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Is It Really True


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That our esteemed manager came home from Doncaster separate from the players - allegedly

So what if he did???..............perhaps he had other business to attend to, i.e scouting, talking to players, watching future oppostion?.........visiting his gran............

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So what if he did???..............perhaps he had other business to attend to, i.e scouting, talking to players, watching future oppostion?.........visiting his gran............

I have it on good authority that he was on a purchasing spree from South Yorkshire Hand Grenade Supplies PLC :cool:

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Guest Harry Dolman

When there is friciton between the manager & the squad, 9 times out of 10, the manager will lose his job. I think this will be the exception & Lansdown will back Johnson over the squad.

Some of the rationale will be financial - we have paid a lot of compensation to get Johnson/would need to pay more to sack him. Even if he walks we may well have to pay further compensation to get a replacement.

If Johson took over an successful team & made them average or an average team & made them poor, then I would be more on his back. However he took over an awful team & so far hasn't improved them.

Many people have talked about a major overhaul required in attitudes etc at the Gate for years - I think (hope) that is what we are going through now. I am reasonably expereinced in business & have never known a business undergo a massive cultural change without a significant amount of pain.

In the 1st few games (playing 4-4-2) the team did well - however only 1 of them was away. I just think the team don't have the professionalism, dedication, mental strength, courage - call it what you will, to perform well on a consistent basis.

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