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City Confirm Lita Talks With Reading

Tim S

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Ok - thats not true - But I wish they would tell us SOMETHING!

I'm getting fed up on coming on here everyday to see a differerent rumor about Lita....

Is he going or isnt he?

Are Reading going to bid or arnet they?

Is Goater part of a possible swap deal?

Are Aston Villa actually interested?

Are Burnley serious contenders?

Does Lita actually want to stay with City and sign a new contract?

I can apprechiate that maybe City don't quite know themselves about whats going on, but I wish there would be some sort of official statement to say that on the website. I know that Steve Landsdown had some quotes in the WDP the other day, but why nothing on the website about it if it was really from him? I'm getting used to not quite trusting what the WDP or EP say becuase so much of it never turns out to be true!

So come on City - at least tell us SOMETHING! I'm just getting bored and frustrated by all these rumors on here!!!!!!!!

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Guest WillsbridgeRed

But Steve L has already come out and said he's not going unless there is a sizeable bid.

What more can he say on the matter?

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I'm thoroughly tired of the "will he stay or will he go" question.

All this uncertainty isn't helping the club.

I want him to stay because I genuinely think he is one of the most exciting talents we have seen for a long time, but I'm resigned to the fact that we're going to lose him. What makes it worse is that the whole saga has been so long and drawn out.

The lack of information from the club has also been very unhelpful. Surely they should keep fans updated even on possible developments.

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I'm thoroughly tired of the "will he stay or will he go" question.

I can just picture Leroy driving round in his car with the sound system up loud with that song from the old wrigleys chewing gum adverts.... "Should I stay or should I go" dum dum dum de de dah dah........ dance.gif

Taxi for one please.......

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I said to my dad a few weeks back he is going to go, and i sincerely think he will. In the last week we have heard that he doesnt want to play for the club and that landsdown 'hopes he stays'. Not sure bout anyone else but i thought that the Evening Post were almost sounding his name to clubs? Could this be a ploy by the club to cash in, when it is looking certain he wont sign a new deal!?

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I can just picture Leroy driving round in his car with the sound system up loud with that song from the old wrigleys chewing gum adverts.... "Should I stay or should I go" dum dum dum de de dah dah........ dance.gif

Taxi for one please.......

I was thinking the same myself. smile.gif

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Guest roejowland
I can just picture Leroy driving round in his car with the sound system up loud with that song from the old wrigleys chewing gum adverts.... "Should I stay or should I go" dum dum dum de de dah dah........ dance.gif

Taxi for one please.......

goal difference 1 but i don't think he can drive, also that song sucks

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In the last week we have heard that he doesnt want to play for the club

Not from any official source.....I have heard offical comment that he has aspirations to play for a Premiership side and that unless a sizeable bid comes in he is not going anywhere. That says to me that they are willing to take the risk of him helping us get promoted as opposed to cashing in now, if that were the case he would of gone already....if he wanted to move to the buying club, IMO i think he would rather give it 6 more months with us, see how promotion is looking then decide if he wants to jump ship.

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I have to be honest in thinking if I were Leroy I would see it as one of two options.....

a) If Reading come in for him, go and cash in one what is bound to be a huge wage increase and playing at a higher level, with a CHANCE to get into the Premiership with Reading.

b) Stay at City, even just for the short term. Have another blinding season and bang in the goals at a level he knows he can, then after maybe 6 months, a bigger Premiership team rather than a championship team might come in for him, offerering bigger money than Reading would, and a leap into the Premiership.

So in the long term, staying at City might actually be better for him rather than the quick fix of the wage increase at Reading. And as for City, well, I would rather his goals helped get us promoted and get less money for him in the end rather than loose him and we don't quite get the goals to get us up. Think about it - the money we would get for Leroy would not be anywhere near the money we would get from gaining promotion.

And anyway - Leroy hasnt done too bad under Tinnion, I think he owes it to Tins and the fans who have stuck by him to give us a go for one more season at least. Either way, Leroy WILL end up leaving us for the bright lights of the Premiership, its just will it be now.... or later.

Leroy, the choice is yours.

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I said to my dad a few weeks back he is going to go, and i sincerely think he will. In the last week we have heard that he doesnt want to play for the club and that landsdown 'hopes he stays'. Not sure bout anyone else but i thought that the Evening Post were almost sounding his name to clubs? Could this be a ploy by the club to cash in, when it is looking certain he wont sign a new deal!?

When did he say he didn't want to play for the club? I must have missed that!

Likewise to a couple of other reply's to this thread though... sick of the waiting game...

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Guest ashleygent_cityfan_05

if lita goes i reckon we still got the amazing strikeforce to own league one so he can go we need the money.

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will you stop this nonesense now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


quote from leroy lita himself -

"I am a Bristol City player and that's how I expect it to stay.

"I expect to be here when the season starts and all my focus is on getting a good pre-season under my belt.

"Having a player of Marcus's experience here will be a help to all the players and I want to learn from him.

"I'm sure I could play alongside him. He has great touch and the knowledge that comes from playing at top level."

and as for goater coming back, i say reading can keep goater and their money as lita is not going to join you lot if he has any sense because if he signs for reading then he would be making a BIG mistake in his potential great football career.

i reckon leory should stay at city this season and if city don't get promoted then he could leave the club if he wants to.

but if he is STUPID enough to leave the club now then i for one won't welcome him back just like i won't welcome back anyinsah or rosenior who are money grabber selfish buggers

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you think if Lita was staying he'd be in that picture instead of Golbourne or Brooker seeing as he was our top scorer and such... Lita must be going

But he is - he's the one in the middle but you don't recognise him 'cause he's wearing that red & white wig and has too much make up.

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Guest Royal Ian

City confirm talks with Reading. It's sounds true to me.


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10:34 - 07 July 2005

Bristol City chairman Steve Lansdown said last night he expected talks to continue with Reading over Leroy Lita. The Royals have spoken to the Ashton Gate club about a £1million move for the Congo-born striker with former Robins forward Shaun Goater's name put forward as a possible make-weight in the deal.

However, City are unlikely to be particularly keen on a 35-year-old who barely featured for Reading last season.

He did not play in the latter half of the campaign because a clause in his contract means a further appearance would oblige the Berkshire to pay his former club Manchester City £50,000.

Lansdown, who remains reluctant to let Lita go, said: "We have had conversations with Reading and we would expect them to continue."

Lita has one year left on his contract and the club are also anxious not to lose him for a small fee in June 2006.

If Lita does go there appears to be no guarantee that City boss Brian Tinnion would be able to spend the money generated.


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I think its about time we took a gamble and rejected Readings offer.

If we had rejected their bid for Murray two seasons ago, he could well have kept up his form of 2002-03 into the next season and given us the goals to take us into the Championship...As it was, the inability to hit the back of the net often enough saw us miss out again. And boy, did we miss him that season!

don't make the same mistake again Mr Landsdowne! Tell Reading where to stick it. 700k? Promotion would be worth much more than that. We have a great team now, lets keep it together.

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I,m sure talks will continue later this afternoon, It could be over by Friday.

This does,nt really seem that important though today after what has happened in the capital and i,m sure all our thoughts are with the families of those caught up in this deverstation !

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don't make the same mistake again Mr Landsdowne! Tell Reading where to stick it. 700k? Promotion would be worth much more than that. We have a great team now, lets keep it together.

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Guest Royal Ian

Sounding promising from our view. To follow up the signing of a top young keeper like Stack with this would be superb for us. Starting to get a bit of confidence now about next season. Our problem has been scoring goals and with Kitson and Lita that would surely stop. Would also imo be the best strikeforce outside the Premiership.

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