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I can't ever remember any danger in standing on ye olde Ashton gate terrace. WTFiGO, I found a piccie for you :w00t: ........

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Summer 2007 I'm escaping the shackles of my oppression, slinging my hook and shall be off to 'live of the fat of the land' with the exploititive labour market a distant memory.

That's the dream anyway.

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Its half term. You should be out playing with your friends.

well lets spend tens of thousands to remove the seats in the east end, make it permanently secure and segregated from the away fans costing more, policing, stewarding it,

I cansee it makes real financial sense for the board and really cant understand why they have not done it yet!

So that we can provoke more trouble, possibly losing us valuable points which in all will keep us in the lower divisions of the football league.




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well lets spend tens of thousands to remove the seats in the east end,

Where did you get this quotation or have you just made it up? I will personally form a seat removal voluntary group if needs be

So that we can provoke more trouble, possibly losing us valuable points which in all will keep us in the lower divisions of the football league.

This is speculative BS imo mate


...for the visit's of peace loving Club's such as Yeovil I thoroughly agree.

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well lets spend tens of thousands to remove the seats in the east end, make it permanently secure and segregated from the away fans costing more, policing, stewarding it,

I cansee it makes real financial sense for the board and really cant understand why they have not done it yet!

So that we can provoke more trouble, possibly losing us valuable points which in all will keep us in the lower divisions of the football league.




If you're the Police woman in that piccie then maybe I'll let you spank my bottom. :whistle::w00t:

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dunno had enough of this now...... :dunno:

well fair enough, I'll make this my last post as well.

You talk of blinkeredness, you quote 'ten's of thousand's of pounds' without any source of information and you laugh at my suggestion of a voluntary seat removal group when I am fairly confident I can aquire the necessary skills and have the persuasional abilities and enthuiasm to talk people into joining me. You also make claims that terracing would result in us losing points and keep us in the lower divisions which we've spent something like 90% of our history in anyway. You've lost me, so yeah, I have had enough.

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why do so many of you seem so blinkered by everything? :grr::grr::grr:

your just being unreasonable now!

Voluntary Seat Removal Groups? :rofl2br:

you sad man!

Yes I will with a barbed wire covered oar!


Now, now young lady. Let's not get too violent, you'll never know where we'll end up. Just take a look at what happened to the ancestor of your current royal leader at the very capable hands of my Red Goblin republican ancestors......

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Gobby - I once found you intriuging and amusing, I now just find I'm getting slightly scared.

Keep up the good work!

That piccie of the Scottish born tyrant traitor King Charles I's head meeting an axe has to be a defining moment in European history. No longer would European monarchs be regarded as 'Gods' with absolute control over the lives of their subject peoples :whistle: This brings me back to the topic of this thread i.e. 'Police' - the Police in this country bear the insignia of a Queen who is a German descended imposter - the rightful heir to the English throne lives in Australia and he's a Republican. So if the Police were merely acting to keep their Queen's Peace at Ashton Gate on Saturday - their Queen actually being an imposter - were they acting lawfully? :w00t::w00t::w00t::whistle:

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That piccie of the Scottish born tyrant traitor King Charles I's head meeting an axe has to be a defining moment in European history. No longer would European monarchs be regarded as 'Gods' with absolute control over the lives of their subject peoples :whistle: This brings me back to the topic of this thread i.e. 'Police' - the Police in this country bear the insignia of a Queen who is a German descended imposter - the rightful heir to the English throne lives in Australia and he's a Republican. So if the Police were merely acting to keep their Queen's Peace at Ashton Gate on Saturday - their Queen actually being an imposter - were they acting lawfully? :w00t::w00t::w00t::whistle:

So what are we going to to do?

A call for action is what is required, any ideas? Or are we just going to spend our evenings ranting and raving about it over the internet?

Got any spare gun powder for example?

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So what are we going to to do?

A call for action is what is required, any ideas? Or are we just going to spend our evenings ranting and raving about it over the internet?

Got any spare gun powder for example?

Guy Fawkes' gun powder solution to the tyrannical royalist Police State of his time met with failure and his very own public execution. Now Oliver Cromwell and Co - they were much more successful in defeating the royalists. :w00t:

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hey boys you scared stillmorecider off. nice to see us winning my thread haha.

