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Red Robin

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But smoking is already banned at many Sports arena's anyway. You cannot smoke in the Millenium Stadium for example. The debate isn't about drinking, noise pollution, burning fossil fuels or farting. It's about smoking. Smoking is harmful to your health. If you wish to smoke - carry on. The problem is that your smoking habit impinges on the freedom of others who do not wish to smoke. It smells horrible, it has an adverse affect on your your lungs, your cardio vascular system, your skin and a hundred other issues.

If you wish to disappear into an enclosed building at half time to indulge in your habit - please do.

Which is why I said that smoking during the game is pretty unfair as it will bother those around you. During half time though when it's possible to stand up I think its fair to let those who want to have a ciggie.

I don't remember saying that I smoked (cigarettes :dance:) in my post by the way so please take your sermon elsewhere, I just said that I think that banning it is another form of sanitizing football.

Personally I don't mind if standing at matches is a bit dangerous for example as that appeals to me far more than sitting in a dull all seater where it's impossible to get the atmosphere like the old days.

It depends on how you view football in general I guess. Family fun & prawn sandwiches or working class past time supported by working class people? Me? I'm old school.

PS. You could get hit by a bus tomorrow so why all the fuss?

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Which is why I said that smoking during the game is pretty unfair as it will bother those around you. During half time though when it's possible to stand up I think its fair to let those who want to have a ciggie.

I don't remember saying that I smoked (cigarettes :dance:) in my post by the way so please take your sermon elsewhere, I just said that I think that banning it is another form of sanitizing football.

Personally I don't mind if standing at matches is a bit dangerous for example as that appeals to me far more than sitting in a dull all seater where it's impossible to get the atmosphere like the old days.

It depends on how you view football in general I guess. Family fun & prawn sandwiches or working class past time supported by working class people? Me? I'm old school.

PS. You could get hit by a bus tomorrow so why all the fuss?

What part of my message says you smoke? I did make a reference to smokers however. Yes you could get hit by a bus tomorrow, but I wouldn't encourage it - I think you follow my thread.

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But smoking is already banned at many Sports arena's anyway. You cannot smoke in the Millenium Stadium for example. The debate isn't about drinking, noise pollution, burning fossil fuels or farting. It's about smoking. Smoking is harmful to your health. If you wish to smoke - carry on. The problem is that your smoking habit impinges on the freedom of others who do not wish to smoke. It smells horrible, it has an adverse affect on your lungs, your cardio vascular system, your skin and a hundred other issues.

If you wish to disappear into an enclosed building at half time to indulge in your habit - please do.

What part of my message says you smoke?

I've highlighted in bold for you :doh:

Don't assume that just because I don't believe we should ban smoking that I'm a smoker. I only smoke ganja mate so unless someone's blowing spliff smoke in your eyes down the gate? :me?:

PS. why can't you just sit in the non-smoking section of the ground or if someone is really bothering you just ask them to only smoke at half time?

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Guest ashtonyate

my dear ashton YAP, i do not want to give up, i enjoy a smoke almost as much as you enjoy your constant whinges and moans on this forum :w00t:

I have never met a smoke yet who deep down did not want to give up, you call it whinging I call it a point of view thats what a forum is four.

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Cars are a method of transport - Cigarettes are pointless and don't help anyone except the companies.

Cars are vital to many people - Cigarettes are not vital to anyone until they become addicted.

Nobody has a problem with cars, neither do u really - loads of people have a problem with smokers, so it makes sense to satisfy more people. Smokers can kill themselves in an area without feeling guilty, cus everyone in that area is killing themselve, and non-smokers do not have to put up with smokers killing them as well.

Most importantly, when do you inhale car fumes? Do u lyk go outside daily and stand, wait for a car, and take it all in or something? With cigarettes, non-smokers are entitled forced to inhale smoke, whilst you are not with car fumes.

Cars give off Green house gases that are having a effect on our climate and increasing global warming but thats ok isnt it.

