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Just How Much Damage Has Tinnion Done


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Guest Stafford

Another problem at the Gate - I hate to say it - is the large number of season ticket holders. By the start of each season, the club have probably banked 75% of their gate revenue for the season and don't have any real incentive to 'try' to bring in additional monies ... theatres, cinemas, etc, have to consistently produce the goods to continue attracting the paying public - BCFC have banked the bulk of their turnover prior to performing, and given the short memories of most football supporters it happens all over again as false optimism dawns in June and July each year.

"In 1989 at the time of the Taylor report, a reasonable price for sitting down and watching the then First Division football was £6. Allowing for inflation that would be £11 in 2005 prices." Like Lemmings, we have been duped.

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at the end of the day the chairman has to say you have a contract


matty hill

tony butler

danny coles

tommy doc

so fulfill it and if no joy go for free.

SteveL has let them go and tins got in what freebies he could and they ain't up to it

how sweet is that £1.7 mil looking now eh Stevie,right proper balls up banghead.gif

p.s i have noticed it has all gone wrong since tony butler left.....not been right since disapointed2se.gif

And there's me thinking it has all gone wrong since Danny W left.

In the words of Joni Mitchell " you don't know what you've got 'till it's gone"!

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