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Steve Lansdown

Guest mtraveller

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Guest mtraveller

steve lansdowns interview on city world about the future on ond off the field does anyone know what he has to say,. would be grateful if anyone could let us know cheers.

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Guest theoldfirstdivision

It's an interesting interview in that he seems very honest about where the club is at the moment. There are no major developments. What comes across is his honesty and desire to see the club firstly STAY UP (he's very realistic about that. We have got ourselves into a difficult situation) Secondly, we need to get back to playing good football to please the fans.

We won't be held to ransom over transfers in the January window - will look at each situation as it comes up

Said he hated the window. Bad for everyone.

Nothing on Stewart leaving...not asked...just said Stewart had been honest in saying he hasn't played that well so far...although SL said he'd been injured, which hasn't helped. Said injuries to Heywood and Russell had been a big setback as well.

My overall conclusion...it ain't easy running BCFC...and this man is doing his best, but he's only human.

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Guest Hodges17

It's an interesting interview in that he seems very honest about where the club is at the moment. There are no major developments. What comes across is his honesty and desire to see the club firstly STAY UP (he's very realistic about that. We have got ourselves into a difficult situation) Secondly, we need to get back to playing good football to please the fans.

We won't be held to ransom over transfers in the January window - will look at each situation as it comes up

Said he hated the window. Bad for everyone.

Nothing on Stewart leaving...not asked...just said Stewart had been honest in saying he hasn't played that well so far...although SL said he'd been injured, which hasn't helped. Said injuries to Heywood and Russell had been a big setback as well.

My overall conclusion...it ain't easy running BCFC...and this man is doing his best, but he's only human.

I feel sorry for SL - he is obviously a City man through and through, and yes he has ##cked up (don't we all), but he gets abuse on here that is undeserved.

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I feel sorry for SL - he is obviously a City man through and through, and yes he has ##cked up (don't we all), but he gets abuse on here that is undeserved.

I think (as there has always been) a minority of posters have no basis for constructive argument, rather they just slag off in a random manner.


I DO think SL is open to scrutiny, as he is the Chariman of this club, and HIS decisions are making a difference (Tinnion, Johnson etc) to everyday affairs. As such, we have been stumbling along like a blind man in a forest for the last 12 months, and I do feel that we need to put pressure on him to either increase the board (to spread the decision making and get other viewpoints in) or show us that the bumbling will stop!

I'm sure it's a tough job trying to keep this club afloat, but the current losses seem disproportionate to the measure that Steve himself has been implementing for some time. We've all seen and heard the reasons for 'cutting back' & 'trimming the wage bill' but the bottom line is it's having no effect. If the reasons for our dismal state of affairs are so acutely connected to events on the pitch, then he MUST be held to account for the Tinnion appointment and other managerial decisions.

What this doesn't mean is 'Lansdown must go', it means that he isn't above being judged when things right across the club are going pretty wrong.

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Steve has always given an honest interview IMHO. He is City through and through and seems to ache for thi club to do well. I really cannot figure why he gets so many negative comments on these boards - yes he screwed up over the Tinnion appointment, but haven't we all screwed up at one point or another? His was just a bit more high profile than most

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Guest Hodges17

I think (as there has always been) a minority of posters have no basis for constructive argument, rather they just slag off in a random manner.


I DO think SL is open to scrutiny, as he is the Chariman of this club, and HIS decisions are making a difference (Tinnion, Johnson etc) to everyday affairs. As such, we have been stumbling along like a blind man in a forest for the last 12 months, and I do feel that we need to put pressure on him to either increase the board (to spread the decision making and get other viewpoints in) or show us that the bumbling will stop!

I'm sure it's a tough job trying to keep this club afloat, but the current losses seem disproportionate to the measure that Steve himself has been implementing for some time. We've all seen and heard the reasons for 'cutting back' & 'trimming the wage bill' but the bottom line is it's having no effect. If the reasons for our dismal state of affairs are so acutely connected to events on the pitch, then he MUST be held to account for the Tinnion appointment and other managerial decisions.

What this doesn't mean is 'Lansdown must go', it means that he isn't above being judged when things right across the club are going pretty wrong.

I agree. He is definately accountable and open to critique, but, as you say, there will always be a mindless few who just slag for no reason.

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Guest Paul Hudd

Hmmmm- I agree we have missed Tommy Doc-we have also missed Aarron Brown who was never replaced......................

Thats part of the problem-we let these players go without replacing them............

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Don't forget the £1.97m losses DO NOT take into account the sales of Leroy Lita, Lee Miller, Paul Heffernan etc (which raised about £1.6m) but that still means we are around £4m in debt.


I think it's a bit higher.

We were £7.2 million in debt at the end of FY 2004 according to some figures I think Milo posted? We lost another £2m up until May 2005. We have had about £1.6 million come in in transfer fees since then. That would still make us over £7m in debt at the end of FY 06.


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I think it's a bit higher.

We were £7.2 million in debt at the end of FY 2004 according to some figures I think Milo posted? We lost another £2m up until May 2005. We have had about £1.6 million come in in transfer fees since then. That would still make us over £7m in debt at the end of FY 06.


so you have to put it down to bad management. attendances will drop even more so, as the weather deteriorates if the football does not improve. so the debt will increase. SL only listens to a select few, if there on his wavelength.There is no encouragement for supporters who asked for the East End to be opened, just a BLANK! so with me i will pick and chose my matches and after a saving of £50+ what i saved on missing the cup game, so if other supporters do as i do the loss mounts up .

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