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hilltop red

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following on from barrymanc who said giarffes were camp looking, add your suggestions or top 3about which animals are the most camp looking.

for me it has to be poodles at number 1

number2 meerkats,(its the way they hold their hands)

number 3 cats( the way they walk, is very camp)


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ive observed some camp ferretts in my time

..........go on? :blink: (It's the closest to a WTF??? smilie there is)


Man gave names to all the animals, in the beginning, a long time ago...('Man Gave Names' - Bob Dylan)


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Although hippo's don't exactly look camp, have you ever chatted to one? Lovely chaps don't get me wrong, definately a bit stoke on trent though.

The easy access swipe away tail of the horse/zeebra, and their elegant galloping - fairly camp I reckon.

Then there's the deer, skipping happily in the meadows, drinking malabu in pubs and referring to each other as dear all the time - pretty damn gay if you ask me.


....I can change I can change, I can change I can change....('Bitter Sweet Sympany')


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Mwah, here goes.

My dog Colin is a bit camp

IPB Image

I have been nicknamed Colin, does that make me camp :blink:

My mate Scouse's dog Dave is gay as a window.

ive observed some camp ferretts in my time

Ferrets are fags, complete battiboys. It's weasels that are the kings of that respective underground, you can fight weasels for hours but ferrets are just pansys, you can pull 'em apart like that - well they are made of string.

Although hippo's don't exactly look camp, have you ever chatted to one? Lovely chaps don't get me wrong, definately a bit stoke on trent though.

The easy access swipe away tail of the horse/zeebra, and their elegant galloping - fairly camp I reckon.

Then there's the deer, skipping happily in the meadows, drinking malabu in pubs and referring to each other as dear all the time - pretty damn gay if you ask me.


....I can change I can change, I can change I can change....('Bitter Sweet Sympany')


I once started slagging off a Rhino thinking it was a camp Hippo and he turned around and went mad at me. Last time I'll fool for that one. Yes the stereotype would indicate that hippos take it up the shitter, but not EVERY hippo does, so for that reason alone be carful next time you are out hippo-pulling.

Zebra's are definatly gay - why do you think gay bars always have zebra patterned chairs (which reminds me about another thread I need to get started)?

Hadn't thought about that with deer! Fair play, I mean, what do you expect if you call your kid Bambi!

Also, Dung Beetles - If you spend that much time fudge packing it's going to be inebriated onto your brain, its probably instinctive for them to follow the brown trail now. And why would a straight beetle want to spend all day rolling poo up in balls?

Dolphins - It's obvious really, they've all got Jonathon Woss syndrome, they let there fins flop when they're in captivity (how gay!) and bellends like Speilberg spend all day looking at them.


No, not for the Geordie reference, but because they are attention whores. "Oh, oh lets start up a song so that every time humans see us they think it's good or bad luck"! ######s sake. Everybody look at me, look at what I'm doing. Blatant faggage. If that's not blatant 'look at me look at me' syndrome I don't know what is. And why do gays want all the attention? Window licking of course.

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..........go on? :blink: (It's the closest to a WTF??? smilie there is)


Man gave names to all the animals, in the beginning, a long time ago...('Man Gave Names' - Bob Dylan)


they were just overly feminine, wore pink to often, spent a lot hair products, really in to s club 7.


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