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:@ :@ our bloody burgers were cold.

asked for an exchange and had 2 luke warm ones.

this is in the atyeo stand. :@ :@

Was that with Chewbacca Chips and Tattooine Tomatoes?

I suggest you move to the Williams. The burgers being supplied for the Premier seating actually contain beef.

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You should eat before you goto the game, save money and dramaticly reduce you chances of getting e coli.

Have you seen the people who sever the food at AG? I would not trust them to put my bins out, let alone prepair my food.

You pay well over the odds for pure saturated fat which is killing you and turning you into bat fastards, and lets face it fat people are really disgusting to look at and we can do without them. :disapointed2se:

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You should eat before you goto the game, save money and dramaticly reduce you chances of getting e coli.

it fat people are really disgusting to look at and we can do without them. :disapointed2se:

agree, there should be some law, that says it's okay to humiliate people who are eating thereselves to death. :devil:

What do you tubbies think about this? :sub:

put down the doughnut and reply! :flowers:

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agree, there should be some law, that says it's okay to humiliate people who are eating thereselves to death. :devil:

What do you tubbies think about this? :sub:

put down the doughnut and reply! :flowers:

Oh i agree and so do they i bet, they must be disguested with themselves.

There should be high taxes placed fatty foods, or fat quotas so tubbys can only purchase 8g of fat per day. It's the only way.

I don't see why we should have to pay 20k for a heart bypass op becuase some lazy chubalong did not have the self respect to say NO! when offered all that cake, or bought 12 Big Macs instead of NO BIG MACS! :@

I'm going to lobby my MP now, if it's ok to tax smokers to the stratosphere to fund the NHS, and so the same should be for every food containing saturated fat, TAX THE FAT!!

Sorry if there are fat people who get upset about this, but its the only way you'll learn, we know you all try diets and they just don't work do they? Do me a favor porkey, they don't work becuase you don't stick to them, in future just stick to them, i'm sure if a 40 stone person were stuck on an island with owt to eat but fruit and fish that person would be 20 stone in several months, funny that.

Just stop eating cakes, chocolate, chips, burgers and pies and walk a bit, becuase if you don't you can add skint to obese when talking about yourself.

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