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Black Fans...


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WHO CARES!!!!!!!!!!!!! Stupid Patetic post, with no relevance to anything what so ever. :dunno:

I've seen plenty of Black's & Asians down there in nubers on quite a few occasions. C'mon I know the games have been boring down here for a while but surely you've got better things to look out for than the ethnic supporters, try taking a crossword or something!!!!!!!!

I admit this thread is starting to smell like a parody of some political figures attempts to force integration on people.

Personally I don't see any issue at all here. Certainly not one to be remotely bothered by anyway

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I wouldnt notice how many black supporters there are at city as i don't take notice of skin colour. I could honestly not tell you how many there were if i was surrounded by black people. Colour makes no difference its the individual person who decides whether they like football or not and who they want to support.

Rascism will never be ridden while people still divide others by colour.

You don't go around saying things like "City don't have many fans with ginger hair" or " i didnt see many people with blue eyes today at the gate"

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Grow up, Do you really believe black people don't come to BCFC because of slavery over 400 years ago? Thats like saying you won't go to Italy because of the Roman invasion in the 1st century.

Too right. On that note why aren't there more Pagan Celts going to Bristol City matches? I feel sorry for them.

In all seriousness though, I think that racism within the game at one stage put the black community off attending football, and now, as someone has said, that the elder generation has put a younger generation off.

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I have a few black friends and they're simply more interested in cricket or basketball. Same thing with most of the Indian guys I know. Only one that's ever asked me about City was because he went to school with Aaron Brown and wanted to know how he was getting on.

I think people just tend to pick up sporting preferences from their parents and alot of black and asian people in Bristol are first or second generation from immigrating so there isn't a big swing from the sports that are more traditional for them yet.

I think it will change quite a bit over the next generation.


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Lest we forget that Bristol was a cornerstone in the slave trade centuries ago..

And anybody who thinks that racism has been eradicated listen to the "Gypo" chants directed at anyone of any nationality whose hair happens to be longer than 2 inches...

Here we go again....................

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Curle Is not Black he has two white parents

I don't know about Curle's parents but

this article says that Curle is 1 of only 5 black managers (although the article is a bit out of date).

Given that at least 20% of professional footballers are black this is a state of affairs that football should be ashamed of.

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OK, I'll take that back, even though there are some entertainment acts that will refuse to play the Colston Hall for that very reason, although that has nothing to do with football.

But I am right on the "Gypo" issue.

That because they know dick all about the slave trade. It wasn't a nice thing to happen but the people that ended up over here, in the states and all round as slaves were not roaming around africa until we came along and caught them in nets and took them away. They were already slaves and doomed to a future of servitude in Africa, just we bought them and brought them here, where in the majority they were actually treated reletively very well. If people stopped complaing about the past and put that effort in ridding Africa of Slavery which still goes on in large scale today, then the world would be a better place.

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Lest we forget that Bristol was a cornerstone in the slave trade centuries ago..

And anybody who thinks that racism has been eradicated listen to the "Gypo" chants directed at anyone of any nationality whose hair happens to be longer than 2 inches...

I think you are getting racism and banter slightly confused!

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Jesus this thread is getting silly. Who cares who turns up? As long as its as many as possible!!! I don't care if I see a group of Blacks, Whites, Gingers or Gas Heads if they paid there money to watch they are all welcome!!!


:dunno: by the way, what colour is this smiley? I think he might be half cast? Rascist yellow buggers!!!!


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I wouldnt notice how many black supporters there are at city as i don't take notice of skin colour. I could honestly not tell you how many there were if i was surrounded by black people. Colour makes no difference its the individual person who decides whether they like football or not and who they want to support.

Rascism will never be ridden while people still divide others by colour.

You don't go around saying things like "City don't have many fans with ginger hair" or " i didnt see many people with blue eyes today at the gate"

I disagree.

I look around me and people watch at half-time every week, people interest me and I'm sure they do you. I have noticed that there is a more even divide of the sexes at AG nowadays than, say, ten years ago. I notice elderly people in the stands. I'm often aware of families in the ground. That doesn't make me ageist, sexist or having a phobia of families. I did notice a couple of black kids not long ago and remember thinking 'why aren't there more black kids/adults at City games?' The reason I think it is an issue to some people is that integration of all ethnicities is an ongoing process in all areas in society and anyone who thinks we live in a balanced society devoid of prejudice and tension is a fool. Personally, I'd like to see a melting pot of varied ethnicities, cultures and personalities at City matches. I suppose the person who started this thread has noticed that we don't have that, and it's fair to ask why. If there was a reason, for example the impression that ethnic minorities in Bristol have of City fans, that there is not a broader mix of people attending the ground then I'd be interested to hear why. I found this debate quite interesting, but do not have any answers unfortunately.

