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I Love Bristol City!

Frank Reynolds

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I think that with Danny Wilson's team, and Brian Tinnion's managership (firgetting about last season when I was a bit of a critic) we would have gone up.

Best of luck to Tommy, Leroy, Matt, Aaron, Joe and the rest, but lets get behind the lads properly this season. I loved all of those guys, but we have to look to the future now.

Next year is our year, I can feel it. Marcus and Steve Brooker will do summat special for us, so lets forget about the past and look to the future.

We should be looking to the Championship and beyond now, if Wigan can do it why can't we? Money is obviously an issue, but so is the players, manager and team spirit, and now we have some of the best.

So, COME ON YOU REDS!!!!!!! city.gifcity.gifcity.gif

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Au contraire, I believe that many of the problems last season came because of Wilson's old players not getting on with Tinnion and his new vanguard. Getting rid of the likes of Doherty should help morale and Tinnion seems to be doing a good job with the team spirit and confidence pre-season city.gif

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Wigan are not Bristol City.

It was inevitable they would get into the Premiership at some point because of the vast sums of money the chairman has ploughed into them. And spent wisely by the manager. Admittedly, in relation to the money the likes of Chelsea, Manchester United, Liverpool et al spend this is small fry, but compared our own club Wigan are filthy rich.

Can you see Tins being allowed the same money or freedom in the transfer market? I don't think so.

That being said, City can still be successful this season and I am cautiously optimistic. But with limited financial support and having sold some key members of last year's squad, it's going to be particularly difficult for Tinnion. I'm not underestimating his abilities, but he will need to use his motivation and personnel management skills effectively to get us out of this division.

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Guest BeNeRz
I think that with Danny Wilson's team, and Brian Tinnion's managership (firgetting about last season when I was a bit of a critic) we would have gone up.

Best of luck to Tommy, Leroy, Matt, Aaron, Joe and the rest, but lets get behind the lads properly this season. I loved all of those guys, but we have to look to the future now.

Next year is our year, I can feel it. Marcus and Steve Brooker will do summat special for us, so lets forget about the past and look to the future.

We should be looking to the Championship and beyond now, if Wigan can do it why can't we? Money is obviously an issue, but so is the players, manager and team spirit, and now we have some of the best.

So, COME ON YOU REDS!!!!!!! city.gif  city.gif  city.gif

We need more of these people!

And City may not have the money but they have the support, well have some support as half of the people on here just have digs at SL and BT, but its our year next season, bring on league one i say!


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We need more of these people!

And City may not have the money but they have the support, well have some support as half of the people on here just have digs at SL and BT, but its our year next season, bring on league one i say!


You're right, of course.

I'm not having a go at anyone and I think you can search in vain for a post by me having cheap digs. I have the utmost respect for our manager and I believe he has the qualities the team needs. All I'm saying is there are reasons for Wigan's success and they can not be replicated at Bristol City, regardless of Tins' capabilities.

As people have rightly said, our success this season will not come from waving cheque books around - it will come from effective management and collective team spirit. We probably also need more depth to the squad but if we have a good start and Tins can maintain morale and motivation I think we can look forward to Championship football next season.

We don't have the budgets of other teams and this means that the manager's role is fundamentally more important in securing promotion. For this reason it is vital to get behind him and the team from day one.

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Guest BeNeRz

I agree with that,

But i don't think that its all about money, look at luton, there a club that hasnt spen hardly anything, they stormed this league at the top, But hull spent quite alot and only came second...

money isnt the issue its the manger and the players and the fans!

Lets get some more positive comments around the forum.


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money isnt the issue its the manger and the players and the fans!

Lets get some more positive comments around the forum.


I can agree with that! smile.gif

And I also think we have good reason to be positive!

If we are promoted at the end of the season it will be down to the management team and how well they manage the squad.

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