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I'm a smoker and do enjoy a ciggie at the footy, so lets keep every one on here happy, lets have a no smoking stand, :dunno::dunno::dunno::dunno::dunno:

that cant work, apparantly to some PC non smokers, the smoke will find its way to the other stand across the pitch, where they will inhale it, smoke Knows no boundaries and is far far far worse then inhaling car funes only yards away from you. :rolleyes:

This is one of the most pathetic non smoking threads I have read.

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I'm a smoker and do enjoy a ciggie at the footy, so lets keep every one on here happy, lets have a no smoking stand, :dunno::dunno::dunno::dunno::dunno:

that cant work, apparantly to some PC non smokers, the smoke will find its way to the other stand across the pitch, where they will inhale it, smoke Knows no boundaries and is far far far worse then inhaling car funes only yards away from you. :rolleyes:

This is one of the most pathetic non smoking threads I have read.

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FREEDOM OF CHOICE Non smoking areas already exsist so why not use them :dunno:

smoking areas do exsist, however as already said smoke travels I sit in A Block dolman and smoke was wafting over from B block straight into our faces.

Secondly the smoke free zones are not in the best areas in the ground,the majority of fans don't smoke therefore we are treated as the minoririty is that right?

Most non smokers have no problem if people wish to kill themselves, however they should not be able to take non smokers down with them.

Another area I question is the Dolman hall us non smoking ST's who go in there who have the same rights as the smoking fans have no say about the passive smoke again we are inhaling,not to mention the very young children who are in there taken on board the passive smoke.

Quite simply the club should take the route and ban it as have other grounds around the country.

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Guest Harvey9

I have got it put all the smokers in the east end they can kill their selfs, and the away fans as well

Finally, a good, well thought out post from ashtonyate that doesn't have a go at the academy :rofl2br:

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:@ not A freeking again... Lets ban this, lets ban that, lets ban .. football, yes increased risk of heart failure following teams, italian research following Fiorentina when they went bust, headers cause footballers to be predisposed to dementia, plus all other strains on body such as unable to walk , shot knees etcetera.. also risk to crowd by getting hit by football... it HAS Started Wars see one of the sparks of the Yugoslavia Conflict caused by Football riots after Zagreb/Split match.... the list is endless

Lets look at the Gate, One of the only places you cant get beer in the concourses, is there any particular reason for this?... not been anywhere else where this is prevelant!

Lets ban Bovril and Hot drinks, i have lost count of the times that i have been splashed or covered in hot drinks at the match

Lets have a roof cos the rain and cold plays havoc with arthritis and any other condition, inc colds which can be spread through close proximity

Okay lets look at smoking... It kills people, just like alchohol and cars etc ... People are OBSSESSED With living Longer and not Dying a horrible death....

Yes smoking does give you a horrible death, but unless the immortalitty gene soon then EVERYONE wil Die As Bill Hicks (died through smoking related diseases) Said '100%of non smokers die!'

To all those antismokers.. how does the smoking detract from enjoyment of the match, is it that other people are encroaching in to your PERSONAL Space or what... as seem to spend more time concerned about the smoking then the footie?!?!?

How do you survive in Concerts? and Do you wear surgical masks walking down the street or while at work, do you have low cholestrol and not drink... do you follow a gi plan..... IS the MASS MEDIA Shaping the Way that you think?

ttfn PINKY

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I have got it put all the smokers in the east end they can kill their selfs, and the away fans as well

If you could just make it standing as well it would be full every game; trouble being the rest of the ground would be empty :laugh:

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Sitting in the stand today it was pretty windy, smoke was flying all over the place from the individuals who paricipate in this habit,it IS the most anoying and unpleasent item during the game.

Not only is it affecting non smoking fans in the stand,but surley the players must get a lovely wiff of the passive smoke when running around especially when near the stands.

I think people should be asked to vote when entering the ground, so the management can take the correct decision and ban it for every ones well being.

