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Gj's Comments On The Radio?


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Is it me, or does anyone else think GJs comments on the radio were a bit uncalled for. Saying basically how he will watch the video and whoever was at fault for the goal will get a telling off??

I'm sure he has tried the "crack the whip" routine once before and where did that get us. It finally looks as if the team are pulling in the right direction, yet surely any sort of bo@@ocking will only shatter the confidence AND the togetherness that has been built up over the last two weeks.

With a massive game in two days, surely a arm round the teams shoulders, a pat on the back and a "lets go for it again" would be more appropriate??

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Guest alex1089

He won't have a go at the whole team, just a few induviduals to make sure it dosn't happen again. Mate don't worry Johnson will sort it and we can move on and get 3 points on wednesday!

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Is it me, or does anyone else think GJs comments on the radio were a bit uncalled for. Saying basically how he will watch the video and whoever was at fault for the goal will get a telling off??

I'm sure he has tried the "crack the whip" routine once before and where did that get us. It finally looks as if the team are pulling in the right direction, yet surely any sort of bo@@ocking will only shatter the confidence AND the togetherness that has been built up over the last two weeks.

With a massive game in two days, surely a arm round the teams shoulders, a pat on the back and a "lets go for it again" would be more appropriate??

Everything he said was spot on as per usual.

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Guest The Codfather 0312

I think it is one of his motivation skills that he uses. He is using constructive criticism to encourage them,. He could just put his arm round the offenders but what will that do? Letting them know that they have made a mistake and he is happy with it, That is not the right way to do things and sometimes a telling off is needed.

I believe that are current form is down to the players being more disciplined and now that Gj has got that mentality into them he needs to keep it in them Win, Draw or Lose.

Praise them when praise is deserved and criticize them when criticism is deserved.

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Everyone has to take criticsm thats the only way you learn,funny thing if it was Phillips fault as he has been the best keeper in the Division from long range shots,how you tell people is a diferent matter,I always think a private word is the best,and not to publicise the fact which only brings more pressure on the player,done in a private tactical way is good

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If the ball went through the wall then players should be encouraged to get in the way NOT get out of the way....

Phillips must have been devastated...Perhaps lashing some of our players to a post and volleying the ball at them may toughen them up...

I'm pretty upset too...Building a wall is one of the basics of the game..The manager has every right to tell them when they have failed to do it and cost us two BL**dy points.......

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Is it me, or does anyone else think GJs comments on the radio were a bit uncalled for. Saying basically how he will watch the video and whoever was at fault for the goal will get a telling off??

I'm sure he has tried the "crack the whip" routine once before and where did that get us. It finally looks as if the team are pulling in the right direction, yet surely any sort of bo@@ocking will only shatter the confidence AND the togetherness that has been built up over the last two weeks.

With a massive game in two days, surely a arm round the teams shoulders, a pat on the back and a "lets go for it again" would be more appropriate??

I know, Lets give em a pat on the back, Tell them how great they are and give them a new improved 10 year contract.

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Sorry but there was no need for that. In any match you cannot attempt to put the blame on a single person - the whole team are responsible for the performance. It sounds to me like somebody is just trying to shift the blame onto somebody else, well it's happened and it's a whole responsiblity. Gary needs to be more open minded.

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Sorry but there was no need for that. In any match you cannot attempt to put the blame on a single person - the whole team are responsible for the performance. It sounds to me like somebody is just trying to shift the blame onto somebody else, well it's happened and it's a whole responsiblity. Gary needs to be more open minded.

Sorry, but if someone is not doing their job properly, be that a keeper who should have saved a shot or a bloke in the wall who chickened out then they have to be told - end of story. How can anyone improve if they have a manager who refuses to hand out constructive criticism. That is the sort of amatuer Sunday Pub Outfit mentality that has been affecting this club for far too long. They are supposed to be men so they can take it. There are plenty of us supporters who have been on the end of a managers "advice" in our limited football careers without the luxury of being paid £2k for our week's efforts and we are still here to tell the tale!!

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Sorry, but if someone is not doing their job properly, be that a keeper who should have saved a shot or a bloke in the wall who chickened out then they have to be told - end of story. How can anyone improve if they have a manager who refuses to hand out constructive criticism. That is the sort of amatuer Sunday Pub Outfit mentality that has been affecting this club for far too long. They are supposed to be men so they can take it. There are plenty of us supporters who have been on the end of a managers "advice" in our limited football careers without the luxury of being paid £2k for our week's efforts and we are still here to tell the tale!!

