??

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Guest MaloneFM

No body actually knows but everyone is happy that we have beaten the French.

Nice to know the Olympic spirit has arrived in the right place aint it? George Bush is 59 today and he hates the French as well.

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Guest MaloneFM

Heard worse usually involving medical terms and the word 'Faustus'.

But as long as you are caught up in the big parade. Well done!

Just look out for the elephant shiite that will follow as soon as you realise how much its all going to cost. That none of it is ready yet. And that it will stand empty like the Dome unitl it gets sold and flattened for stupidly high priced carboard houses.

Your £2000 and mine all gone.

Oh..and ALL of it in London.

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Oh..and ALL of it in London.

Surprised at such a mistaken statement coming from the Voice of Sport!

Not all of the Olympics will be in London at all, some events will be held in Glasgow, Manchester and Weymouth (sailing). There is also the possibility hockey will be played at Milton Keynes.

Your point in raising the Dome is a very timely one, however. This was supposed to be a key part in the regeneration of East London but is now sitting empty. Perhaps it could be converted into an indoor sports arena in time for the Olympics.

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Hopefull you all still be excited when the £2000 each we all have to pay allows us to watch it on the telly with the rest of the world.

I would love to know how it is going to cost us £2000, because it isn't. I am pretty sure that around 9.6 million tickets will be sold, for all competitions, and they expect a 82% overall ticket sales, and the vast majority of tickets will be under £50. I don't really see what the problem is with that dunno.gif

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