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Did You Fall For It?

Yate Red

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Can't believe so may people fell for the carrot of the new stand and the signing of stewart to renew their season tickets!!!

I for one stuck to my guns (although tempted when reduced capacity was talked about) but then I came to my senses and realisticaly thought about it!! How many times a year do we sell more than 15,000 tickets and average 12,000 that leaves 3,000 tickets for me!

Then stewart signing was good but he's getting on a bit, but playing with Lita with Brooker as backup I thought fantastic (again the temptation nearly got to me)!!!

Then today my decision has been justified with the selling of Lita for an UNDISCLOSSED fee!! (Why all the secracy).

A club going places we aren't and all my pre season optimism seems to be draining away as we let a hot tallent leave the gate for that massive club Reading, and announce delays to the re-development!

Yet again City take one step forard and two back and I find it hard to belive anything that comes from the club anymore.

I so hope I am proven wrong this season and clammer to buy my half season ticket at christmas and then look from my seat to see a new stand rising up from the old East end, but hand on heart I just can't see it!!!


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Can't believe so may people fell for the carrot of the new stand and the signing of stewart to renew their season tickets!!!

I for one stuck to my guns (although tempted when reduced capacity was talked about) but then I came to my senses and realisticaly thought about it!! How many times a year do we sell more than 15,000 tickets and average 12,000 that leaves 3,000 tickets for me!

Then stewart signing was good but he's getting on a bit, but playing with Lita with Brooker as backup I thought fantastic (again the temptation nearly got to me)!!!

Then today my decision has been justified with the selling of Lita for an UNDISCLOSSED fee!! (Why all the secracy).

A club going places we aren't and all my pre season  optimism seems to be draining away as we let a hot tallent leave the gate for that massive club Reading, and announce delays to the re-development!

Yet again City take one step forard and two back and I find it hard to belive anything that comes from the club anymore.

I so hope I am proven wrong this season and clammer to buy my half season ticket at christmas and then look from my seat to see a new stand rising up from the old East end, but hand on heart I just can't see it!!!


The man has a point.

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chant6ez.gif Summed up in 1....fair play mate someone that see's this the same way as me.

I have accused people in the past of having no optimism....but today mine is draining away with yours. Same old City...sell our best players after promising not to. As for the satnd....how can anyone every believe anything Mr Slimeball Sexton ever says again....how much rubbish does this bloke spout ?????

I'm sure we'll get bombarded by the 'true' City fans now (I've only being a supporter 33 years...!!!!) saying we should stay behind the club...well wake up boys and smell the coffee....you've all been conned....AGAIN..!!


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I didn't fall for anything

I would have still renewed my season ticket if we'd lost all our players & moved to the downs.

My support for City is unconditional


Same for me except there was 1 condition; that being the badge issue.

Once that went away, it was game on! chant6ez.gif

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Guest Were dreamers
Can't believe so may people fell for the carrot of the new stand and the signing of stewart to renew their season tickets!!!

I for one stuck to my guns (although tempted when reduced capacity was talked about) but then I came to my senses and realisticaly thought about it!! How many times a year do we sell more than 15,000 tickets and average 12,000 that leaves 3,000 tickets for me!

Then stewart signing was good but he's getting on a bit, but playing with Lita with Brooker as backup I thought fantastic (again the temptation nearly got to me)!!!

Then today my decision has been justified with the selling of Lita for an UNDISCLOSSED fee!! (Why all the secracy).

A club going places we aren't and all my pre season  optimism seems to be draining away as we let a hot tallent leave the gate for that massive club Reading, and announce delays to the re-development!

Yet again City take one step forard and two back and I find it hard to belive anything that comes from the club anymore.

I so hope I am proven wrong this season and clammer to buy my half season ticket at christmas and then look from my seat to see a new stand rising up from the old East end, but hand on heart I just can't see it!!!



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Can't believe so may people fell for the carrot of the new stand and the signing of stewart to renew their season tickets!!!

I for one stuck to my guns (although tempted when reduced capacity was talked about) but then I came to my senses and realisticaly thought about it!! How many times a year do we sell more than 15,000 tickets and average 12,000 that leaves 3,000 tickets for me!

Then stewart signing was good but he's getting on a bit, but playing with Lita with Brooker as backup I thought fantastic (again the temptation nearly got to me)!!!

Then today my decision has been justified with the selling of Lita for an UNDISCLOSSED fee!! (Why all the secracy).

A club going places we aren't and all my pre season  optimism seems to be draining away as we let a hot tallent leave the gate for that massive club Reading, and announce delays to the re-development!

Yet again City take one step forard and two back and I find it hard to belive anything that comes from the club anymore.

