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Well, I posted on here about 3 weeks ago that I have it on good authority that the Academy will be gone in under two years. We'll just have to see.

You could be right. I think a lot depends on the way the clubs finances pan out over the next few years. if nothing improves then I can't see it staying, however much I support the idea.

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You could be right. I think a lot depends on the way the clubs finances pan out over the next few years. if nothing improves then I can't see it staying, however much I support the idea.

A decent scouting network is and always was the answer - players like Tom Ritchie and Andy Cole came to us via the scouting network. Apparently there was not even a paid scout at BCFC before Gary Johnson appointed his own brother !!!!!!!

The BCFC academy is a great idea on paper but even though it only costs, so say, £200,000 per annum it's still a drain on other precious club resources such as management and coaching time that would be better spent on improving the first team and sorting our currently crap league position.

Personally I couldn't give a toss about the academy, all I'm interested in is watching the first team do well.

Here's one for you annanimo, could also describe the current situation at BCFC as well :doh: ......

England is a family with the wrong members in control. Almost entirely we are governed by the rich, and by people who stay in positions of command by right of birth. Few if any of these people are consciously treacherous, some of them are not even fools.... The shock of disaster brought a few able men like Bevin to the front, but in general we are commanded by people who managed to live through the years 1931-9 without even discovering that Hitler was dangerous. A generation of the unteachable is hanging upon us like a necklace of corpses.

George Orwell, The Lion and the Unicorn (1941)

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Sureley the likes of D Coles M Hill L.Lita the list goes on far outways the 200,000 cost these players which we have now sold would of cost us 1.5 million and very nearly got us in to the 1 st division

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Sureley the likes of D Coles M Hill L.Lita the list goes on far outways the 200,000 cost these players which we have now sold would of cost us 1.5 million and very nearly got us in to the 1 st division

At the end of the day the combined efforts of your afore mentioned academy players were not good enough to get us promoted from poxy olde div 3 to poxy olde div 2. D Coles' and L Lita's exploits off the pitch also dragged the good name of this club through the gutter via press reports.

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The fans gave city a bad rep long before these players! Also you got the likes of Partridge, Orr etc not from the academy who have caused trouble in the past, you cant blame the academy! If we get promotted the academy will come into its own!

Nothing wrong with BCFC fans being feared and respected. In the minds of many - including me - this is a good reputation not a bad one. As for the BCFC players that cause aggro, they are nothing more than overpaid and underachieving poxy olde Div 3 standard scum that are not fit to wear the red shirt. Not politically correct but the way I see it. :whistle:

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