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Doctor, Doctor I think I'm an electric eel

That's shocking!

Will Ecko be shocked by another imaginary prize??

Not this time....

Doctor, Doctor _________

I feel like a snooker ball.

Get to the end of the que! - DINKY - *JACKPOT* TIME!!

I think I'm turning into a pack of cards!

I'll deal with you later! - BEN4BCFC - *JACKPOT* TIME!!




everyone keeps ignoring me.

Next please!


I feel like a pair of curtains...

Well pull yourself together! - DINKY - *JACKPOT* TIME!!

One guess per call, but as always, you can call as many times as you like, as long as there is a fellow Quizmaniac or a B'qm'B producer on the phone between each of your guesses. If the phone lines are particularly quiet and the B'qm'B producers are slacking off, then you can call twice or more in a row.....

The remaining *JACKPOT* keys are 5, 22, 24, 28-32, 34, 35, 39, 40 and 43-48!


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Doctor Doctor I hate my sisters guts,

Be thankful for what your given

I don't get it....

Doctor, Doctor _________

I feel like a snooker ball.

Get to the end of the que! - DINKY - *JACKPOT* TIME!!

I think I'm turning into a pack of cards!

I'll deal with you later! - BEN4BCFC - *JACKPOT* TIME!!




everyone keeps ignoring me.

Next please!


I feel like a pair of curtains...

Well pull yourself together!

One guess per call, but as always, you can call as many times as you like, as long as there is a fellow Quizmaniac or a B'qm'B producer on the phone between each of your guesses. If the phone lines are particularly quiet and the B'qm'B producers are slacking off, then you can call twice or more in a row.....

The remaining *JACKPOT* keys are 5, 22, 24, 28-32, 34, 35, 39, 40 and 43-48!

Keep calling Quizmaniacs!!!!!!

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Can I please have key number 5 bb? xxx


Key number 5 coming right up....

*BB enters the key*

Wiggle wiggle

It's not budging I'm afraid....

Doctor, Doctor _________

I feel like a snooker ball.

Get to the end of the que!

I think I'm turning into a pack of cards!

I'll deal with you later! - BEN4BCFC - *JACKPOT* TIME!!




everyone keeps ignoring me.

Next please!


I feel like a pair of curtains...

Well pull yourself together!

One guess per call, but as always, you can call as many times as you like, as long as there is a fellow Quizmaniac or a B'qm'B producer on the phone between each of your guesses. If the phone lines are particularly quiet and the B'qm'B producers are slacking off, then you can call twice or more in a row.....

The remaining *JACKPOT* keys are 22, 24, 28-32, 34, 35, 39, 40 and 43-48!

Keep calling Quizmaniacs!!!!!!

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Doctor, Doctor, I have swollowed a camera film.

We will have to wait and see what developes! xxx

Will an imaginary prize develop?

Not this time I'm afraid...

Doctor, Doctor _________

I feel like a snooker ball.

Get to the end of the que!

I think I'm turning into a pack of cards!

I'll deal with you later! - BEN4BCFC - *JACKPOT* TIME!!




everyone keeps ignoring me.

Next please!


I feel like a pair of curtains...

Well pull yourself together!

One guess per call, but as always, you can call as many times as you like, as long as there is a fellow Quizmaniac or a B'qm'B producer on the phone between each of your guesses. If the phone lines are particularly quiet and the B'qm'B producers are slacking off, then you can call twice or more in a row.....

The remaining *JACKPOT* keys are 22, 24, 28-32, 34, 35, 39, 40 and 43-48!

Keep calling Quizmaniacs!!!!!!

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"Doctor, doctor, I keep thinking I'm a dog."

"Sit down and tell me all about it."

"I can't, I'm not allowed on the furniture."

Maybe the Doctor should sit on the floor then??

Anyway, it's not there....

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Can I have key 46 please... :pray:

Course you can.... GOOD LUCK!!

*BB enters the key*

Wiggle wiggle

It's not the one....

Doctor, Doctor _________

I feel like a snooker ball.

Get to the end of the que!

I think I'm turning into a pack of cards!

I'll deal with you later!




everyone keeps ignoring me.

Next please!


I feel like a pair of curtains...

Well pull yourself together!

One guess per call, but as always, you can call as many times as you like, as long as there is a fellow Quizmaniac or a B'qm'B producer on the phone between each of your guesses. If the phone lines are particularly quiet and the B'qm'B producers are slacking off, then you can call twice or more in a row.....

The remaining *JACKPOT* keys are 22, 24, 28-32, 34, 35, 39, 40 and 43, 44, 45, 47 and 48!

Keep calling Quizmaniacs!!!!!!

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Doctor doctor, I can't get to sleep!

Lie on the edge of the bed and you'll soon drop off!

hehe, awful one, sorry :D:doh:

It might not be so awful if it wins you an imaginary prize Sophs....

Is it there???

It's not there.....

B'qm'B producers have decided that they need the medical advice of the quizmaniacs as they have a few things that don't seem quite right....

Doctor, Doctor, I feel like a bee...

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Thanks for all the smileys, makes me feel extremely proud! :)

Key number 34 please :pray:

Think how many you'd get if you won the *JACKPOT*!!!!!!! :w00t:

Key 34....

*BB enters the key*

Wiggle wiggle

It's still not budging...

You still walk away with an imaginary £400!!!!!!! WOOOOOOOOOOOOO

Doctor, Doctor _________

I feel like a snooker ball.

Get to the end of the que!

I think I'm turning into a pack of cards!

I'll deal with you later!




everyone keeps ignoring me.

Next please!

I feel like a bee...

Buzz off I'm busy!

I feel like a pair of curtains...

Well pull yourself together!

One guess per call, but as always, you can call as many times as you like, as long as there is a fellow Quizmaniac or a B'qm'B producer on the phone between each of your guesses. If the phone lines are particularly quiet and the B'qm'B producers are slacking off, then you can call twice or more in a row.....

The remaining *JACKPOT* keys are 22, 24, 28-32, 35, 39, 40 and 43, 44, 45, 47 and 48!

Keep calling Quizmaniacs!!!!!!

B'qm'B producers are still not feeling quite right and it seems to be having an adverse affect on the family too...

- Doctor, Doctor, my Sister thinks she's a lift!!

- Tell her to come in.

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