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Can We Just Sack The Swede ?


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Agree with you. His record on paper is actually not too bad, but the statistics aren't the full truth of it, or the measure by which we should judge him. Sven has been found wanting too often. He is tactically naive, unable to motivate or inspire and seems either uninterested or complacent.

With the ability he has at his disposal England should be doing much better. Yes, they're on top of a pretty ordinary group, but it is the way they are playing at the moment which worries me. They completely lack conviction or purpose. The result last night doesn't really bother me - it's that this is the latest in a string of below par performances. We've come to expect mediocrity.

I have never particularly been taken with Sven. I think there were more suitable candidates around who knew the English game better.

So, if he was to go (and I suspect he won't) who will the FA replace him with?

Curbishley? McLaren? Allardyce?

Either of the above would do for me. Any thoughts?

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I think with the quality of players at his disposal most members of this forum could have probably equalled Svens record!

The thing that gets me is the constant tinkering with formations & playing players out of position just to accomodate the "big names" (sound familiar?)

Rooney on the left wing - WTF?

I'm sure if he'd played a 4-4-2 last night with Rooney & Owen up front & StevieG & Lampard in the roles they're familiar with we would have won last night.

Sack the Swede & get Wrighty in. I know he hasn't got the experience, but is that essential when you've got a group of world class players at your disposal. I reckon motivation is the important thing & he would certainly be able to instill that. If he was in that dressing room at half time last night I'm sure we would be celebrating now!

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Agree with you. His record on paper is actually not too bad, but the statistics aren't the full truth of it, or the measure by which we should judge him. Sven has been found wanting too often. He is tactically naive, unable to motivate or inspire and seems either uninterested or complacent.

With the ability he has at his disposal England should be doing much better. Yes, they're on top of a pretty ordinary group, but it is the way they are playing at the moment which worries me. They completely lack conviction or purpose. The result last night doesn't really bother me - it's that this is the latest in a string of below par performances. We've come to expect mediocrity.

I have never particularly been taken with Sven. I think there were more suitable candidates around who knew the English game better.

So, if he was to go (and I suspect he won't) who will the FA replace him with?

Curbishley? McLaren? Allardyce?

Either of the above would do for me. Any thoughts?

When are you lot going to wake up and realise that the players are not THAT GOOD.Every week they play for there clubs and are surrounded by CLASSY FOREIGN STARS, BUT...... take these foreigners away from them and they ARENT THAT GOOD. doh.gif England are NOT a very good team, If they get to the world cup finals they WILL NOT get past the last 16..... just like most other times, Wake up and take your heads out of the sands.

People go on about "world class players" this means players who can turn a match on there own, we have um err............................ perhaps. one if were lucky and thats Rooney..... when his mind is on it.

don't blame the manager, he HASNT got the players, and they let him down time and time again. Mind you they don't care, its ££££££££ that make them tick. Rant over.

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Guest walshy shuffle

its time for sven to go...he has no motivation skills.....changes tactics,plays players out of position ranting.gif please get rid of him...we cannot hope to win world cup with him in charge.

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Yup, perhaps Sven has been found wanting once too often. Last night he looked helpless as McLaren was at least demonstrating some degree of emotion. Alan Hansen reminded viewers last night that Sven had never made a substitution that matters and has affected a game.

Problem. Getting rid of Sven would be very expensive. His wages are huge, and the club his replacement comes from will be quick with a large compensation figure

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Guest walshy shuffle
Yup, perhaps Sven has been found wanting once too often. Last night he looked helpless as McLaren was at least demonstrating some degree of emotion. Alan Hansen reminded viewers last night that Sven had never made a substitution that matters and has affected a game.

Problem. Getting rid of Sven would be very expensive. His wages are huge, and the club his replacement comes from will be quick with a large compensation figure

getting rid of sven would be expensive ,true,but how expensive will it be for the national game if we fail to make the quater finals of world cup???..the answer much more expensive!!! they should pay him up and action-smiley-030.gif

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Erikkson gone and an ENGLISH manager to replace him.

Notice that how Beckham was saying that they've (or him can't remember which) had spoken to Steve Mclaren about the performance/game?

He was out on the touchline more than Sven last night. Give him the job.

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Guest MaloneFM

Yes sack him. And clip his ear as well for wasting our time. And give the job to someone who has two games to reach the world cup finals and then win them.

And if he fails. Sack him too-then hang him.

Sack the manager-an English football tradition since 1966.

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OK guys lets put it a different way. Lets discuss all the ENGLISH managers inthe Premiership. Allardyce, Curbishley, Pardew, McLaren, Pearce, Robson. Any of them international standard (with the sole exception of McLaren)? Other alternatives include Peter Taylor... and that's about it! I guess we should be asking who wants the job, who's acceptable... and then discuss Sven's departure.

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