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Australians Riot


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White australians riot (well it looked like on the tv pics that it is was more of a demonstration) and attack men of middle eastern origin. Why is this so?

Why is it, when the french muslims riot it is because they are oppressed and marginlised yet when any white person does the same, it is down to racism?

If you look closely at the pictures, there are plenty of people demonstrating who are NOT white so how can it be racist? My conclusion is they are fed up with the arab population and how they behave and the result has been a spontaneous backlash.

This is no different to the rest of the world where islam meets non-islam e.g:

Uk, France, Spain, Denmark, Sweden, Russia, Israel, Sudan, Nigeria, Thailand, India and the Phillipines.

Are all these countries a problem for the muslims (if so why?) or is it islam?

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I don't buy the Islam vs non-Islam picture. That's the sort of simplistic view that Neo-Cons like Samuel Huntingdon want you to believe. It's not ever black and white. I would suggest that human intolerance (of difference) rather than specific creeds or ideas is responsible for most of our problems.

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I don't buy the Islam vs non-Islam picture. That's the sort of simplistic view that Neo-Cons like Samuel Huntingdon want you to believe. It's not ever black and white. I would suggest that human intolerance (of difference) rather than specific creeds or ideas is responsible for most of our problems.

Are muslims the new jews? They have always been feared and persecuted, is it know the time for islam.

some Muslims follow there religeon very strictley, an i suppose in the time of mass immigration, there culture differences to the west is very noticible and are an easy target. But there is never smoke without fire

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I write this from Australia, in the shire where the riots commenced.

This situation has been simmering for ten years. The local police station at Cronulla closed due to lack of crime and a larger station at Miranda near by. It became a gradually increasing occurance for car loads of Lebonese from the inner suburbs to drive over to the Cronulla beach on saturday night and do the bash and rape scenario .

In recent years they have taken to roaming the beach in gangs , insulting and threatening the Aussie women, and finally last week they bashed a 15 year old volunteer life saver who was on duty.This was the last straw, and thousands of local residants flocked to the beach area in solidarity.

The media concentrated on the drunks, the violence, and the most negative aspects. There was little coverage of the 5000+ family groups who held family picnics in the beach side parks.

For some years this has become impossible as Islamic groups have taken over the parks using force and aggravation to keep local families away from their "turf".

There is room for all families to enjoy this pristine area, however the Islamic groups object to the Aussie girls and their bikinis, and resort to their aggressive behaviour . They try to isolate beach areas and rock pools for the exclusive use of their Islamic wives and girlfriends who swim in their full dress and viels.

I am here spending Christmas with my sons family, a local resident for 37 years. Group leaders are making the right noises, politicians are unbelievably niave, and attitudes and divisions are not going to change overnight. It will take some spilled blood before common sense prevails, thats how it is here , France or anywhere there are hardcore racial divisions.

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Me too, and I don't think its racist, why should we pay our taxes for years just so someone can slope in from somewhere else in the world and pinch it off us.

don't get me started! :@

Do you mind your taxes being spent on foreign wars? Do you mind your taxes being spent on the military at the expense of health and education? Do you mind your taxes being spent on helping out private companies who can't run public services efficiently? Do you mind your taxes being spent on the Royal Family? Do you mind your taxes being spent on supporting the "English" unemployed?

Oh yes, I think you meant immigrants not migrants.

Are muslims the new jews? They have always been feared and persecuted, is it know the time for islam.

some Muslims follow there religeon very strictley, an i suppose in the time of mass immigration, there culture differences to the west is very noticible and are an easy target. But there is never smoke without fire

I think there is some truth in that. The "West" has a history of demonising certain groups. It used to be Communists. It's a tool they use to encourage support for their (politicians') actions. If they can get white, Western people venting their spleen about whoever the latest bogeyman man is (in this case, Muslims/Asylum Seekers) then they're not so inclined to look at the villains (often White) who are a bit closer to home.

However, I think that some Muslims are intolerant, but there again, so are some Christians and Jews too.