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Who cares who turns up? As long as its as many as possible!!! I don't care if I see a group of Blacks, Whites, Gingers or Gas Heads if they paid there money to watch they are all welcome!!!

And you, my friend, have hit the nail on the head whether you meant to or not. 'As long as its as many as possible". How can it be when a whole section of the city either feels excluded or is excluding itself for one reason or another? According to government figures there are about 380,000 people living in Bristol. Of those, 31,600 are of ethnic origin. That is 8.2 per cent of the city's population that at the moment constitutes an entire group that stays away, and in which we have virtually zero penetration.

My point, as Mozo has discerned, is that there is now a more even spread of ages and sexes than there has been certainly in my 25-plus years at the gate. We are able to draw from a wider pool of society and, it follows, attract more fans.

Yet there appears to be an entire section of the community out there that is choosing not to come to our club. They are missing out on the joy and misery of following City at the Gate, and we are missing out on what they could add to the atmosphere and the coffers. It can't be 'as many as possible' unless we draw from across the whole of society.

We have an ethical responsibility, I believe, to make our club attractive to all parts of society. It would also very much benefit us to do so, as I've laid out above. It is all very well putting boards up around the ground saying 'Kick Racism Out Of Football' but for whatever reason, that does not seem to be enough. It would seem we need to be more proactive and 'walk the walk' rather than just 'talk the talk'. Madjo's family and friends were noticeable in a way that those of other players were not. They stood out because I could not see another black face among the many at Brentford.

There have been some interesting and thoughtful responses to the thread - proof again that many on here can rise above the juvenile stuff that sometimes fills the forum - and I really think it is something our club would do well to investigate further, perhaps researching directly why black Bristolians do not feel part of our club. Only then can we begin to understand and address what I believe is a problem, and widen the appeal of this great club even further.

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Fair smattering in the GWR these past few years, and i remember an away follower behind me at Barnsley a couple of years ago who was as Bristolian and vocal as they come.

Also noticed that when you see groups of half a dozen or so teenage City fans, very often one is black. In those cases its obviously natural for them to do what their friends do without a second thought. Perhaps this is the natural way forward.

I've always thought it's part of being Bristolian to support your local football team so it begs the question, if we're not getting the relevant proportion of ethnic support, just how Bristolian a large percentage of these 30,000+ feel?

Perhaps Bucksred could enlighten us as to how he came to start following City ( in an era when it really was rare) and what he feels may deter others today.

If it is partly the threat of racism, i think they'd be very pleasantly surprised. Most of the other City fans seem to be genuinely, if quietly, pleased to see them in the Stands.

The fact that we all support City, and have that passion in common, is an almost unique way to break down any barriers.

But they've got to have a strong interest in football and really want to see it live at Ashton Gate first, just like the rest of us did.

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Guest ashtonyate

You can have two white parents........ and it is possible to produce a coloured child from the white parents....... it's all about the genes that you carry........ not about what colour the parents are.

As for Curle.....................


If you can get a baby jesus from a virgin all is possiable A virgin is some one who has never had sex for those who don't know???

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Redtop, decent post mate. I think it is something the club should seek to redress. In the past I made some suggestions

- some presence at St Pauls carnival to promote the club i.e by the club itself rather than the players on the lash/hash

- some black stewards - inspire some confidence that any grevience would be listened to rather than dismissed "banter"

- extend free tickets to schools in traditionally Rovers area like Easton, St Pauls, etc

- get the Reggae Boys along for a friendly

- rather than Elton John get some bands to play that have some credibility amongst black and Asian youth. At least they'll come to the stadium and we might have a better chance to get them along again.

- yid for a quid night (oops sorry bout that one) :disapointed2se:

- if we do have a decent black player then that player should be more visible in representing the club in traditionally ethnicly diverse parts of Bristol. His spat with the coppers (and team mate alledgedly) aside Lita could really have helped get the black youth along i.e. someone with a bit of attitude a la Ian Wright.

- and probably the most obvious one - START WINNING AND GET PROMOTED!!!

As far as Asian kids are concerned I'd heard it from an Asian friend that clubs like Leicester do attract a good Asian following but mostly from the Hindu community. The argument being that the drinking culture that goes with football isn't something Muslim parents are happy for their kids to get into. Not sure if that's true or not but it hold some truth.


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This post gets worse and worse. Who cares what colour the people are that watch our team. Why not play more women concerts at the gate so more girls come down, or more female stewards, maybe that would help.


