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My View

Frank Reynolds

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OK, so we've gone through the worst run in our history, with nothing to say that its going to end. We all want to blame someone, but there is no way to blame one person because you can start anywhere. Wilson for not playing Lita, Tinnion for selling DW's team and bringing in inferior players, Lansdown for his appointments...etc etc etc.

We can't blame any one of them individually, but we can put things into perspective. So, I'll try, starting with Mr. Lansdown.

Steve Lansdown has one of the hardest jobs in football, quite simply because we are never happy. I realise that theres nothing to be happy about right now, but even when there is, we still aren't satisfied. The appointment of Brian Tinnion was the wrong one, in my view, but Mr. Lansdown believed that Tins could turn it around, right up untill it became clear that he couldn't. I may never have thought that Tins could manage us effectively, but then, I don't run a successful business nor do I know Tinnion personally. His intentions were right throughout, and he had confidence in Tins ability and had to trust his own judgement, like we all would. He couldn't win by retaining or sacking Tins, because if he didn't we'd be in a lull (like we were) when a new man took over, and if he did there was always going to be a complete overhaul of the playing squad for the second time in under 12 months. As it is, we have an unstable playing side, coupled with a massive lull that started in my view at the very start of the season. Cracks were papered over by GJ's arrival. So Mr. Lansdown's hands were tied more or less. As it was, he bowed to formidable pressure and made the right decision; to relieve Brian Tinnion of his job. Thereafter, he made a decision that the vast majority of us lauded as genius, by bringing in a man who'd had significant success with another team and who was generally accepted as the right man for the job. By myself included. Job done, I'm sure he thought. Say what you will about his business dealings, I refuse to accept that the majority of us know enough about big business to know how a business like BCFC should be, and can viably be run. In my view, Mr. Lansdown is doing an excellent job.

Brian Tinnion then. Quite simply he doesn't have the attributes to run a football team. A coach of young players, quite possibly, but a manager; no. A manager of a football team needs to be able to motivate, use the media to theirs and the teams advantage (and in many ways this and motivation go hand in hand in my opinion) and must be tactically aware. A man manager is essential, as we can't afford to simply buy the best players out there. Tins had no tactical nous at all. His main strength was in the transfer market, he was the man that brought in Steve Brooker, who has been one of the few positives of this season. He brought in a man on paper who should have torn the division apart in Marcus Stewart, and it was then his job to use him as best he could, which was the problem as far as I can see. The lack of a left winger was plain for all to see, except for in Brian Tinnion's eyes apparently.

As an idealistic teen, I don't think his style of management, i.e if you don't agree with me then you're out is the way to manage in modern football. When Tommy Doherty was sold, I said that we'd be crying out for him this season, and I think we are. Players like Tommy Doherty are hard to come by, and Tins should have been able, as manager, tried at least to get the best out of him. He would have been great benefit to us, as 70 minutes with him in the side with someone like Skuse gaining experience gradually for the last 20 minutes, would be ideal. The only player close to that type of player is Scott Brown, who I'll come to later. Say what you like about Tommy's attitude (which left alot to be desired) but we need someone of his ilk, and there isn't anyone better who we could obtain.

Tinnion's ripping apart of DW's team, and his aparent disdain for DW's signings and the mainstays of his team, were only detrimental to the team. The pyschologist, in my opinion, is a vital part of football today (which Phillips' comments seem to confirm) and if cost cutting was the reason to fire ours, then I'd much rather Fawthrop or somebody like him were sacrificed, especially given concerns expressed about Fawthrop's influence.

So Tinnion's appointment was a disaster, but in his defence he had confidence in his ability to do the job, as we all do in our own lives, and we weren't slating his choice of players 4 months ago, were we, we were very optimistic, often very vocally. Was a great servant to the club, and there are positives to look at. The emergence of young players like Lita, Golbourne and Cotterill; the signing of Brooker and er... well 7th is better than we'll finish this year!

Onto the players then. They are far from blameless in all of this, but nor are they totally to blame. Themselves and the coaching staff are to blame as a collective. Marcus Stewart hasn't been used effectively, but his form has been way, way below par. Steve Phillips has made a few well-documented mistakes, as well as a few match winning saves. Heywood has made mistakes, as has Partridge and none have stayed fit long enough to form a solid defensive partnership. The troublesome trio and their nightclub antics were less than helpful too. The thing that strikes me though is that our youth players seem to be too good for our league, by which I mean that they'd be more suited to a higher level, where Skuse will have more time to pick a pass, which is his strongest attribute; and Cotterill would have the centre-half who thinks about what he's going to do next, rather than the threat of Michael Nelson sending him up into the air. Those two are not suited for a relegation dogfight at all, and I think thats apparent to us all. So the players as a group are under-performing in my opinion, as opposed to the widespread "they're crap," that I keep reading on here. They can play, theres no doubt about that, but they have to play in the right positions, and be given time to form a partnership, and play when the game is suitable for them to play. We weren't saying they were poor in July, we were proclaiming them to be the best thing since cider.

