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Supporters Trust Website


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A few weeks back I asked fans to volunteer to help with the Supporters Trust website. A number of you volunteered to help out. Unfortunately having started the process with one of the respondents he then had to back out due to other commitments. I left it until after the launch to pick it back up.

Is there anyone willing to volunteer again? There's no escaping that it will need a bit of commitment to keep it up to speed. If the designer uses a system that is compatible with Macromedia I can help out with my very basic dreamweaver skills. I mainly need help with templates, lay-outs etc.

Can you help?



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A few weeks back I asked fans to volunteer to help with the Supporters Trust website. A number of you volunteered to help out. Unfortunately having started the process with one of the respondents he then had to back out due to other commitments. I left it until after the launch to pick it back up.

Is there anyone willing to volunteer again? There's no escaping that it will need a bit of commitment to keep it up to speed. If the designer uses a system that is compatible with Macromedia I can help out with my very basic dreamweaver skills. I mainly need help with templates, lay-outs etc.

Can you help?




I've told you before, I've got a 17 year old here who you can exploit!! Or have I upset you again?? :blush:

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I use only Macromedia stuff, (Flash, Dreamweaver, etc., but also Photoshop) and would be glad to help out if you need me.

My only site online at the moment (and hasn't been updated in donkeys years) is at http://www.premiership-manager.co.uk


Ron :)

I'm not much of a designer but I'm a dab-hand with PHP and MySQL so I can script a dynamic content management system for you (i.e. allow you to update the pages easily).

...otherwise known as chizuryu on the BCST site. I don't mind helping with the oneoff graphic identity side of the site. All I need is the structure of the general page layout and will add funkiness and color arrangement where appropriate.

Looks like we've got us a team! Grandpa to design graphic identity (+funkiness!), gazareth to sort out the PHP and MySQL ( :dunno: ), Ron to work it (with his Macromedia), with England, Will, me and anyone else who's interested supporting.

I've set up a sub-forum here. Would you mind popping over there to hold a discussion on how we go about this?

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