:) Does anyone else have a certain person whose posts they just look at for laughable content? haha

I think our fisherman's friend just ran out of bait or something :dunno:

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The police were probably called because numbskulls such as yourself show our stewards no respect whatsoever!

If Idiots like you and your merry band sat down your ticket money wouldn't be required to pay for the police, Get it?

We have an all seater stadium, so sit down! Its not difficult.

Why do you have to stand to sing, Is your brain located in a part of the body that cannot function if you are sat on it?

Excuse me? When did i ever say i didn't sit down when told to by a steward? READ MY POSTS! :doh:

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You have got to have a laugh when you here people say The police do a good job.

We have the highest crime rate in europe,

the police spend thousands of our tax money on the national football intelligence unit or whatever it is called,

i saw them in action at Heathrow, the so-called "spotters", idiots with silly hats that simply stopped everybody with a shaven head and asked to see their passport.

As for saturday's game, who considered it necessary for all the police? don't they know that city and yeovil are more or less friends?

I think the club should ask for a refund form the police, as it looks like no intelligence was collected for this game, thus costing our club thousands.

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You have got to have a laugh when you here people say The police do a good job.

We have the highest crime rate in europe,

the police spend thousands of our tax money on the national football intelligence unit or whatever it is called,

i saw them in action at Heathrow, the so-called "spotters", idiots with silly hats that simply stopped everybody with a shaven head and asked to see their passport.

As for saturday's game, who considered it necessary for all the police? don't they know that city and yeovil are more or less friends?

I think the club should ask for a refund form the police, as it looks like no intelligence was collected for this game, thus costing our club thousands.

We're the laughing stock of Europe with regard to our corrupt Police and their Crown Prosecution Service toff/snob puppet masters, the criminal justice system in this country is now widely regarded as the most corrupt in Western Europe. I am proud to be English and at the same time thoroughly ashamed of the corrupt legal system in this country that is no more than a vehicle for overpaid royalist toffs and snobs for subjugating and coercing my fellow countrymen and fellow BCFC supporters. :angry:

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I'm not sure its corrupt, more inept,

the way people get away with things in this country,

driving with no insurance, dodgy companies not paying tax,

even if you kill soembody whilst driving without tax, insurance, license, mot and then buggering off from the accident, youll probably only get community service

but if you dare to stand up at a football match..

or light up a cig in a pub in scotland

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hey boys you scared stillmorecider off. nice to see us winning my thread haha. :) Does anyone else have a certain person whose posts they just look at for laughable content? haha

Well boys, you haven't scared me off and that is not the attitude a little jumped up ###### like yourself should be saying,

if I cant post what i want to say then lets close this "open" forum down!

I've just come in from work, and really cannot be @rsed to squabble like a playground schoolboy.

I will continue to post air my views and there is nothing you can do about it! :cool:

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To add something constructive to this thread. Next time City score, try cheering the goal from a seated position and then come back and tell us standing doesn't add to the atmosphere.

I won't belive you.

Whilst you are standing, you could do something useful like learn to spell! :laugh:

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Guest rugeley saddler77

Talking about police i hope you lads are going to behave yourself when you come to

the Bescot on saturday you caused enough trouble last year picking on our poor shy retiring

West Midlands Police :blush::cool::rolleyes:

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I'm not sure its corrupt, more inept,

In my opinion the criminal justice system in this country is more corrupt than inept and I can give examples. My favourite example being Police Constable Mark Milton from the corrupt Royalist West Mercia Gestapo Police and the hopelessly corrupt and toff/snob ridden West Mercia court service. PC Milton was recorded driving at 159mph by a video camera in his patrol car in December 2004. PC Gestapo Milton told the West Mercia court that he was just testing the new unmarked vehicle and was cleared of dangerous driving and speeding charges by the corrupt Judge - Bruce Morgan. :shifty: The decision even angered fellow Royalists in the Royalist Society for the Prevention of Accidents, who said that driving at speeds over 100mph was too dangerous, even in emergencies. The RAC also expressed concern at the decision, claiming that motorists could view the verdict as making one rule for the Police and another for everyone else. :whistle:

