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Bristol City Open Day


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I only went to the Open Day for a couple of hours due to commitments but would like to share my thoughts on the Q&A session with Tinnion, Lansdown.

Both were an absolute credit to themselves, answering all matter of questions (be they team, finance etc etc) in such an honest matter-of-fact way. Lansdown I felt, in particular, is a credit to the Club and I think without him this Club would be a hell of a lot weaker.

Lansdown mentioned that his exploits probably go unrecognised by fans and he is, in the main, right.

So I wanna put something right. We do appreciate you Steve, you're as much a fan as all of us. We need to pull together for once. No barracking the team when they lose, no needless criticism. We're one and the same, ALL OF US!, and this is our year!!!


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totally agree about Steve - a real gent, genuine and honest, who understands the importance of open communication with the fans/media.

Well_Red    chant6ez.gif

I would agree with that in the majority of cases, but there have been a couple of incidents in the last 12 months that I have found disappointing.

To start with, I for one would have been more accepting of a 7/8 place finish if the line "this was always going to be a season of consolidation" had come out in August 2004 not in May 2005.

Secondly, I feel the building of the new stand starting on July 1stshouldn't have been touted as a certainty when there were so many rivers still to cross.

Apart from those two points however I feel that Lansdown and his board have put far more into City than they are ever likely to credit for or get back in return. Businessmen they may be, but that is true mark of fans. city.gif

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Guest ashtonyate
I only went to the Open Day for a couple of hours due to commitments but would like to share my thoughts on the Q&A session with Tinnion, Lansdown.

Both were an absolute credit to themselves, answering all matter of questions (be they team, finance etc etc) in such an honest matter-of-fact way.  Lansdown I felt, in particular, is a credit to the Club and I think without him this Club would be a hell of a lot weaker.

Lansdown mentioned that his exploits probably go unrecognised by fans and he is, in the main, right.

So I wanna put something right. We do appreciate you Steve, you're as much a fan as all of us. We need to pull together for once. No barracking the team when they lose, no needless criticism. We're one and the same, ALL OF US!, and this is our year!!!


I am sorry but i think the fan have treated Lawsdown and the board fairly, considring this is one of the worst periods of the clubs history in respect of us getting out of the 3 division.

We seen clubs overtake us on shoe string budgets we seen bad discestion taken by the board like given Wilson a 4 year contract, buying Miller for 325k, buying Murray back, letting Butler go, with out a replacement not buying a foward which would have put us in the second div season before last.I respect the board any one who puts that much into the club should get that respect.But my verdicts is must do better

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I am sorry but i think the fan have treated Lawsdown and the board fairly, considring this is one of the worst periods of the clubs history in respect of us getting out of the 3 division.

We seen clubs overtake us on shoe string budgets we seen bad discestion taken by the board like given Wilson a 4 year contract,  buying Miller for 325k, buying Murray back, letting Butler go, with out a replacement not buying a foward which would have put us in the second div season before last.I respect the board any one who puts that much into the club should get that respect.But my verdicts is must do better

And continuing to pump all that money into the academy for no return whatsoever, shocking!!

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I would dispute that this is one of the clubs worst periods in it's history. The 80's weren't too good were they !  I'm sure the 50's and early 60's weren't too good either (?)

We are lucky, very lucky, to have SL as chairman and a board who continually put their hands in their pockets to back up the manager and to keep this club operating. The fact that we have a manageable deficit is testament to their ambition and loyalty to BCFC.

Carefull, Cynic you'll be accussed of being a "brown-tongue" if you,like me,express your support of the board.

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Carefull, Cynic you'll be accussed of being a "brown-tongue" if you,like me,express your support of the board.

We can't all be super fans like you Robbored.

We all support City in different ways. Some I disagree with, sure.

You seem to think that you're in a league of your own when it comes to your support of City, and that our opinions are not as valid as your, often blinkered, methods of support.

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We can't all be super fans like you Robbored.

Thats a real shame,because its simple.All you have to do is turn up to matches,get behind the team and support them from the stands.Then (and maybe this is a little more difficult for some) you take a balanced view of whats been happening and provide praise or contrustive critism.

We all support City in different ways. Some I disagree with, sure.

Theres more than one way to support City? Explain..

You seem to think that you're in a league of your own when it comes to your support of City, and that our opinions are not as valid as your, often blinkered, methods of support.

Not true.I'm the first to admit it if I got things wrong (not that I am wrong very often) and I always listen to other peoples opinion even when they don't know what they're talking about.Thats not blinkered,thats being patient and having an open mind.

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Guest ashtonyate
I would dispute that this is one of the clubs worst periods in it's history. The 80's weren't too good were they !  I'm sure the 50's and early 60's weren't too good either (?)

Re DW - I agree that it was a mistake to give him a 4 year contact, but how many clubs do you see in the same boat ? Most of 'em.  And aint hindsight a wonderful thing - does funny things to the memory too.

I fail to see how it is 100% the fault of the board for buying any player - they pay a manager to make the decision on players and back it up with the finance.  If they were to select players, we'd all be on their backs.

We are lucky, very lucky, to have SL as chairman and a board who continually put their hands in their pockets to back up the manager and to keep this club operating. The fact that we have a manageable deficit is testament to their ambition and loyalty to BCFC.

But some times you don,t need to put your hands in your pockets you need to manage things properly which i don't think they have.

Up to this season and we will soon see how good this group of players are. I think we have had a poor crop of players since S L has been chairman he must take some of the blame for that he appointed Wilson.sorry thats my view.

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I'm a season ticket holder Robbored. I spent the money I'd saved for moving back to Bristol on it. My whole reason for going to uni in Bristol is because of this club, I could have gone to more or less any university I wanted.

And yes, there is more than one way to support City,

Your blind support of everything that BCFC do isn't the way I want to support my team. If I feel that Mr. Lansdown has done something not in the best interests of the club, I'm sure as hell going to voice my views. If I think we have a player who isn't pulling his weight, I'm sure as hell going to tell him.

Last season I thought that Tinnion was taking the club in the wrong direction, so I criticised what he was doing, which is my entitlement as a fan of this club. In that instance I hope to be proved wrong, because there is nobody I'd rather see in charge of this club.

However, you're view that Mr. Lansdown and Tins can do no wrong, and you're willingness to tell everybody who do take these views that they're wrong, frankly annoys me beyond belief.

You are not the definitive Bristol City supporter purely by only ever blindly following what we do, as you may believe. You aren't a better fan than everybody else, as you may believe. Your constant sarcastic "I told you so" posts achieve very, very little.

I'll get behind the team no matter what on matchdays, and I'd never ever boo the team off of the pitch like some, because I disagree with that. That doesn't mean that I can't criticise what I believe to be against the best interests of the club.

So please, get off your self built pedestal, and start listening to others before you proclaim yourself as the biggest BCFC fan in the world.

Rant over!

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