Exactly.....Winning mentality please not whining

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I don't know. I didn't go to the game today so I'm probably not the best person to comment.

What I would say is that the people at fault know who they are. They don't need telling. Drawing undue attention to one mistake in an otherwise decent performance could actually have a detrimental effect on morale. Making people feel "uncomfortable" like this might actually be counter-productive.

Constructive criticism means exactly that - constructive. It isn't constructive to be running people down and making them insecure. It's not a question of whether the players can "take it". It's a question of how GJ intends to get the best out of his players. I'm not sure fear or being picked out for individual criticism is the best way to do it.

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We all have different ideas about the best way to - bring up our children, encourage members of satff, deal with friends etc etc. The point being that Gary Johnson is BCFC's manager and we know what his way is. He tells you like he sees it and if you don't like it - tough. I agree with that - no point beating around the bush. Some people respond well to it, others sulk. In time he will build a team that adhere to the same philosophy - the same way, as you go through life, you tend to end up with people around you who think along the same lines

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I think it is one of his motivation skills that he uses.

Praise them when praise is deserved and criticize them when criticism is deserved.


Johnson's way is to slag off players in public. Its wrong and ultimately will only lead to more squad members feeling their manager doesn't rate them. I'm no fan of Alex Ferguson but you will never EVER hear him criticise his players in public. Its pi55 poor man management and shows me (yet again) that Johnson's either a) out of his depth or b) thinks its macho to demean people in public.

Have a great game on Weds Steve, you manager doesn't rate you.

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If you go on any management course, they always tell you that criticism should be done in private and not made public. GJ can say what he likes behind closed doors, but in public, he should be seen to support his players. If GJ thinks public criticism is right, perhaps Lansdowne have publicly criticised GJ during our bad run instead of fully backing him! Same principle.

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Guest The Codfather 0312


Johnson's way is to slag off players in public. Its wrong and ultimately will only lead to more squad members feeling their manager doesn't rate them. I'm no fan of Alex Ferguson but you will never EVER hear him criticise his players in public. Its pi55 poor man management and shows me (yet again) that Johnson's either a) out of his depth or b) thinks its macho to demean people in public.

Have a great game on Weds Steve, you manager doesn't rate you.

So would you rather that Gj said to Steve. That was a fantastic effort at saving that shot and I want you to do more of the same, or something similar. That wouldn't work either would it.

Gj used to do this at Yeovil and at the start many players did not like it like Mcindoe(sp?) so they left and Gj was left with a team that would listen to him and play the way he wanted them to.

I think Gj is doing these kind of things to see what the players reaction to it is and to learn more about the player as a person. These press interviews are not as straight forward as some may seem, They contain many hidden messages for the players and the players need to be man enough to take on criticism or they will find that there future does not lie at Ashton Gate.

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The point is that these comments should be made in private, and NOT made public. Behind closed doors, he can say what he likes, in front of a microphone, he should be backing his players.

Codfather and Phillips Hater, next time you mess up at work, I presume it will be OK for any criticism of you to be copied to the entire workforce? Perhaps your clients, friends and family as well? Regardless of salary or type of job, the principle is the same.

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Guest The Codfather 0312
The point is that these comments should be made in private, and NOT made public. Behind closed doors, he can say what he likes, in front of a microphone, he should be backing his players.

Codfather and Phillips Hater, next time you mess up at work, I presume it will be OK for any criticism of you to be copied to the entire workforce? Perhaps your clients, friends and family as well? Regardless of salary or type of job, the principle is the same.

That has happened to me at work once or twice in the past and it was embarrassing but because it was embarrassing I never done it again, So I learnt from it and maybe the same applies to the players of Bristol City.

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The point is that these comments should be made in private, and NOT made public. Behind closed doors, he can say what he likes, in front of a microphone, he should be backing his players.

Codfather and Phillips Hater, next time you mess up at work, I presume it will be OK for any criticism of you to be copied to the entire workforce? Perhaps your clients, friends and family as well? Regardless of salary or type of job, the principle is the same.

The difference between most of us and professional footballers is, that if we make a mistake at work we don't have thousands of people watching or have the blunder screened on Sky and local TV. Fans at a game are well aware when a team or individual has performed well or badly, remember the frustration expressed on here at Wilson's bland post match comments.

To compare a 'normal' job and management qualities with those of a footballer doesn't make a valid point, someone on this thread referred to Ferguson, in what other line of work would he get away with the "hairdryer" treatment and kicking boots at employees?

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