I so hope I am proven wrong this season and clammer to buy my half season ticket at christmas and then look from my seat to see a new stand rising up from the old East end, but hand on heart I just can't see it!!!


Typical Yate Red (or should it be Yate Blue?) We hear nothing from him/her for ages when City are signing players but at the first sign of something to whinge about they are back witha vengence.A diatribe of vitriol with no other purpose than to slag of the club they supposedly "support". As I said to one of your cohort's last night - Cheerio.

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I fell for nothing. I support City through thick and thin. I buy a season ticket every year. I don't need the promise of a new stand to tempt me.

Stewart signing was good news. Lita going is disappointing news, tempered by the knowledge he's going for a fair fee and he could walk away for nothing a year from now. Simple as that. But my support depended on neither of them because the club is bigger than either of them.

But if Stewart had never come, Lita had gone and we'd signed no-one new I'd still be buying a season ticket for one reason alone: I'm a Bristol City fan and I enjoy watching Bristol City play.

Call me a masochist, but it's true. And actually, I am still filled with plenty of hope for the coming season.

If your decision to buy a season ticket really does depend on whether a new stand is built, I find that rather weird. It's a free world and it's up to you how to spend your money, If City don't tempt you to shell out, then fine. I'm sure we'll be able to get behind the lads despite the loss.

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Sorry Nobby Red but didn't say I was going anywhere!!

And for info I think you will find some very possitive posts from me on backing Tins and the good signings of Stewart, Smith, Russel and hopefully another centre back, but these were meant to be additons to the squad and the likes of Lita are very important!

I'm just glad I didn't renew and I would like to point out my last few lines of my post and hope this is the case!! I want BCFC to be up at the top of the Championship but we never seem to make any progress and when we seem to be getting somewhere it all goes slightly off track?!

Nobby Red I commend your support but don't question mine, with cheap digs and the forum is to express opinion, it seems if it doesn't fall in line with yours lets resort to childish slagging off!!


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You criticise him for childish slagging off and in the same sentence call him "Nobby Red".

The ironing is delicious.

Sorry Gazreth I seemd to be dragged down to Robboreds level for one moment! razz.gif

Just grates me he doesn't seem to start posts justs waits to jump in and dismiss peoples opinions no matter what the subject and he thinks I'm negative!!

And then sinks to the depths of implying I'm a Darkside supporter!! Sorry the line has to be drawn somewhere!!!!! ranting.gif

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All these negative posts have suddenly come to the fore now that Lita is talking over a move to Reading.

Dress it up however much you like, that is what all this outpouring of rubbish is down to - not just this post, but dozens of ill-informed others.

Lita leaving will have little effect on the team, the delays in construction are to be expected given the circumstances, and the squad has been sensibly strengthened - and hopefully will continue to be strengthened in the coming weeks.

Tinnion and the board have had a great pre-season so far by getting shot of some deadwood and some who just wanted to go on to bigger and better things, replacing them and getting money in at the same time.

Did I fall for it ?  Fall for what ?  Lies, deceit, mis-information or what ?

This is the best pre-season I can remember for a long time.

You'll be accussed of being "in Robbored's camp" next!

Amen to the gist of your post - spot on.

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All these negative posts have suddenly come to the fore now that Lita is talking over a move to Reading.

Dress it up however much you like, that is what all this outpouring of rubbish is down to - not just this post, but dozens of ill-informed others.

Why am i ill- informed?

Lita leaving will have little effect on the team, the delays in construction are to be expected given the circumstances, and the squad has been sensibly strengthened - and hopefully will continue to be strengthened in the coming weeks.

If delays are to be expected then so will costs and why be so public about the stand if little things like planning permission, funding and tenders haven't even been agrred? This resulted in ticket price increases and people moving seats!!!!!

Tinnion and the board have had a great pre-season so far by getting shot of some deadwood and some who just wanted to go on to bigger and better things, replacing them and getting money in at the same time.

Did I fall for it ?  Fall for what ?  Lies, deceit, mis-information or what ?

Fell for all the hype about the stand, reduced attendancies and keeping Leroy? 

This is the best pre-season I can remember for a long time.

For what reasons?

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I totally agree with you again Yate Red - Robbored and Cynic - you have your points of view and I appreciate them....but don't you feel we also have ours ? Instead of just slagging us off and calling us pesimists, why not appreciate our points of views as well. I also agree that it has been excellent pre-season until now and the timing leaves a lot to be desired with regards announcing the stand being delayed.

We all want the best for City but Yate Red has a very valid point however you look at it....the directors have encouraged everyone to buy Season tickets knowing full well the stand was not going to get built and also expecting Lita to go (as did most of us to be fair) but still told us he was going nowhere.