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Do you mind your taxes being spent on foreign wars? Do you mind your taxes being spent on the military at the expense of health and education? Do you mind your taxes being spent on helping out private companies who can't run public services efficiently? Do you mind your taxes being spent on the Royal Family? Do you mind your taxes being spent on supporting the "English" unemployed?

Oh yes, I think you meant immigrants not migrants.

let me add a few. Over paid public sector pensions and wages, money towards the eu, over paid politicians, european space projects (lost count at how many have failed), cushy prisons. The benfit system. I get 30 quid a week for attendence at college, i'm thankful but its crazy.

Royal family more or less suppports itself( que for cromwell lover boy)

More should be spent on equipment for our troops. The war with iraq is totally absurd, but at least send our boys with the right camoflague(sp) working guns and proper boots.

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let me add a few. Over paid public sector pensions and wages, money towards the eu, over paid politicians, european space projects (lost count at how many have failed), cushy prisons. The benfit system. I get 30 quid a week for attendence at college, i'm thankful but its crazy.

Royal family more or less suppports itself( que for cromwell lover boy)

More should be spent on equipment for our troops. The war with iraq is totally absurd, but at least send our boys with the right camoflague(sp) working guns and proper boots.

I agree with most of those. I think the only people who should be in prison are those who are a danger to the public. Why waste taxpayer's money on keeping someone in prison who has committed fraud?

I don't agree about public sector workers because I work in it and I know may people who earn no more than £11000 a year, but unfortunately we are fair game for the Murdoch media machine. I've read in someone's Sun about how all public sector workers are overpaid this blah blah blah...it's all lies.

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Like me, seven years continous service and I'm still only on 14 k

If we know they (the establishment) lie about our wages and about why we go to war, why do we believe them about anything? My point is that a few foreign dudes coming here wanting a better life doesn't seem that important when you measure it against the crimes of our so-called elected leaders.

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I agree with most of those. I think the only people who should be in prison are those who are a danger to the public. Why waste taxpayer's money on keeping someone in prison who has committed fraud?

I don't agree about public sector workers because I work in it and I know may people who earn no more than £11000 a year, but unfortunately we are fair game for the Murdoch media machine. I've read in someone's Sun about how all public sector workers are overpaid this blah blah blah...it's all lies.

yep ok not all are paid well, but you do get some odd positions that earn 40 -50k.

I don't know how fraud should be punished.

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Maybe because my 14 k a year cant afford to buy me a house, yet some people can just waltz in here and get one for free.

Maybe I should have 6 kids and complain I cant work and then see where it gets me.

yep, and don't get married

Do you mind your taxes being spent on foreign wars? Do you mind your taxes being spent on the military at the expense of health and education? Do you mind your taxes being spent on helping out private companies who can't run public services efficiently? Do you mind your taxes being spent on the Royal Family? Do you mind your taxes being spent on supporting the "English" unemployed?

Oh yes, I think you meant immigrants not migrants.

I think there is some truth in that. The "West" has a history of demonising certain groups. It used to be Communists. It's a tool they use to encourage support for their (politicians') actions. If they can get white, Western people venting their spleen about whoever the latest bogeyman man is (in this case, Muslims/Asylum Seekers) then they're not so inclined to look at the villains (often White) who are a bit closer to home.

However, I think that some Muslims are intolerant, but there again, so are some Christians and Jews too.

The rise of the american christian right is quite scary. Some are complete nutters, that homeschool their kids and only let them mix with other christians. This is surley going to have implications to the social development of these kids and if they become politicians, then the US quite capable of being a religious fundamentalist(sp) state.

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yep, and don't get married

The rise of the american christian right is quite scary. Some are complete nutters, that homeschool their kids and only let them mix with other christians. This is surley going to have implications to the social development of these kids and if they become politicians, then the US quite capable of being a religious fundamentalist(sp) state.

The Christian right voted by the busload to keep John Kerry from power. The looney left just did not get it, and were left scratching their heads as a bunch of "christians " overturned the media elect, Kerry.

Should family values over ride populist left wing icons..............every time !

