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Guest Simonty
to be honest... libertines, babyshambles and razorlight all sound the same

Nice, I might have to listen to them then because I like razorlight they are a good band (even though they go over the top sometimes when live)! smile.gif

I've never heard Babyshambles before, but my friend is going to see them because she is a big fan.

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Has anyone actually heard there music? and not just killamangiro if not then there is not much in making silly comments. Listen to The Libertines albums and some other tracks by The Babyshambles and judge him by his music. He may do drugs, but didnt bands like the Beatles, Nirvana and Oasis all write there best music whilst under the influence of drugs?

Lots of people do drugs, it's no excuse for being a complete arsehole though, he's a legend in his own mind and I'm bored of reading about him in the paper, it's all been done sooooooo many times before


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Guest maestro

$hit, saw them at reading. Would rather watch paint dry

spot on i know were both replying to an ancient post , but some of the comments are nonsensical, ok if you do not like a person/band but u must be able to see the talent in idols (which is what kurt cobain is love him or hate him) anyway libertines/babyshambles and nirvana ar 3 of my favourite bands no that I'm biast :D

HAHAHAHAHA Bush were awful!!!!!!!, Had as much talent as Christian Roberts left ass cheek

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Some people on this thread are so far up their arses its untrue!

So what if Doherty takes drugs, sells his body and assualts members of the press?? Thats up to him, it's the music I'm more interested in.

Besides, if we're getting all high and mighty then why don't we denounce Mick Jagger, Keith Moon and just about every other rock icon from since time began.

In my opinion Doherty is a hero, not because he takes drugs but because he's got the balls to stand up and be accounted for and his music tells it like it is.

I would suggest certain people on this thread actually go and listen to Libertines two brilliant albums and also try and get hold of some of the new Shambles stuff.

In my opinion songs that I hope will appear on the new album like 'Gang of gin' and 'the man who came to stay' are genius...

They're playing Cardiff in a couple of weeks and I'm very tempted to go, only thing being they're charging £17.50 a ticket. A lot of money considering they haven't even released an album...sadly Doherty probably needs the dough to fuel his drug habit.

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They're playing Cardiff in a couple of weeks and I'm very tempted to go, only thing being they're charging £17.50 a ticket. A lot of money considering they haven't even released an album...sadly Doherty probably needs the dough to fuel his drug habit.

MIght be worth it if

a) he turns up on time

b) he turns up

c) he manages more than 10 minutes without getting bored.

I'm not sure how you can desribe the guy as a 'hero'. I think he gets too much abuse off the media and who cares if he takes drugs etc- he can do what he want but he doesn't even respect his own fans enough to play gigs when they have travelled miles and paid good money.

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Guest bcfc beno

just got bakc from the academy , pete defanatly turned up and didnt seem in bad nick vocals were clear and the band were realy tight which was good!and yours truley got petes grey lacoste t shirt when he chucked it in the crowd!!!!!!ps. did anyone here go and if so who was the first band which played-- olypic mungs or sumat???


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