If you feel it should be banned put your name under ban,or if your feel it should be allowed put your name under allow.

If enough people vote on the issue I will send it over for the managements view.


Red Robin

I'm a non-smoker myself but don't mind anybody who smokes, even if it is around me. But I have to agree with you in sorts because yesterday in E Block of the Atyeo, there was a young boy of no more than 7 years of age and he was furiosuly waving away smoke being blown into his face from people sat next to him, and that aint right. So on that opinion alone I agree with you!

Sorry smokers!

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Bill Hicks died of pancreatic cancer - don't think that was caused by smoking...

Anyway, the point is whilst there's never a really good argument to convince a non-smoker that you should be able to smoke in their presence, at least i've never heard one - it's smelly, nasty and dangerous, and that's coming from an occasional smoker myself - what we should be worried about is this society's current obsession with banning stuff, rather than letting people make their own minds up. If you're in favour of the smoking ban in public, fair enough, but don't complain when it's the turn of something you enjoy. Cars that go over 70 mph? no need for that, in everyone's best interest to ban them surely! Cheap flights with easyJet to get away for the weekend? Terrible pollution, ban them!! Drinking on public transport? Only yobs and alcoholics do that! Ban it!! Big Macs, chocolate and beer. Obsesity, tooth decay, liver disease, ban it, ban it, ban it!!!

Just beware that you might get what you wish for!!

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smoking areas do exsist, however as already said smoke travels I sit in A Block dolman and smoke was wafting over from B block straight into our faces.

Secondly the smoke free zones are not in the best areas in the ground,the majority of fans don't smoke therefore we are treated as the minoririty is that right?

Most non smokers have no problem if people wish to kill themselves, however they should not be able to take non smokers down with them.

Another area I question is the Dolman hall us non smoking ST's who go in there who have the same rights as the smoking fans have no say about the passive smoke again we are inhaling,not to mention the very young children who are in there taken on board the passive smoke.

Quite simply the club should take the route and ban it as have other grounds around the country.

If you wanted to commit suicide you would sit in a car with a hose to the exhaust this would be quicker than sat there smoking :dunno:

The fumes from your car will eventually kill all of the people on this planet one day; however you couldnt careless about that as you will probably not see it happen; pollution of this planet and the human race is much more than cigarette smoke; your views are short sighted and very biased ;

As for us taking you down with us ; surely this applies to cars/buses/trucks etc who mow down innocent victims every minute there is no move yet however to ban all cars etc;

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I'm a non-smoker myself but don't mind anybody who smokes, even if it is around me. But I have to agree with you in sorts because yesterday in E Block of the Atyeo, there was a young boy of no more than 7 years of age and he was furiosuly waving away smoke being blown into his face from people sat next to him, and that aint right. So on that opinion alone I agree with you!

Sorry smokers!

Well screw you hippy ;)

But i agree, if you are unable to go for 45 mins without a fag then there is something seriously wrong, same with pubs, nip outside for a fag, it's not hard to wait until half time, for a cigarette is it ?

P.s i'm a smoker.

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Well screw you hippy ;)

But i agree, if you are unable to go for 45 mins without a fag then there is something seriously wrong, same with pubs, nip outside for a fag, it's not hard to wait until half time, for a cigarette is it ?

P.s i'm a smoker.

We all know your a filty smoker Spuddy boy! Where have you been all this while? Aint seen you down the Gate for yonks!

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smoking areas do exsist, however as already said smoke travels I sit in A Block dolman and smoke was wafting over from B block straight into our faces.


so even if someone is sat oh, 10 meters away you still want to impose your choice on them just in case the wind is blowing a certain direction on a certain day?! :blink:

Utter bloody madness and I agree with Red Pill & Pat... Be carefull what you wish for... You want a nanny police state that tells you exactly how YOU should live your life then please continue with this sanctimoneous (sp) nonsense.

