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We Must Have Some Of The Worst Fans In The Country


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lets look at it this way.

when GJ came to bristol city the yeovil fans said

that you have got the wrong one.ST does all the tactics

and GJ was the mouth piece.

now look at both teams now.

yeovil are fighting to stay in this league and we are playing

better . i think we have the better manager .

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But when views rely solely on conjecture, could easily be seen as a personal attack against the management with no real grounds and are consistently negative how does that strengthen the debate?

Criticism when warranted is fair and healthy.

Conjecture is the crux of debate. Without conjecture, there would be no opinons. Without opinion, there would be no debate. As long as that conjecture is not libellous/slanderous, people have the right to express an opinion.

I'm not condoning all negative comment, but merely stating that there is a place for it in healthy debate.

If the management feel libelled by statements that appear in this forum, it is up to them to do something about it, either by refuting the comments or by taking legal action.

I'm not so worried about negative comments on this board as I am about personal attacks and defamatory remarks made about the posters of it. If you disagree, you should attack the post, not the poster.

In fact, if the moderators on this forum were doing their job they would remove posts that hurl personal abuse at posters. In my opinion, it is not acceptable to call someone stupid or an idiot, just because you disagree with what they say.

Simply my old fruit, that was a well thought out post. ;) However, it seems to me that the likes of Robbo and yourself view debate as an end in itself, whereas I would say the point of debate is to establish some consensus or at least compromise. Do you agree?

Why, thank you! ;)

Actually, Dags, me ol' mukker, I can't speak for Robbo but, for me, debate is about putting an initial point of view and then defending it using appropriate language. I don't necessarily see it as an end in itself.

If I propose a point of view and nobody challenges it, then I must assume that everyone agrees. :dunno:

Conversely, if someone challenges my view and we cannot reach an agreement about the original point, then we must agree to disagree, which I suppose is a compromise.

Does that answer your question?


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lets look at it this way.

when GJ came to bristol city the yeovil fans said

that you have got the wrong one.ST does all the tactics

and GJ was the mouth piece.

now look at both teams now.

yeovil are fighting to stay in this league and we are playing

better . i think we have the better manager .

that argument holds no weight.

Not so long ago Yeovil were a non league team, this is there first ever appearence in this division. They are half the size if not less than BCFC, have spent far far less on players, far less on wages have a smaller ground, smaller fan base and smaller attendances. They were expected to struggle this year big time, whilst we were amougnst the favourites to win the league. If they stay outside the relegation zone(as they are at present) they will have achieved a hell of a lot, it will have been a successful season, however ours will not have been. GJ struggled with Yeovil this year as any manager would, if they survive it will be far more of a job well done than getting BCFCto survive.

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In the week directly following a 6-0 victory which has put us up into our highest position of the season on the back of a 3 defeats in 18 run, a significant group of our fans decide to exercise their right to slag off our manager at every given opportunity.

We have a manager trying to 'build' something. I can positively say for the first time in a long, long time that every one of the 11 players on the field wants to win for the club and for their manager. Some are more talented than others. Some won't be here next season. Some will be here for the rest of their careers. But either way, while they are here, I'm confident they'll give everything because they believe in their manager, and what their manager wants to do. Those that don't believe (and yes, that includes you Marcus) can leave, I certainly won't shed any tears if you do.

Yet too many City fans find agendas with the manager, try to pick conspiracy theories, and look at every negative over every positive. Many of you did it from day one with Tinnion, and now're you doing it with Johnson.

Unfortunately, this is just typical of the pathetic "support" I have come to associate with Bristol City over recent seasons.

It's time some of you started to get behind this team and start showing them the patience and support that so many never showed Tinnion. Otherwise, we'll be in exactly the same position we are now 12 months down the line.

I agree with everything, Apart from your Tinnion comment, I think the majority were very patient, Until it became very evident, That he was totally out of his depth and needed help and for whatever reason that help was never forthcoming.

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Tell me, if things don't go to plan and City have another modest season, will people like Robbored then be permitted to question the Almighty Johnson? I have not yet reached 1,000 City games, but I am not far off, and in the 27 years I have been watching, I have seen so many false starts that I just don't take anything for granted. And in case you are wondering, I am not enjoying today, and I doubt very much that Robbored is either.

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Unfortunately, this is just typical of the pathetic "support" I have come to associate with Bristol City over recent seasons.

