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Rallying Call


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A timely reminder from our Chairman that everyone at BCFC is doing thier best to get the club moving forward or " wake up the giant" :Costumed19:

But ...theres no room at BCFC for "stragglers or lame ducks" (time to get rid of Lindleys then)

To be fair its a stirling article and well worth the read with Steve Landsdown saying all the right things.

But ultimately it all leads up to the final rub - asking fans to support any fund raising initiatives like buying a half season ticket,accepting one of the offers in the Gatepost or taking an opportunity to invest in the club.

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Ultimately I have to agree with you Rob.

Through choice I have missed probably the 2 biggest matches so far this season with relation to both crowds and importance (Sheff Wed & Southampton) & I can honestly say I never once pined, or wished I had gone.

I genuinely want to find that enthusiasm that I had leading up to the start of the season, and the very early part when I couldn't wait for a Tuesday night game, then the following Saturday.

I have lost it, and I cannot see anyway of finding it again until something other than quotes of 'let's wake up the giant', or 'our season starts here' forces me to see that more positive things are being done.

It must be like holding a double edged sword for SL as he has to keep both sides of the party happy ie. Us & the team, but, he is ultimately in charge of such things as new 3 year contracts, players that can and cannot be brought in & keeping the likes of me interested enough to want to visit Ashton Gate every possible chance I get. But I don't :D

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