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Beckham Did A Rooney


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David Beckham got sent of yesterday for sarcastically clapping the ref after he booked him.

Wasnt this the same Beckham having a go at Rooney when he was being a silly beggar a few weeks ago.

Just shows how Petulant Beckham can still be, when he should be setting an example.

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Absolutely agree.

After the two bookings he got the other week, I felt a bit sorry for him because the first was definitely a bit harsh. But this was just crass stupidity. There was no need to be sent off for doing something as irresponsible as that and he really needs to question his suitability to captain the national team if he is still prone to such lapses of sanity.

With Rooney, although not excusable, it is at least understandable. Beckham really should know better.

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Guest MaloneFM

If one observed the Real Madrid games as I did from the press bob at the Santiago Berbabau while I was visiting my cousin Senor El Malone and enjoying his commentary on 'El MaloneFM', you will quickly realise the referee was an absolute nightmare and sent of Thomas Gravytrain 15 minutes after he had come on. It was a bad tackle but it was half way up the pitch in the oppositions half. Straight red?

Beckham nearly got his guts kicked out by a cynical challenge by a Valencia midfielder. No booking, nothing. A free kick only.

He gave Madrid a penalty for what I calculate to be bugger all which baldy Zidane bumped against the post. He booked Beckham for gobbing off and then straight red carded him. So to recap, he was booked then red carded.

No second booking then? Its usual to yellow card, then yellow again followed by red.

As I said to Luxemburgo in the White N White bar after 'we never get referees as bad as that in the House of Pain'

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THey appealled against it and won beckham is now free to play tomorrow night, and won't face any suspension.

Maybe Rooney should appeal as well then...

Can't believe he won the appeal. However, the incident still was entirely unnecessary and underlines his stupidity under pressure. It's great for real that Beckham can play for them immediately, but I think questions should still be asked about Beckham's temperament.

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