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cider head

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Grasp the poison challis Gary..... take a big swig from it

Make your players take a big swig too...... then if they can stomach it they'll know what it is to be a Bristol City player....... the fans have already spent years drinking from the same.

If you can turn it around the fans will love you, if you can't then something at the club will die....... don't let that happen.

1982 is the Dunkirk Spirit..... get that through to all....... you'll do fine.... 1982 is the only acceptable spirit........it's 100% and no less.......... a heady cocktail that you can let the players drink.

Good luck.

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Oi - Don't be rude about the lad in the background - that's my son and he's a season ticket holder. The Grimsby match shown on the evening was his first one - a goal in 14 seconds! What wouldn't we give for that now!

Of course, what Chris said was this :

'This lad is looking for some job experience - let him pick the team for next week'

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