Maybe because my 14 k a year cant afford to buy me a house, yet some people can just waltz in here and get one for free.

Maybe I should have 6 kids and complain I cant work and then see where it gets me.

Careful Dolly, some of the testosterone terrors on here may offer assistance with the 6 kids.

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Guest WillsbridgeRed

I don't agree about public sector workers because I work in it and I know may people who earn no more than £11000 a year, but unfortunately we are fair game for the Murdoch media machine. I've read in someone's Sun about how all public sector workers are overpaid this blah blah blah...it's all lies.

Dagest, we agree on something.

The sun has told and twisted so many tales regarding the public sector that people belive it.

I had the misfortune to work in a jobcentre for 3 years, the staff there were badly paid, badly treated, and because of the media pressure, the jobcentre could not recruit, meaning a lack of staff and poor service.

Meanwhile the MOD took most of the staff and left the place intolerable.

I would like to see the Suns suggestion on what it would do with the Civil service. Without it the country could not fucnction, but then the sun never has been one for a fair story.

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Meanwhile back at the thread......................The Aussie NSW state government has increased police powers, the Lebonese "Comanchero " biker gang and the "Bra Boys" surfer gang, have had a hugging session for the media. None of these people were involved in the racial clashes. One Lebonese thug was arrested twice for assault after already being on bail for assault before the weekend. He is already out on bail.........now thats tough !

A female policewoman who confronted a group of Lebonese had her leg broken when they drove a car into her body. Police assisting her were confronted by Lebonese displaying Glock pistols and the Californian middle finger. Two men have been stabbed by Lebonese whilst protecting white Australian women.

On the other side, police conviscated boxes of rocks and molotov cocktails in white neighbourhoods, after a Lebonese rampage the previous night

Other than that it was just another day in paradise.

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Me too, and I don't think its racist, why should we pay our taxes for years just so someone can slope in from somewhere else in the world and pinch it off us.

don't get me started! :@

If, as you say, you don't understand such a position as being racist, then what specifically is it that you think?

Just interested in knowing.

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If, as you say, you don't understand such a position as being racist, then what specifically is it that you think?

Just interested in knowing.

I would consider racist as being someone who attacks someone else, whether it be physically or verbally, for the colour of their skin, or their beliefs.

I consider it not racist if I am complaining about someone getting free housing, free medical or anything else free when myself and my family work hard and pay our taxes, yet am not handed these things on a plate.

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yep, and don't get married

The rise of the american christian right is quite scary. Some are complete nutters, that homeschool their kids and only let them mix with other christians. This is surley going to have implications to the social development of these kids and if they become politicians, then the US quite capable of being a religious fundamentalist(sp) state.

Yep the American christian right. Over 3000 terrorist atrocities they have commited since 9/11.

Oh hang on. Sorry. Wrong religion. It's that other one. You know, the not so scary one.

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From 'no worries' to 'big worries' then?

How bad is our memory anyway? 200 odd yrs ago we decided Australia would become our large penile colony and we would claim the place ours because who in their right mind could argue with Britain back then? and did we ever expect that a country with the dregs of our gene pool consisting mostly of theifs, murders, thugs & inbreeds would cease to be what is already written in their DNA to become? Pfftt...hardly. We didn't know about the Abbo's then either did we? Opps, not that we really would have given two hoots anyways, surely back then we would have we would have just shot them? . Hey, not that long ago we thought the Earth was flat.. Oh what great days that have been before us, and Oh what dark ones lie ahead.

How strange it suddenly is that some of us deem in necessary the begin and, or end our statements with the disclaimer... 'i'm not a racist..but'...

Quite frankly, this means you either consider yourself a racist or your view are such that even though you don't think you are a racist, other people might think you are, and call you an racist pig and blah blah so i'm a racist now then!? yawns.. shut up, your boring me.

Better to play the 'get out of jail' i'm not a racist. card before you can open your mouth or write it seems.

Its rather disturbing this, we feel allmost obliged to apologize in advance for something we may say which somone could consider offensive or disrespectful to someones beliefs of religion, it seems we cant debate or discuss freely anymore the most important issues, and expecially at a time where issues need to be discussed and things need to be said.