That's already happened ? We have all seaters, no smoking areas, family areas, football clubs generally have gone a long way to attract female fans ?

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That's already happened ? We have all seaters, no smoking areas, family areas, football clubs generally have gone a long way to attract female fans ?

I know that, that wasn't my point. Are you going to put a black area in the stand then? Its a p;ointless argument because why should we get more black people here? It doesnt matter to me. Why not get more White people here, or would that be seen as racist? Unbelievable.


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If you can get a baby jesus from a virgin all is possiable A virgin is some one who has never had sex for those who don't know???

Why was Jesus not Born in......... na I won't go there :)

Genes are one thing artificial insemination is another, virgin birth is possible and the comment about white parents giving birth to a coloured child is true...... whilst by now being almost irrelevant to the original question posted by RedTop

Just for humour lets move on to surnames........ Cilla Black is white, Barry White was black, I want my baby back..... was the line of a song that contained Black Is Black...... I'll shut up now :shutup:

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Guest North Street

Redtop, decent post mate. I think it is something the club should seek to redress. In the past I made some suggestions

- some presence at St Pauls carnival to promote the club i.e by the club itself rather than the players on the lash/hash

- some black stewards - inspire some confidence that any grevience would be listened to rather than dismissed "banter"

- extend free tickets to schools in traditionally Rovers area like Easton, St Pauls, etc

- get the Reggae Boys along for a friendly

- rather than Elton John get some bands to play that have some credibility amongst black and Asian youth. At least they'll come to the stadium and we might have a better chance to get them along again.

- yid for a quid night (oops sorry bout that one) :disapointed2se:

- if we do have a decent black player then that player should be more visible in representing the club in traditionally ethnicly diverse parts of Bristol. His spat with the coppers (and team mate alledgedly) aside Lita could really have helped get the black youth along i.e. someone with a bit of attitude a la Ian Wright.

- and probably the most obvious one - START WINNING AND GET PROMOTED!!!

As far as Asian kids are concerned I'd heard it from an Asian friend that clubs like Leicester do attract a good Asian following but mostly from the Hindu community. The argument being that the drinking culture that goes with football isn't something Muslim parents are happy for their kids to get into. Not sure if that's true or not but it hold some truth.


We have black stewards, done the ticket bit in Rovers territory and we even had a black star in one A Cole and it changed ......!

Leicester, Coventry or Birmingham [lived in the midlands!] do not have good ethnic support in comparison to the make up of the local community.It does seem [really] to be cultural difference and i do not think any club can say they are successful with this matter.Why really worrry it is not like BCFC are willfully excluding anybody.START WINNING AND GET PROMOTED :)

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A very large number of white people don't come down to watch city play, yet most follow football. Why not worry about this lot who are most likely to come and watch the team.

we had 35,000+ people (mostley white )in cardiff, yet the club didn't hold on to any of this potential fanbase. Bcfc has a hardcore of around 10,000 supporters, the rest come when they feel like it, the sooner people relise this the better, as we have to hold on to any other potential fan, not just people with a different ethnic orgin.

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I know that, that wasn't my point. Are you going to put a black area in the stand then? Its a p;ointless argument because why should we get more black people here? It doesnt matter to me. Why not get more White people here, or would that be seen as racist? Unbelievable.


The way football is going pc it won't be long before we have a gay and lesbian stand !

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Just for humour lets move on to surnames........ Cilla Black is white, Barry White was black, I want my baby back..... was the line of a song that contained Black Is Black...... I'll shut up now :shutup:

Cilla Black's real name is Precilla White....

Back on subject. I still don't care what colour the people who watch football are. If a black person doesnt want to watch football, he doesnt have to. Those gothic kids that go around dressed all black with make up on don't watch football, should we play some shyt music before the game and offer free tickets to jump off clifton suspension bridge just to attract more goths?

And as for only 5 black managers in english football. Maybe thats because the black people who apply for managers jobs simply arent good enough and not because of their skin colour? Why is everything looked at as a black and white divide these days?

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Recently we have lost A.Brown, Sekani Simson, Amankwa, Hill, Lita, and Anyinsah.

Add to that Fortune, and Golbourne, both having to fight for a regular first team spot.

That leaves just one. Madjo on a short term contract.

This years team photo looked very pale, in fact Stewarts bottle tan made him an honourary black.

Not sure about this thread though, not sure at all.

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Guest ashtonyate

Fortune's colour has nothing to do wiht not being picked, hes just not good enough in my oppinion.

It may be they don't want to watch crap football, pre Johnson erea of course

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