It's time some of you started to get behind this team and start showing them the patience and support that so many never showed Tinnion. Otherwise, we'll be in exactly the same position we are now 12 months down the line.

You seem to be under the impression that debating on an internet forum whether or not a decision the manager made was good or bad somehow implies a lack of support or a lack of patience.

You couldn't be more wrong and I have absolutely no clue how you arrived at this ludicrous conclusion.

I've supported the team vocally and financially for many years and will continue to do so. I've got plenty of patience with the manager. If I don't agree with something he does I'll quite happily discuss it on here, if you don't like that then don't get down off your high horse to read it.


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I'll go along with that, twas the same at Lu'on last season- we're sheyte and we know we are, and we'll beat you 6-5...as well as City till i die, it brought a smile to my face after the heaviest defeat I've ever watched.

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In the week directly following a 6-0 victory which has put us up into our highest position of the season on the back of a 3 defeats in 18 run, a significant group of our fans decide to exercise their right to slag off our manager at every given opportunity.

We have a manager trying to 'build' something. I can positively say for the first time in a long, long time that every one of the 11 players on the field wants to win for the club and for their manager. Some are more talented than others. Some won't be here next season. Some will be here for the rest of their careers. But either way, while they are here, I'm confident they'll give everything because they believe in their manager, and what their manager wants to do. Those that don't believe (and yes, that includes you Marcus) can leave, I certainly won't shed any tears if you do.

Yet too many City fans find agendas with the manager, try to pick conspiracy theories, and look at every negative over every positive. Many of you did it from day one with Tinnion, and now're you doing it with Johnson.

Unfortunately, this is just typical of the pathetic "support" I have come to associate with Bristol City over recent seasons.

It's time some of you started to get behind this team and start showing them the patience and support that so many never showed Tinnion. Otherwise, we'll be in exactly the same position we are now 12 months down the line.

Some people don't have anything better to say as positive posting brings them out ina rash!

top post mate

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My current concentration span makes it fairly impossible to read any post but just going by the thread title - SPOT ****ing ON! mate. Don't think I would have had the balls to set up such a thread living in this mundane un-diverse age and society.

W(hy) TF we boo our own players?

W(hy) TF we occasionally aplaud the enemy?

W(hy) TF 10,000 people are congregated in Ashton Gate and yet we make about as much noise as 10 mice and....

WTFiGO!?! generally? are questions that have plagued me for years.

The public dissaproval of Tinman (both as manager and in early playing career), yes, you heard me correctly Mr. ****head himself, and the public slating of Joe Burnell, Butler, Hewlett, The Big Bad Bas dude, Junior Bent etc genuinely saddened me.

Then you get to the game and the vast majorety just seem to sit there in silence trying to interpret WTF's GO on the pitch as though they're Sir Robby Bobson or someone. I don't get it.

For me the job of the fan, (an one I'm very greatful to have) is a nice spot of drinking, shouting the word **** as loudly as you can, actually giving vocal support to the course, baiting Essexonians, Northerners etc and generally having a much needed giggle.

My theory is it's the result of all the brainwashing of the 'self' before the 'whole' because of competition that creates the green paper and indeed keeps the world spinning that leaves everybody considering themselves far to important to just let lose for a bit and go a bit mental.

There's something specific in the air in Bristol I reckon.

Somebody was posting about how their Sag'ead mate doesn't bother taking the **** out of City players as the City fans do a perfectly good job of that themselves.

Just a muddled up Young'n so WTF do I know but these are my thoughts.


Edit: Another possible and nicely controversial and offensive answer to my questions is that of peoples basic deprivation of intelligence.

I feel a potential backlash brewing.

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Guest Cary Grant supported City

In the week directly following a 6-0 victory which has put us up into our highest position of the season on the back of a 3 defeats in 18 run, a significant group of our fans decide to exercise their right to slag off our manager at every given opportunity.

Are we still on a "high" after yesterday??.

Rotherham played poorly with the exception of about three of their players, Forte was exceptional for them, and we were outplayed!!,

Could of lost by more, as the wood work saved us a couple of times with Basso beat.

We were lucky with the consolation goal, so a 3-1 defeat seems better than a 3-0 one!!.

We lost a great opportunity after beating a poor Gillingham side, to maintain the momentum!!.

Call me fickle, but let's see how high or low we are going to end up at the end of the season!!.


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Are we still on a "high" after yesterday??.

