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Lost In Space?

Dave L

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NTTDS was last seen playing basketball with a 7' mute native American at Barrow Gurney. Apparently, the boat trip is planned for later next week as he is still working on ripping the water fountain out of the floor to put through the wall.

More news as and when it is received.

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Guest Eddie Hitler

Fingers crossed, I'm still waiting for the photo.

There was (?still is?) a contributor to the OTIB fanzine called "The Traveller" who've I've always thought might be Ted with his railway connection and similar prose style. Was it you Ted?

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However, I am aware that Jack Nicholsan's character was portrayed as not being nuts. At the same time, I would point out that the people that ran the asylum were convinced he was. This point of view was founded on the fact that he did not conform to their subjective views on what is/is not "normal".

My point is this: maybe we are all prejudging Nev a bit too much here. I have ruminated on this matter all weekend and have come to the conclusion that we are all mad and Nev is perfectly sane.

Hope this helps.


PS - Are you Barry Norman in disguise?

Having spent many years in the 70's and 80's on the staff in three different and very large Psychiatric Hospitals - I can confirm the the ratio between "madness" was definately 50/50 between the staff and the inmates.

At times is was only the pressence of a large set of keys that determined who was who.

One thing was for sure though' - each party was convinced that they were in charge.

As for Ted - well its a good job he works on the Railways.... :D

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