So i stick 2 fingers up to very essence of political correctness as its only serves to push people far Right.

This is a mild form of oppression, not directly from our government as we live in democracy, but from the unregulated media, this artificial materialism will eventually destroy us.

This is why the Muslims people will eventually take over this world, they don't give a flying bugger about possessions, celebrates, designer clothes, credit cards etc etc ..

The Muslim people and westerners are poles apart in every single fundamental way.....and the world just keeps getting smaller....and smaller.....until.....Arrrrrgh! i just can't take it!......some idiot does something silly and we have an Islamic uprising then its bye-bye baby!, consigned to the history books, Umm history books?? No, Islam does not really care for recording Historical moments like we do, if it's not linked to Islam then they'll probably destroy it....can't have their future generations learning about old us now can we? Its odd, when was the last time a Muslim/Muslim country provided the world with anything we might consider constructive or remotely worthwhile?....in over 2000 years?

What now leaves me with a sinking feeling in my gut is that its all too late for us to do much about the current tensions, i strongly belive that in 40yrs Muslims will dominate the world, effectively we will have become the 'Ethnic minority'

In 2015 the global Muslim population should have doubled, and for westerners.... the current majority, the so called Superpower of modern civilization?.. will become history and a new chapter will once again begin. where Islam is the only religion, it calims that anyway.

I don't think that the Muslim community will be quite as civil to western society as it has been to the Islamic world, you only just have to look at Irans current ellected leader, Saddam Hussain, Bin Ladin, al-Zarqawi to see just how blatantly mad and hell bent on our destruction they are. These people are Crazy, singled minded nutters! they genuinely think the west is pure evil and need to destroy it, they despise the west with a passion.

A poll suggested that 10% of the Muslim world believed that the 9/11 attacks was perfectly acceptable, there are currently 1.5bn Muslims living on this planet, they are growing at more than double the rate of Christians, in 50 years will won't be having a conversation about how our society should treat Muslims it will be about how they should be treating us.

Wake up and smell the coffee people of the free living world, we could be witnessing the precursor to WWIII

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So i stick 2 fingers up to very essence of political correctness as its only serves to push people far Right.

I don't think that the Muslim community will be quite as civil to western society as it has been to the Islamic world, you only just have to look at Irans current ellected leader, Saddam Hussain, Bin Ladin, al-Zarqawi to see just how blatantly mad and hell bent on our destruction they are.

But aren't you making excuses for the likes of Saddam and Bin Laden by blaming their evil nature on Islam? Isn't that the very essence of political correctness - to ignore the faults of the individual and lay the blame somewhere else? When did people stop being responsible for their own actions? The likes of Bin Laden are just megalomaniacs, in it for the power and control, if they weren't Muslim they'd find another reason to justify their abhorrent behaviour.

A poll suggested that 10% of the Muslim world believed that the 9/11 attacks was perfectly acceptable

So 90% didn't? Hardly an opinion limited to Islam, anyway. Ask non-Muslims about 9/11 and a fair percentage will say "America deserved it". Sadly, that's the way extremists think, be they driven by religion or politics.

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From 'no worries' to 'big worries' then?

How bad is our memory anyway? 200 odd yrs ago we decided Australia would become our large penile colony and we would claim the place ours because who in their right mind could argue with Britain back then? and did we ever expect that a country with the dregs of our gene pool consisting mostly of theifs, murders, thugs & inbreeds would cease to be what is already written in their DNA to become? Pfftt...hardly. We didn't know about the Abbo's then either did we? Opps, not that we really would have given two hoots anyways, surely back then we would have we would have just shot them? . Hey, not that long ago we thought the Earth was flat.. Oh what great days that have been before us, and Oh what dark ones lie ahead.

How strange it suddenly is that some of us deem in necessary the begin and, or end our statements with the disclaimer... 'i'm not a racist..but'...

Quite frankly, this means you either consider yourself a racist or your view are such that even though you don't think you are a racist, other people might think you are, and call you an racist pig and blah blah so i'm a racist now then!? yawns.. shut up, your boring me.