Which brings me nicely on to Gary Johnson. I was pleased as punch when GJ signed for us, despite knowing very little about him. All I knew was that he'd done well at Yeovil, and that he'd had interviews at clubs higher up the football ladder. I suspect thats all that most people knew too. So I have no reason other than neccesity to believe that he can turn it around. I don't know that he can do it, like most people I hope he can, and know that he will be given a fair crack of the whip like Tins was.

The first thing I'll say about Johnson is that he is an extremely arrogant man, which is not always a bad thing. In this case it is. Proclaiming himself to be the saviour is setting himself up for a fall, like Tins did with his insistance of telling us about the team HE'D built (which was in my opinion a dig at Danny Wilson and his players). When Tins fell, he fell from a massive height, and I fear GJ is going the same way.

As I said at the beginning, motivation is a massive part of the game, especially at this level. Coming out in the media and saying that these aren't his players is totally and utterly wrong. How would anybody like it if their boss came out and said that alot of their colleagues, possibly including yourself, were in line for the axe? Is that any way to motivate? Some might say that it adds incentive to perform, but that doubt is always there, and those players are under pressure beyond belief. This is the wrong way to go about things. At a little club like Yeovil comments like these might make ripples, at ours it makes waves.

He also says wait until January, and we all will with intrigue, but his record so far is appalling. Quinn, Youga and Joseph have added little, and I have no confidence in Basso personally. Savage is also widely regarded as the worst player in Bury's history, yet today he came on ahead of Marcus Stewart. So what is there to be confident about? All I hear was "I wanted him at Yeovil," and "I wanted him at Yeovil." I don't support Yeovil, nor do I want to. If he wanted Yeovil he should have stayed there. Bristol City is a totally different job, and should be treated as such. I know he wanted Yeovil to win promotion, and we're in similar-ish positions at the moment, but my point remains, its a different job with different people around him; some of whom won't need replacing with sub-ordinate players.

His tactical decisions have left alot to be desired too. Scott Brown is our midfielder with the most bite, yet he's either stuck out on the wing or not playing. We needed a wide left player so why wasn't this addressed last week? Why are we targeting the same types of player over and over again? Why has our fastest striker, in Gillespie, been sent out on loan without being given a chance. Is Savage and Brooker better than Gillespie/Brooker could be. Hell no! These are questions that need to be answered quickly.

If we get relegated, it'll be Gary Johnson's fault. He wants things his way, but the players he's brought in haven't improved on Tinnion's, who were in turn not as good as Wilson's. But GJ picks the team. He motivates the team. He coaches the team, and if things aren't going to plan he has to share the blame, instead of trying to deflect it.

There is nothing wrong with questioning Gary Johnson. Blind support will get us nowhere, although its important to support the team when they're out on the field. At the end of the day, we're the one constant throughout this.

I could be totally wrong about Johnson, and I really hope I am, but at the moment, my conifdence is at an all time low regarding City, and I can't see light at the end of the tunnel. I've really seen nothing to convince me otherwise to be honest. But I'll still love the club wherever we are, and whoever is in charge.

This isn't a rant, nor is it intended to criticse people with objectivity thrown out of the window, but it is meant to throw up ideas, and to say that people like Bristol Boy don't say things for the sake of it, its because like me, its what they think.

To be honest, I don't expect anybody to read this, because its very long, but I wanted to get things off of my chest, based on what I've read tonight, and seen over the last year. If you have read it, then cheers.

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Very good post but I feel that getting on Johnson's back at such an early stage is wrong. What we need is continuity, most teams do better when the manager is given a longer time at the club. Give him time. Yes we may well get relegated but we will come back stronger. I don't believe that we will end up like the Rovers as long as S L is on the board as he will generate the money for the right type of players who will fight for this club.

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Top post. Thanks for taking the time, it was a far better read that 99.9% of the posts on here, and well worth your effort. The only thing is that I think you are being generous saying Quinn, Youga and Joseph have added little - I think they have added absolutely nothing and were change for change sake.

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I agree with the others. Top post, partly because you haven't composed it on a mobile but also because I agree with most of it! :)

I do disagree with the comments on Tinman though. I believe he will be a successful manager one day. Blatently he was not suited at City straight from a players role. I believe Tinnion himself and SL especially should have realised this. They should take a lot of responsibility for this mistake.

As for GJ, I wonder if his arrogance is our downfall? He keeps making excuses for himself (not my players, bad club culture, wait till January...). This is not good management and it worries me.

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Very good post but I feel that getting on Johnson's back at such an early stage is wrong. What we need is continuity, most teams do better when the manager is given a longer time at the club. Give him time. Yes we may well get relegated but we will come back stronger. I don't believe that we will end up like the Rovers as long as S L is on the board as he will generate the money for the right type of players who will fight for this club.

I really didn't intend to get on his back, they were just observations on what I've witnessed before. I had no experience of his management style before he came here, and went solely on his record, which for Yeovil is, and always will be excellent.

He is going to be given the time he needs anyway, so he has my full support. I'm not going to call for his head, because that would be ludicrous. I will have my reservations on him though.

Chappers, change for changes sake; I couldn't have put it better myself. And Chivs I agree entirely with you.

