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The Real Muppets And Morons !

Sargent Pepper

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I'm not going to go on about todays game cos so much has been said and will be said in the next few days probably months, but what pisses me off is the idiots on this forum who have to resort to name calling of the current manager.

How old are you ? By all means have your opinion but why do you find the need to call a very honest and passionate man a muppet or moron.

Without wishing to desend to your level, i think you lot are morons, perhaps some of you didn't agree with his appointment and have been waiting for this to happen since, but if he had won promotion last year all that would soon have been forgotten. Your probably the same ######wits who whinged and got Danny Wilson the boot, maybe your the same "muppets" that stayed behind to clap Barnet off the field while the previous 90 mins no one seemed to get behind the home team.

In all my years of supporting city only once has it crossed my mind to stop coming and that was in the Osman era, not because of the awful football but because of the bad atmoshere around the ground. This time the personal coments have started already and its you idiots that give the supporters of this club a bad name. A defeat like todays won't hurt you lot anywhere as much as it will Tins cos your probably one of the "i told you so"club.

Tin's is a legend and has gone through a lot at this club (he's probably been here longer than most of you on here), not that any amount of time here grants you immunity , but what it should do is grant you some RESPECT !

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I'm not going to go on about todays game cos so much has been said and will be said in the next few days probably months, but what pisses me off is the idiots on this forum who have to resort to name calling of the current manager.

How old are you ? By all means have your opinion but why do you find the need to call a very honest and passionate man a muppet or moron.

Without wishing to desend to your level, i think you lot are morons, perhaps some of you didn't agree with his appointment and have been waiting for this to happen since, but if he had won promotion last year all that would soon have been forgotten. Your probably the same ######wits who whinged and got Danny Wilson the boot, maybe your the same "muppets" that stayed behind to clap Barnet off the field while the previous 90 mins no one seemed to get behind the home team.

In all my years of supporting city only once has it crossed my mind to stop coming and that was in the Osman era, not because of the awful football but because of the bad atmoshere around the ground. This time the personal coments have started already and its you idiots that give the supporters of this club a bad name. A defeat like todays won't hurt you lot  anywhere as much as it will Tins cos your probably one of the "i told you so"club.

Tin's is a legend and has gone through a lot at this club (he's probably been here longer than most of you on here), not that any amount of time here grants you immunity , but what it should do is grant you some RESPECT !

I don#t owe him any repect nor have I ever called him a muppet or moron but have always questioned his knowledge or experience as a manager and have always refused to acknowledge him as a legend - argue if you will but I refuse to change my view on your arguement

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I have 3 points to make...

A.If you have supported City for any time over the last 13 years i say you should have respect for him. B if you havn't called him a muppet or a moron then then this post clearly wasn't aimed at you. And C I'm not going to argue with you cos don't care about your opinion, if you read the post again i'm not after a debate i'm just voiceing my opinion on some of the childish name calling on here....

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