Rotherham played poorly with the exception of about three of their players, Forte was exceptional for them, and we were outplayed!!,

Could of lost by more, as the wood work saved us a couple of times with Basso beat.

We were lucky with the consolation goal, so a 3-1 defeat seems better than a 3-0 one!!.

We lost a great opportunity after beating a poor Gillingham side, to maintain the momentum!!.

Call me fickle, but let's see how high or low we are going to end up at the end of the season!!.


The next two games are huge, if we fail to beat yeovil and lose to walsall we will be right back in the shite, and down on confidence going in to many games against our relegation rivals. We have so many games now against teams in the dogfight that losing a game is far worse than normal as it is giving the other teams fighting against us 3 points, there are so many 6 pointers coming up. Lets just pray we get over this Rotherham result and get the responce that GJ is asking for or things could turn horrible pretty quickly.

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My theory is it's the result of all the brainwashing of the 'self' before the 'whole' because of competition that creates the green paper and indeed keeps the world spinning that leaves everybody considering themselves far to important to just let lose for a bit and go a bit mental.

WTF, we need more philosophising on this forum, although I'm in no state to work out what you're saying (mornin after the night before and all that). Keep up the good work.

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Fair comment - but I would argue that my concerns about Johnson go far deeper than what happening on the pitch.

And...isn't strange that Edson and co slated Wilson (to the point of writing to the EP) and Tinnion was mercilessly slaughtered by Richieb and co (and some still continue to blame Tinnion for all of City's problems this season) and during those campaigns I stayed very much on the fence.Now I have concerns about Johnson which I openly express and I'm the villian! - and Richie accuses me of me having one rule for me and one rule for everyone else.

robbored, I don't recall this 'one rule' thingy.

But as Phatwill points out, you were right behind BT when things were not going well & especially when BT made some real bloopers on the 'eye to eye' front.

For reasons that have been well published, I was against the BT appt, from the day he was appt (24 hours after DW went)

I remained consistant in the belief that BT wasn't the right guy.

Now you have every right to an opinion. But you slated me & others for our strong views on BT.

GJ has had a very difficult ship to turn round & I still am not toatlly convinced that he is the right guy.

But knowing what mess the club was in when he took over, he has done well & deserves the chance to get it right.

You slated me & others regarding any 'hearsay' that surrounded BT, but now you are very vocal in the very same hearsay that surrounds GJ.

I don't have an issue with you & your opinion, but when you were prepared to give our last manager time & support, I find it strange that you chose to lambast GJ.

Robbored............ you seem to have become the new 'RichieB' ?

This is just an observation.

richieb - no I am quite consistant in my views & wouldn't use the forum to 'suck up' to an ex manager!!!!


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In the week directly following a 6-0 victory which has put us up into our highest position of the season on the back of a 3 defeats in 18 run, a significant group of our fans decide to exercise their right to slag off our manager at every given opportunity.

We have a manager trying to 'build' something. I can positively say for the first time in a long, long time that every one of the 11 players on the field wants to win for the club and for their manager. Some are more talented than others. Some won't be here next season. Some will be here for the rest of their careers. But either way, while they are here, I'm confident they'll give everything because they believe in their manager, and what their manager wants to do. Those that don't believe (and yes, that includes you Marcus) can leave, I certainly won't shed any tears if you do.

Yet too many City fans find agendas with the manager, try to pick conspiracy theories, and look at every negative over every positive. Many of you did it from day one with Tinnion, and now're you doing it with Johnson.

Unfortunately, this is just typical of the pathetic "support" I have come to associate with Bristol City over recent seasons.

It's time some of you started to get behind this team and start showing them the patience and support that so many never showed Tinnion. Otherwise, we'll be in exactly the same position we are now 12 months down the line.

Godzilla mate.... I really find your views offensive, I have supported the City for over 40 years, I have brought my Son up to follow them as well, (and my brand new Grandson who will most certainly be a City fan, is going in the City programme this week),which will make me very proud. I think I am entitled to an opinion like yourself, but to call loyal fans pathetic, because they choose to question Gary J's credentials, is wrong. I am still unsure myself if he is the right man for the job, but I pray I'm wrong, and that he does get us in the Championship as soon as possible.

One last point, you say all this about the doubters, but where your argument falls down in my opinion, is the fact you just had to have a dig at Marcus Stewart, why??, that makes you no better than anyone else who has a negative opinion about other personnel at this club, would you say you are pathetic fan because you are not happy with Marcus Stewart?

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