You think down the road that football couldn't be banned for the 'good' of the majority? After all it encourages drinking, shouting & excited behaviour. Wouldn't it be better if we all took that time and energy to do community service or something?

I agree that if someone is taking the pee and chain smoking or smoking cigars when the match is on then that is unreasonable but if someone wants a ciggie at half time then just let them do it.

PS. 7 year old kids should be in the family enclosure.

PPS. I am a non smoker.

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In the words of the late, great, Bill Hicks:

Obnoxious , self-righteous, whining little ######s. My biggest fear is that if I quit smoking, I'll become on of you...Don't take that wrong. I have something to tell you non-smokers that I know for a fact that you don't know, and I feel it's my duty to pass on information at all times. Ready?.......Non-smokers die every day...Enjoy your evening. See, I know that you entertain this eternal life fantasy because you've chosen not to smoke, but let me be the 1st to POP that bubble and bring you hurtling back to reality....You're dead too.


"Tell you the worst kind of non-smoker's the kind where you're smokin' and they just walk up to you... (starts coughing affectedly) I always say 'poo, you're lucky you don't smoke. Thats's some cough you got there dude. I'm smoking you're coughing, wow.' Thats kind of cruel man, going up to a smoker and coughing. poo! Do you go up to crippled people dancing too, you ######s? 'Hey Mr. Wheelchair, whats your problem? Come on ironside, race ya!'

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so even if someone is sat oh, 10 meters away you still want to impose your choice on them just in case the wind is blowing a certain direction on a certain day?! :blink:

Utter bloody madness and I agree with Red Pill & Pat... Be carefull what you wish for... You want a nanny police state that tells you exactly how YOU should live your life then please continue with this sanctimoneous (sp) nonsense.

You think down the road that football couldn't be banned for the 'good' of the majority? After all it encourages drinking, shouting & excited behaviour. Wouldn't it be better if we all took that time and energy to do community service or something?

I agree that if someone is taking the pee and chain smoking or smoking cigars when the match is on then that is unreasonable but if someone wants a ciggie at half time then just let them do it.

PS. 7 year old kids should be in the family enclosure.

PPS. I am a non smoker.

why should kids have to sit in the family enclosure.

my fleece still stinks from saturdays game from the smoking contigent.

get real it aint funny when you don;t smoke taking all the crap in,lets be fair you don't stand next to a exhaust pipe unless you are completly mad,however when you are in a confided area we have no choice to take the cancer sticks up our nostrils.

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why should kids have to sit in the family enclosure.

my fleece still stinks from saturdays game from the smoking contigent.

get real it aint funny when you don;t smoke taking all the crap in,lets be fair you don't stand next to a exhaust pipe unless you are completly mad,however when you are in a confided area we have no choice to take the cancer sticks up our nostrils.

Since when is an open air stadium a confined area?

Kids should sit in the family enclosure because thats what it's for. Or do you plan to ban swearing as well?

If your fleece stinks then wash it or are you saying that your choice of not having a smelly fleece is more important than someone elses choice of smoking? Freedom of choice mate. You choose to go somewhere that you know people will smoke so you have to sacrifice with a stinky fleece (theres a welsh joke in there somewhere!)

I keep saying that if someone is taking the P and chain smoking/smoking big fat cigars/deliberately blowing smoke at you then by all means bitch away but if someone is standing and having a ciggie at half time then let them do it IMO.

And of course you stand next to an exhaust pipe. Every day unless you work on a farm I guess. You've got even less choice in that than with cigarettes. I don't see anyone complaining about the plight of people who work in the transport industry. Bar staff should be protected but screw bus drivers & mechanics?

Also, you didn't respond to the comments about the banning of other things? Do you really think its far fetched for the nanny police state you seem to want to ban oh, I don't know... chocolate, bacon, alcohol, driving above 70mph, hairspray, pesticides, paracetamol, reading certain books, visiting certain websites, wasting time at football matches when we could be contributing to the community?

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