Just remember that some ordinary bods have gone to jail for driving at speeds over 130 mph - why was this copper let off ???!!!!!! My wife and mother-in-law have both been fined with points on licence for just a few mph over a 30mph limit !!!! :blink: You can come to no other conclusion other than regarding the West Mercia court service and West Mercia Police as being totally corrupt rather than inept. :dance:

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In my opinion the criminal justice system in this country is more corrupt than inept and I can give examples. My favourite example being Police Constable Mark Milton from the corrupt Royalist West Mercia Gestapo Police and the hopelessly corrupt and toff/snob ridden West Mercia court service. PC Milton was recorded driving at 159mph by a video camera in his patrol car in December 2004. PC Gestapo Milton told the West Mercia court that he was just testing the new unmarked vehicle and was cleared of dangerous driving and speeding charges by the corrupt Judge - Bruce Morgan. :shifty: The decision even angered fellow Royalists in the Royalist Society for the Prevention of Accidents, who said that driving at speeds over 100mph was too dangerous, even in emergencies. The RAC also expressed concern at the decision, claiming that motorists could view the verdict as making one rule for the Police and another for everyone else. :whistle:

Just remember that some ordinary bods have gone to jail for driving at speeds over 130 mph - why was this copper let off ???!!!!!! My wife and mother-in-law have both been fined with points on licence for just a few mph over a 30mph limit !!!! :blink: You can come to no other conclusion other than regarding the West Mercia court service and West Mercia Police as being totally corrupt rather than inept. :dance:

Just a few mph over a thirty limit? - 30 is where if a child is hit he/she has a 90% chance of survival

One or two - nope

two or three - nope

three or four - nope

four or five - nope - we are now into a speed band where if a child is hit there is a 90% chance of death

five or six - nope

we are now 20% over the limit - just how fast were they going?

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Well boys, you haven't scared me off and that is not the attitude a little jumped up ###### like yourself should be saying,

if I cant post what i want to say then lets close this "open" forum down!

I've just come in from work, and really cannot be @rsed to squabble like a playground schoolboy.

I will continue to post air my views and there is nothing you can do about it! :cool:

There's an ignore button on here somewhere isn't there? :dance:

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In my opinion the criminal justice system in this country is more corrupt than inept and I can give examples. My favourite example being Police Constable Mark Milton from the corrupt Royalist West Mercia Gestapo Police and the hopelessly corrupt and toff/snob ridden West Mercia court service. PC Milton was recorded driving at 159mph by a video camera in his patrol car in December 2004. PC Gestapo Milton told the West Mercia court that he was just testing the new unmarked vehicle and was cleared of dangerous driving and speeding charges by the corrupt Judge - Bruce Morgan. :shifty: The decision even angered fellow Royalists in the Royalist Society for the Prevention of Accidents, who said that driving at speeds over 100mph was too dangerous, even in emergencies. The RAC also expressed concern at the decision, claiming that motorists could view the verdict as making one rule for the Police and another for everyone else. :whistle:

Just remember that some ordinary bods have gone to jail for driving at speeds over 130 mph - why was this copper let off ???!!!!!! My wife and mother-in-law have both been fined with points on licence for just a few mph over a 30mph limit !!!! :blink: You can come to no other conclusion other than regarding the West Mercia court service and West Mercia Police as being totally corrupt rather than inept. :dance:

come on, if you had a police car, wouldn't you be tempted..

get those lights flashing

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Just a few mph over a thirty limit? - 30 is where if a child is hit he/she has a 90% chance of survival

One or two - nope

two or three - nope

three or four - nope

four or five - nope - we are now into a speed band where if a child is hit there is a 90% chance of death

five or six - nope

we are now 20% over the limit - just how fast were they going?

England, I don't dispute what you write. However, my wife and mother-in-law were both punished unlike the West Mercia Policeman caught doing 159mph. My wife was fined for doing 36mph on an 'A' road by a speed tax van and my mother-in-law fined for 35mph on the Portway - I think that speed camera that caught the mother-in-law has now been removed. :rolleyes:

What if that corrupt West Mercia Policeman had hit someone doing 159mph?

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