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Board Lacking Ambition...


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I think this shows the board don't have the same kind of ambition as the fans here. This is something like the 4th or 5th season ina row we have sold our top scorer.

The stupid thing is aswell its probably only 800k with Leroy in the team will will get more than that by getting promoted doh.gif

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Whats the point of keeping a player who clearly wants to go just as all the others did.

The reality is that City are a small club and make a huge loss every year.Its unavoidable that the club have to sell players at a profit whenever they can.

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Whats the point of keeping a player who clearly wants to go  just as all the others did.

The reality is that City are a small club and make a huge loss every year.Its unavoidable that the club have to sell players at a profit whenever they can.

Absolutely Alan. We are a selling club, whether we like it or not.

They only way to keep players of leroy's standard is to attain promotion to The Championship.

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Guest Royal Ian

Have you actually considered that your club did everything possible to keep him and that Lita just wanted to move on? If the player didn't want to sign his new deal what do you think the board should do? Once that has happened and there is an interested party they have got to negotiate the best deal for your club otherwise he leaves for nothing. You can't take the gamble of we might go up this year because seriously how long have you been saying that?

You either take the offer now which I bet is a good offer of near or equal to seven figures or you get nothing next season like Wigan will get with Ellington!

This is more than likely not your boards fault and just Lita wanting to play at a higher level and who can blame him. I would say exactly the same if we sold Sidwell for a fair price to a Premiership club. i would be disappointed that he is leaving but wish him well and understand his decision (thankfully it's not happening!).

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Guest WillsbridgeRed

The reality is that City are a small club

Yes, and getting smaller as the present directors set a course for oblivion with failed plans and lack of capital to do much more than stave of the inevitable.

The chairmans priority should be to find a buyer for this football club because the more we seem to struggl the more we seem to slip into the quicksand.

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Whats the point of keeping a player who clearly wants to go  just as all the others did.

The reality is that City are a small club and make a huge loss every year.Its unavoidable that the club have to sell players at a profit whenever they can.

What a total load of B0110X.

With a little ambition & drive this club should be a pernament fixture in the Championship & pushing for Premiership.

44,000 fans take a trip to Cardiff, the potential at Ashton Gate is huge.

Fans have the deisre.

Does it lie elsewhere?

Just look at some of the teams - Preston,Reading,Stoke,Ipswich,Norwich etc etc etc etc etc etc.

City are a small club - GET REAL

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Whats the point of keeping a player who clearly wants to go  just as all the others did.

The reality is that City are a small club and make a huge loss every year.Its unavoidable that the club have to sell players at a profit whenever they can.

yep, and thats a fantastic attitude to have, Loads of clubs that think this way gain promotion don't they?

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My immediate reaction at the news was one of real disappointment and frustration at the City board for once again selling the player most capable of getting us promoted. However I will reserve judgement until I hear a statement from the board and player.

If their hands were completely tied, then we have to be realistic. However if we are just cashing in then it is short sightedness, as promotion would net us more than the Lita money.

Big shame and why on earth did we sell Heffernan?

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What a total load of B0110X.

With a little ambition & drive this club should be a pernament fixture in the Championship & pushing for Premiership.

44,000 fans take a trip to Cardiff, the potential at Ashton Gate is huge.

Fans have the deisre.

Does it lie elsewhere?

Just look at some of the teams - Preston,Reading,Stoke,Ipswich,Norwich etc etc etc etc etc etc.

City are a small club - GET REAL

Flipping heck RichieB.......... it's not like you to rant ohmy.gifbiggrin.gif

The thought of our club being able to retain anyone who shows some flair and is worth the punt....... is still beyond us though, at present sad.gif ????

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Guest Royal Ian
What a total load of B0110X.

With a little ambition & drive this club should be a pernament fixture in the Championship & pushing for Premiership.

44,000 fans take a trip to Cardiff, the potential at Ashton Gate is huge.

Fans have the deisre.