Better to play the 'get out of jail' i'm not a racist. card before you can open your mouth or write it seems.

Its rather disturbing this, we feel allmost obliged to apologize in advance for something we may say which somone could consider offensive or disrespectful to someones beliefs of religion, it seems we cant debate or discuss freely anymore the most important issues, and expecially at a time where issues need to be discussed and things need to be said.

So i stick 2 fingers up to very essence of political correctness as its only serves to push people far Right.

This is a mild form of oppression, not directly from our government as we live in democracy, but from the unregulated media, this artificial materialism will eventually destroy us.

This is why the Muslims people will eventually take over this world, they don't give a flying bugger about possessions, celebrates, designer clothes, credit cards etc etc ..

The Muslim people and westerners are poles apart in every single fundamental way.....and the world just keeps getting smaller....and smaller.....until.....Arrrrrgh! i just can't take it!......some idiot does something silly and we have an Islamic uprising then its bye-bye baby!, consigned to the history books, Umm history books?? No, Islam does not really care for recording Historical moments like we do, if it's not linked to Islam then they'll probably destroy it....can't have their future generations learning about old us now can we? Its odd, when was the last time a Muslim/Muslim country provided the world with anything we might consider constructive or remotely worthwhile?....in over 2000 years?

What now leaves me with a sinking feeling in my gut is that its all too late for us to do much about the current tensions, i strongly belive that in 40yrs Muslims will dominate the world, effectively we will have become the 'Ethnic minority'

In 2015 the global Muslim population should have doubled, and for westerners.... the current majority, the so called Superpower of modern civilization?.. will become history and a new chapter will once again begin. where Islam is the only religion, it calims that anyway.

I don't think that the Muslim community will be quite as civil to western society as it has been to the Islamic world, you only just have to look at Irans current ellected leader, Saddam Hussain, Bin Ladin, al-Zarqawi to see just how blatantly mad and hell bent on our destruction they are. These people are Crazy, singled minded nutters! they genuinely think the west is pure evil and need to destroy it, they despise the west with a passion.

A poll suggested that 10% of the Muslim world believed that the 9/11 attacks was perfectly acceptable, there are currently 1.5bn Muslims living on this planet, they are growing at more than double the rate of Christians, in 50 years will won't be having a conversation about how our society should treat Muslims it will be about how they should be treating us.

Wake up and smell the coffee people of the free living world, we could be witnessing the precursor to WWIII

when the oil in the middle east runs out, we can wave goodbye to them. And will no longer need to keep the muslim states sweet.

You talk of a islam as if all followers are mentle and hell bent on the destruction of the west. 10 years a way from an islamic world, and with the current trigger happy USA you must be high. Your also forgetting about the chinese with the technology and political muscle to do what it wants. And are already destroying muslim lives in its northen provences.

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But aren't you making excuses for the likes of Saddam and Bin Laden by blaming their evil nature on Islam? Isn't that the very essence of political correctness - to ignore the faults of the individual and lay the blame somewhere else? When did people stop being responsible for their own actions? The likes of Bin Laden are just megalomaniacs, in it for the power and control, if they weren't Muslim they'd find another reason to justify their abhorrent behaviour.

So 90% didn't? Hardly an opinion limited to Islam, anyway. Ask non-Muslims about 9/11 and a fair percentage will say "America deserved it". Sadly, that's the way extremists think, be they driven by religion or politics.

First of all, I believe Ciderhider has his percentages wrong. A hell of a lot more than 10% believe it was a jewish conspiracy and that Mohammed Atta is alive and well.

You say that Bin Laden is a meglomaniac. What utter tosh. He is a deeply religious man who is only doing what the Quranic message tells him to do. The man is worth hundreds of millions and that would buy him all the power and control he desires.

Go read the Qu'ran yourself and while your at it Al-bukhari hadith and the sira. You might find out then why the muslims are like they are. Why they treat women like they do. Why they are anti-semetic. What has been and is store for the non-muslim. You read it and digest and then you know where the likes of Bin Laden are coming from. Then you might stop posting PC nonsense.

