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Very Good Squad...


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I think we have a very good squad......... but theres always room for improvement.....

Who would you say is the weak links in the squad?

I'd say Louis Carey & Bradley Orr. Louis is not very good going forward and we need full backs who can get forward and be effective especially at home. Bradley Orr trys his best and and does alot of running..... but what else does he do?

I'm also unsure about Jamie Smith & Clayton Fortune..

your thoughts?

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Guest I bleed red 'n' white

louis carey is a superb right back but i agree that fortune is weak as is orr but lets be honest they are behind in their pecking order

CB: heywood, partridge, keough, carey, FORTUNE

CM: wilkshire, russell, brown, skuse, ORR

but i am a jamie smith fan i love to see some aggression and with tommy gone him and brown will be the players who will add the aggression though IMO smith shouldn't start

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When Murray scored 26 goals in a season it was Carey that played behind him and got forward at to support him at every opportunity.

To say Carey "is not very good going forward " is simply wrong.

On paper the only weakness City have at the moment is in the g'keeping department.

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What is your problem with Carey he's great. I just hate Orr he doesn't do anything.

Carey is good. Jamie Smith is hopeless. When he came on against Rovers our problems began. My only worry apart from whether the defence will sort its act out is left wing. Although Smith is clealry great at crossing and passing he lacks pace and we have no oher decent wing option. Harley is not a left winger for me. Apart from that players like Fortune and Orr are ok to have in your squad but hopefully we won't have to use them that much.

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Murrays or any other flankers big year does not revolve around a good back line player, in this case Carey. More often its the work of a creative and powerful midfield. Carey is just an average backliner in this league and Murray is past his best, and not going to be better than Cotterill as long as his rear end points towards earth.

OK for the squad though, and team spirit, like Tins looking for a lifetime cheque from BCFC

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