Does it lie elsewhere?

Just look at some of the teams - Preston,Reading,Stoke,Ipswich,Norwich etc etc etc etc etc etc.

City are a small club - GET REAL

I don't understand your post? Do you mean to say that because you took 44,000 'fans' probably 20,000 of them have never seen Bristol City before to a ground about 15 miles away those other clubs wouldn't? Reading took 33,000 to Wembley in 95 and our full allocation of around 40,000 to Cardiff in 2001 and around 40,000 to Wembley for the Simod Cup in 1988. Reading's average attendance last season was over 17,000 with 7 crowds of 20,000+. Our club is a growing, ambitious club and when you consider we have no real history we are doing alright.

Only Preston on that list you have put up i would consider 'probably' to be smaller than Bristol City. The difference is they are in the Championship and you are not. If you got there then you would definitely be on a par with Preston, Stoke, and ourselves.

Not just about ambition, you have to have a good manager able to motivate players and pick up good players at the right time. We signed Nicky Shorey from Leyton Orient for £25,000, Adie Viveash on a free transfer and a certain Jamie Cureton for £250,000. 3 of the main reasons we got promoted when we did. Wasn't down to ambition but good management.

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Flipping heck RichieB.......... it's not like you to rant  ohmy.gif  biggrin.gif

The thought of our club being able to retain anyone who shows some flair and is worth the punt....... is still beyond us though, at present sad.gif  ????

DC, it must be the weather !!

I am totally p1$$ed off with certain fans being content with lower division footy.

Yes, I know where we are & I know that players have certain price tags.

But all I see are teams that should be trailing in our wake, take on our players.

We all remember Reading, Stoke etc - in the same divisions, with old grounds.

Now teams like Wigan Plymouth etc etc - push on with new grounds & restructured grounds.

We struggle to hold onto key players,we appoint managers that no other teams would think about & we stall on any new ground development.

And all with the envy that we have 4 Directors who are in the Soccer rich-list.

Now tell me - where has it gone wrong ????


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It's pointless using the argument of LITA being out of contract next year therefore he had to be sold in defending the board.

The simple truth is a promising player like him should have been given a longer contract ( three years would have been ideal) in the first place!!!

We will have the same problem with COTTERILL and SKUSE and have just lost anyinsah the same way!! We could also have lost HILL for nothing if he hadn't done the decent thing and signed a years contract when he was free to leave!!

If we are going to spend large amounts on an academy then the assets need to be protected!!

If the coaching staff cant identify the genuine good prospects then they are in the wrong job!!

No one could have predicted what a great season LITA would have last year but we could all recognise the raw talent he had... A TWO YEAR CONTRACT WAS SIMPLY NOT ENOUGH.........unless of course certain people don't mind cashing in every year!!!!

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Whats the point of keeping a player who clearly wants to go  just as all the others did.

The reality is that City are a small club and make a huge loss every year.Its unavoidable that the club have to sell players at a profit whenever they can.

Only partly agree, I'm afraid.

If he wants to go, then absolutely, he should go. However, I'm not convinced he does. Lets wait and see what he says and what (under the influence of his puffed up arrogant agent) he does.

Dead right on the second point though. While we are in this poxy division, we are a small club and the board had to take a judgement - on the basis of one good season and with Cotterill, Stewart, Brooker, Gillespie and Murray, do we have enough back up to be able to 'risk' losing out on around £750K? With a heavy heart, I'd say yes we do.

Thanks Leroy, see you in 2006-07

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Guest Royal Ian
If we were in your position we would have much more than that

All ifs and buts. When we were in the same league as you our attendances were higher than yours.

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The board lack Ambition!!

That was some thing you never heard from leeds fans

when Risdale was in charge

Or a few years ago from Cardiff fans when old sammy took over

Give our board a break

There is ambition & stupidity.

The boards 'loans' have kept this club afloat.

But being rich individuals & each having good business heads, you would have thought that they would have known better with certain appts made.

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