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More Iranian Anti-semitism


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Blimey, heavy this is.

Go back further to find the real truth behind these race/religious issues, Dinosaurs, yes Dinosaurs, it was all there fault.

Yeah you had your meat eaters against your plant eaters, but if they didn't die out then none of this other crap would have happened.

Try explaining to a Rex that you are really not an Anti-semetic. Game over, too much brain=boll0cks.

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It's only the opinion of one man, it hardly constitutes the opinion of a whole nation does it? Do the personal views of Tony Blair, Jim Davidson or Prince Charles represent the thoughts of our whole nation?

No they don't but then again we live in a free society and can freely search for the truth. The iranians do not have this and are left to the brainwashing that their media give them. Add this to the qu'ran and Hadith (which are clearly anti-semetic) then you have to come to the conclusion that this is the opinion of most of the nation. Indeed their recently elected president has called for Israel to be wiped of the map and that the holocaust was a load of bull. Who elected the president? Well the majority did.

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Who elected the president? Well the majority did.

No, they didn't. The election result was very marginal and although this nutter narrowly pipped moderate Rafsanjani to the post he did not get more than 50% of the electorate voting for him. The majority actually voted for someone else, or not at all.

But this is democracy. Tony Blair was elected with a mere 35% of the popular vote this year. Few people would seriosuly argue this was undemocratic. But it can't be said the majority voted for him.

The real point being made was whether someone elcted by the people is actually representative of the people. Even if our own PM received 100% of the vote it would be proposterous to suggest that he is truly representative of a diverse population or that all who voted for him share all of his views.

Likewise, I don't think too many Iranians are interested in arguments about whether the holocause happened or not. Voters are generally more interested in conditions, the economy, employment, education, health and the like. Admittedly, in the Middle east anti-Israeli politics and fundamentalist Islam can come into play. But it's ridiculous to suggest that the Iranian people as a whole agree wholeheartedly with the sentiments expressed by their leader.

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So why is he there as their leader?

Because he won an election.

But not with more than 50 per cent of the vote....which means that the majority did not vote for him. Just like the majority did not vote for Tony Blair here, he just won more seats than his opponents.

But as I said, even if the majority did vote for him, it doesn't mean they share his views.

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Because he won an election.

But not with more than 50 per cent of the vote....which means that the majority did not vote for him. Just like the majority did not vote for Tony Blair here, he just won more seats than his opponents.

But as I said, even if the majority did vote for him, it doesn't mean they share his views.

Thats how Adolf came to power, and look what happened, BB is right always up.

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