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First of all, I believe Ciderhider has his percentages wrong. A hell of a lot more than 10% believe it was a jewish conspiracy and that Mohammed Atta is alive and well.

You say that Bin Laden is a meglomaniac. What utter tosh. He is a deeply religious man who is only doing what the Quranic message tells him to do. The man is worth hundreds of millions and that would buy him all the power and control he desires.

Go read the Qu'ran yourself and while your at it Al-bukhari hadith and the sira. You might find out then why the muslims are like they are. Why they treat women like they do. Why they are anti-semetic. What has been and is store for the non-muslim. You read it and digest and then you know where the likes of Bin Laden are coming from. Then you might stop posting PC nonsense.

Quote my PC nonsense please. I'm intrigued why if I call Bin laden "evil" and "abhorrent" I'm defending him.

How odd.

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I would consider racist as being someone who attacks someone else, whether it be physically or verbally, for the colour of their skin, or their beliefs.

I consider it not racist if I am complaining about someone getting free housing, free medical or anything else free when myself and my family work hard and pay our taxes, yet am not handed these things on a plate.

To understand the issues we need a more sophisticated approach than rhetoric.

The world we live in becomes more unstable everyday. Economic collpase, debt, environmental degredation and the foreign policies of the big powers spark wars, poverty and famine.

The increasing global economy and the power of multinationals means huge amounts of capital can be moved from one place to another with increasing speed. Investment in one country can shift to another, with whole industries collapsing, and all in pursuit of profit for a few. The crisis of the world economy means that whole economies have imploded, such as Eastern Europe and South East Asia, creating misery on a large scale.

Increasingly workers and the poor who attempt to flee the brutal conbsequences of capitalism and war, who attemt to follow the money ripped out of their countries in debt repayments, increasingly find themselves stopped at the rich mans gate. They may be asylum seekers, economic migrants, they may be fleeing the violence of wars, famine, drought. Yet they are all branded bogus, illegal, scroungers.

For decades the political right and the Tory press have used immigration (and racist immigration controls) as a means to divide and rule. New Labour can be added to this.

Where they succeed it has terrifying consequences for us all. In the 1960s and 1970s, racist demagogues like Enoch Powell whipped up racism against Black people from the Commonwealth who had British passports. In his wake trailed Nazi outfits such as John Tyndall's National Front. (There are numerous more examples in this country and throughout Europe).

In 1997, New Labour were elected on the back of much expectation. Disillusionment, however, has seen the rise of the BNP. Groups such as these are tragically 'part of the scene' in European politics. All position themselves for a scenario like the 1930s, when economic slump fed the growth of Hitler and Mussolini. All these Nazi groups blame 'immigrants' and 'asylum seekers'. They all seek to build influence by deflecting people's anger away from those at the top of society to those at the very bottom or on the margins. Their aim, however, goes much wider.

We must make sure that never happens again.

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Back to the Aussie riots.

Today , Lakemba a suburb considered mainly Lebonese had its police station remove its Australian flag from the front of the building. One policeman reported to TV 7, that they had been ordered to remove the flag so as not to provoke the hostile Lebonese gangs.

The Australian flag was taken off the roof of Brighten-Le-Sands returned servicemens club and burned on the grounds. The two self confessed Lebonese were not charged, as burning the national flag is not a criminal offence.

More than 20 Lebonese arrested have been released on bail, police are again on record as saying they are under orders to go lightly and handle the situation delicately. Meanwhile white Australians arrested remain in jail.

Redneck groups in Sydneys outer suburbs are quoted as wanting to get in on the action, as they consider the coastal surfy types are too soft for gang warfare.

Meanwhile back here on the coast, some families are moving out for awhile, and resorts and hotels are reporting cancellations for the Christmas school holidays.

Talking to locals, there is a lot of hate and plenty of criticism for the ineffective police and politicions. This has been building for ten years, and both sides want blood. I believe its coming. I'me heading home in two weeks, I have BCFC withdrawal

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