Maybe I'll change my mind if we go and buy a good replacement, but I can't see much money being spent.

We'll shortly have 3 strikers left at the club and with the restrictions of transfers next season, Tins is going to need to do something .....and fast.

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If you read the statement of the main site you'll see that its Bristol City Council not Bristol City FC that have been "delayed".

Nothing suprising there....

Just keeping lapping it all up Robbored. CS must love those like you.

If for arguments sake the stand doesn't start this season (as I suspect), and if I'm correct in saying, you have paid a little extra for your Dolman ST due to the reduction in capacity.

Will you question it? or just accept it?

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It has undoubtedly been a disapointing couple of days for City. Having said that, we have a good attack partnership, potentially the best in the league. We have a reasonable midfield but need to sort out the defence still. I think Tinnion should be looking to buy a new CB, another forward(which he has stated) and a left winger. He has until the end of august- though it would be better to buy in the next month obviously. We still have a good crop of youngsters bar Anyinsah of course. There is optimistic points and negative ones. I still feel we have the squad to be top 6 and hope we add to it. Even if we went down I would renew my season ticket. This is BCFC- my team.

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Are you suggesting that we are being deliberately misled by Sexstone? and that the statement on the mainsite is not to be believed?

I am highlighting that the statement made does not say it is entirely down to Bristol City Council. You choose to use the bits you want to and ignore the full facts. CS admits funding is not in place either.

The only thing they have managed to do is take more cash off the supporters in the shape of buy a brick and debentures, strangely they can get that bit right, without delay? How is that, practice makes perfect I suppose.

If you read the statement of the main site you'll see that its Bristol City Council not Bristol City FC that have been "delayed".

Nothing suprising there....

Now if you'd be so kind to answer my question?

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It doesn't matter when money for debentures and/or bricks is forthcoming.I assume it all goes into the stand fund and will stay there accumilating interest untill its needed. Organsing such fund raising "in house" intiatives is childs play compared to the very complex planning that goes with a £6m project that relies heavily on external organisations "doing there bit" on schedule.

It seems like the council are dragging their feet and as I said before - "no suprise there".

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It doesn't matter when money for debentures and/or bricks is forthcoming.I assume it all goes into the stand fund and will stay there accumilating interest untill its needed. Organsing such fund raising "in house" intiatives is childs play compared to the very complex planning that goes with a £6m project that relies heavily on external organisations "doing there bit" on schedule.

It seems like the council are dragging their feet and as I said before - "no suprise there".

Before I scrolled down to read your reply, I asked myself I wonder if he sidesteps my question. You didn't dissapoint.

If for arguments sake the stand doesn't start this season (as I suspect), and if I'm correct in saying, you have paid a little extra for your Dolman ST due to the reduction in capacity.

Will you question it? or just accept it?

My question has nothing to do with bricks or debentures.

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Will you question it? or just accept it?

It doesn't matter when money for debentures and/or bricks is forthcoming.I assume it all goes into the stand fund and will stay there accumilating interest untill its needed. Organsing such fund raising "in house" intiatives is childs play compared to the very complex planning that goes with a £6m project that relies heavily on external organisations "doing there bit" on schedule.

I took that to be his reply; i.e. he won't question it because he sees that the money will be going to the stand project even if the stand isn't being built on schedule.

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I think that is exactly what this thread is all about - there are some who are saying that the club are deliberately misleading supporters to get them to part with their dosh.

"did you fall for it" is the title of the thread which suggests the club, in some way, has dishonestly extracted funds from it's supporter base.

Or have I got it wrong ?

Spot on Cynic, although I believe LL is good business for the club, the board & certainly 2 first team players (who I personally had the pleasure of a very surprisingly open chat with) were aware that Leroy was going at least 2 weeks ago but wanted to keep it under wraps as season ticket sales were slightly behind target.

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I took that to be his reply; i.e. he won't question it because he sees that the money will be going to the stand project even if the stand isn't being built on schedule.

Robbo is side stepping the question!!!

Its not about debenture or bricks its about season tickets sales, this money will go to the club not the stand funds! Robbo must be happy to part with extra cash under the guise of a new stand and reduced capacity!!

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Before I scrolled down to read your reply, I asked myself I wonder if he sidesteps my question. You didn't dissapoint.

My question has nothing to do with bricks or debentures.

I forgot to add increased Dolman stand season tickets to "bricks and debentures" but my point remains the same although you don't seemingly get it.That is that any money raised will go into the stand fund for use whenever that maybe.

I did question the unbalanced approach to in the increase in Dolman ST's when it was first announced and posted a thread on the subject.In my view all the Dolman seats should have gone up pro rata and not just an increase in the red seats.

That imo is taking advantage of your most loyal supporters.

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