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Interesting Team Selection!

old spot

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SMITH in for MURRAY with COTTERILL playing upfront alongside GILLY and BRIDGES in his best position behind them!!

Also Fortune at the back with KEOGH, no room for the welshman that played well last week against ENGLAND, (not that big an achievement i suppose!!

It's a brave formation for an away game, with TINS relying on a lot of youngsters to rescue his fledgling management career!!

I for one hope it works... COME ON YOU REDS!!!

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I like the shape of that side though.

Sounds like we're going to take the game to them.

I would rather they went for it as well rather than try to kill the game and hold on, but it's a brave way to go that could blow up in TINS face if we get slaughtered!!

Still at least i can be positive, for another half hour or so anyway!!! biggrin.gifchant6ez.gifdance.gifph34r.gif

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