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Logo For The Supporters Trust


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At the last meeting of the Supporters Trust we agreed that we need to have a logo in place as soon as possible. Redmeanie has already produced a handful of outstanding designs that can be seen through its various stages

here and as the first three images below. There are four additional new entries submitted by Helen Denman for you to admire below too.

If you would like to submit a logo design for the Supporters Trust, please reply with your design below, here or email your design to info@bristolcityst.org.uk by Wednesday 24th August.

A shortlist of designs will be agreed at the next meeting of the Supporters Trust on Thursday 25th August at 7.30 in the Ship & Castle (please come along!) and put to an email vote to decide the winner.

Thank you.

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I like them all but believe we should have something that includes the history of the club(like the robin) somethin to do with bristol and someting to show its the supporters club. I design logos and such for various websites so il see what i can do.Just about to start on my own version so il post it to see what people think before i submit it.


Just in case it influences your design (or the design of anyone else reading this), the logo is for the Supporters Trust rather than the Supporters Club. This explains Redmeanie's choice of having the Robin 'safe in the hands' of supporters. The pinned article on the forum entitled 'Ask not what ...' gives a bit of extra information about what the Supporters Trust aims to achieve or visit http://www.bristolcityst.org.uk/.

Also, for anyone interested in submitting a logo, a simple design could prove useful as the logo will often be shrunk to fit on letters and it's important to keep the image recognisable when small. And the fewer colours the better as this will help the Supporters Trust keep printing costs down.

Thanks again,


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ExcellJust in case it influences your design (or the design of anyone else reading this), the logo is for the Supporters Trust rather than the Supporters Club. This explains Redmeanie's choice of having the Robin 'safe in the hands' of supporters.

Whilst I understand the thinking behind the 'safe hands' idea, I'd need convincing that it would work for merchandising.

If you're looking to raise some bunce from t-shirt sales, etc, then the logo needs to appeal to a broad market, and I feel the 'safe hands' logo might be a little too trendy lefty, if you catch my drift.

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Any of Redmeanies logos (the first three) are by far the best. I would be more than happy to see one of these as the Supporters Trust logo purely because of the quality/professionalism of the design and the symbolism behind the idea of the club being in safe hands.

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Have to say I agree with the thought that the round logo is the best concept so far. It would need to be 2 colour for me, as I don't think the brown adds anything other than additional cost.

Up to four colours on the logo or any other form of printing should incur no extra costs. However, for the logo I think that black, red and white are the most effective combination.

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