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What a joy to read! The best post of the year in my opinion - well written, well thought out, measured and well reasoned. You've put everything into perspective wonderfully. Though you hint at a few things (like changing Brown's position) I'd be interested in hearing what you think needs to be done to turn things around, given that you accept GJ has to stay? I also wonder what you think about Millen's position?

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What a joy to read! The best post of the year in my opinion - well written, well thought out, measured and well reasoned. You've put everything into perspective wonderfully. Though you hint at a few things (like changing Brown's position) I'd be interested in hearing what you think needs to be done to turn things around, given that you accept GJ has to stay? I also wonder what you think about Millen's position?

I'm not 100% sure on Millen. To me he doesn't appear to do a lot, but then, I'm not at the training ground with them, so I don't know. Personally I'd look to install another assistant with experience at this level, and give Millen less responsibility whilst maintaining him. Oh, and get a pyschologist.

I think the media side of things here needs revamping. If GJ wants to quietly tell his players that he needs to bring players in to improve the squad to the squad then fine, as long as its done in the right way. Airing dirty laundry in public, which is essentially what he has done, is the sort of thing that leaves him open for criticism. He doesn't need to lie to the players in private, or public, but he does need to think about his methods, in terms of what and how he says things in the media. We don't need the soundbites of BT's era, but nor do we need totally blunt criticism of the players or deflecting of blame on GJ's part.

On the pitch, I'd say play players to their strengths.An example; Brown is a busy midfielder who likes a tackle, and he's a central midfielder, so use him to his strengths. This leaves Wilkshire or Noble to their strengths, running with it, and generally play-making. Brown isn't a winger, so playing him there is silly in my opinion. Its also all about the right players for the right game. Skuse needs time on the ball, as he's a bit casual for our league. So play him against a team that bypasses midfield and plays hoofball, as he'll get more time, and will be effective. Don't play him against the bigger midfielders, who'll just take the ball off of him.

Its hard for me to say really, because I see the players play once/twice every two weeks, whereas GJ sees them everyday, and we all have our personal ideas on things, but I personally don't think he is using the players to their full potential, and that is something that needs to be addressed.

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Excellent post - the club has made a series of poor decisions since the Play Off final and we have to accept that we need stability now. Gary Johnson has, in my opinion, made some bad calls and I also can not understand the reasons behind players like Gillespie out on loan but he has to stay and move this club forwards, even if it means taking a backward step in the process. He has the experience and the record to achieve this and in the end of the day, we have no choice but to keep him as any more changes would make matters worse, especially financially.

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Well done Dan, top post.

A refreshing change from "the players are all crap" and "Johnson out" threads.

Just one point though, I don't think we can assume too much about Garys dealings in the transfer market by the loan signings that he has made.

I agree that the loaned players have made no impact, but it smacks of desperation to me.

There is obviously something drastically wrong with the attitude of some of our existing squad. I have to agree with chappers that it is change for changes sake,the quality of the squad has not been improved, but I think it is pretty well-known that clubs don't let good players out on loan (certainly not proven ones anyway) but I'm sure most people will agree, Johnson had to do something unfortunately so far it has not been anywhere near enough.

Personally I think we should just tighten up until January, 10 men behind the ball, whatever, just stop the rot!

Then just pray that in January Gary brings in the right players :pray: and then of course pray they don't get injured!

Either way we have to believe in Gary Johnson to sort this mess out.

I personally think he will.

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Well done Dan, top post.

A refreshing change from "the players are all crap" and "Johnson out" threads.

Just one point though, I don't think we can assume too much about Garys dealings in the transfer market by the loan signings that he has made.

I agree that the loaned players have made no impact, but it smacks of desperation to me.

There is obviously something drastically wrong with the attitude of some of our existing squad. I have to agree with chappers that it is change for changes sake,the quality of the squad has not been improved, but I think it is pretty well-known that clubs don't let good players out on loan (certainly not proven ones anyway) but I'm sure most people will agree, Johnson had to do something unfortunately so far it has not been anywhere near enough.

Personally I think we should just tighten up until January, 10 men behind the ball, whatever, just stop the rot!

Then just pray that in January Gary brings in the right players :pray: and then of course pray the don't get injured!

Either way we have to believe in Gary Johnson to sort this mess out.

I personally think he will.

I knew I forgot something!

Yes, I agree that he has had his hands tied in terms of loans and the transfer market in general. He needed to look like he was doing something to turn things around, probably in part because of pressure from us. Like you say, clubs don't release their best players mid-season without getting a penny for them.

But I still believe that it was change for changes sake, and a bit of stability with maybe the loans of Sankofa and possibly Joseph (who must have something about him to have been in Hull's promotion side) would have been far more beneficial to us.

Still he will rightly be given time, and I hope that he can turn it around.

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Why did 'Johnson have to do something'? After all, we beat Brentford and Barnsley using the existing players. We then lost unluckily to Pools, whose keeper played a blinder. We added Youga and Sankofa and scraped a win against Tranmere, then the Ashton Gate 8! As I said, changes for change sake.

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