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Grannys Garden Petition


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I'm not signing it either. You, along with WTF, already spend too much time being a geek on your PC.


A bigger boy will one day come along and hit you very hard on the head and when they do I will laugh and go ''ha, Dagest just got hit very hard on the head ha ha ha'' and then I strongly suspect that I'll start whittering some crap about karma and how much I love to see justice.

I am looking forward to this day immensley.

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Anyone who is particularly keen may wish to try this, it will get you the Amstrad version, but it looks fairly similar to the BBC Micro version...

Download and install this little application


Which is an Amstrad emulator (allows to you to play amstrad games on your pc for those of you not as geeky as the likes of myself and Rayer)

Then as a crazy idea you might want a game to play on it, try downloading this,


from that extract the file granngar.dsk and save it into the directory

C:\Program Files\CPCEMU-1.6\DISC\

which should've been created when you installed the emulator.

Now go to your start menu, find the CPCEMU directory and run the program 'CPC 6128'.

In that prgram press F3, followed by enter to select 'Insert Disk' then highlight grannger.dsk and press enter again.


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Is there Sound?

I can see the Sound Menu but not quite sure how it works...

Scratch that.... Sorted it!

There was a nother game relevant to a few topics on here, and it was about Dragons and Teeth if I'm correct in recalling. I remember one of the puzzles was which came first, the chicken or the Egg.... anyone know what the fudge I am talking about????

On a sidenote, I hope they release the BBC Micro copyrighted version - the witch's cackle was much more scary!

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Here ya go, I have gone and set one up, we can post it to 4Mation software when we have lots of people signed, so go and put it on other websites and explain what we're trying to do.


Please sign it, theres only me on there so far. :pray:

I'm not sure why there is a petition for someone to give up their rights to something they invented? That's the way the world works... :blink:

I understand that it's a great game, but seriously, why should they give up any rights to income from it when they invented it? It's like asking musicians to forego royalties on their works isn't it?

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I'm not sure why there is a petition for someone to give up their rights to something they invented? That's the way the world works... :blink:

I understand that it's a great game, but seriously, why should they give up any rights to income from it when they invented it? It's like asking musicians to forego royalties on their works isn't it?

Well its not like they can sell a 1982 game in todays market is it?

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This game is quality! Brings back memories of BBC when I was but a young chap.... Are there any others?

What about the one where we used to shoot bricks?

Well its not like they can sell a 1982 game in todays market is it?

I dunno... I'm enjoying it!! In seriousness, that may be the case but themn why the need for the petition? And what do they gain from not releasing their copyright? If they genuinely don't make money from it then perhaps they'd release it for a small price? I dunno... just need some answers thats all ;)

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I know its a great game. I'm trying to go to bed but the missus who has never played this insists on one more try....

She'd be more scared if we was playing the Micro version cos of the Witch's cackle...

She's also giving I grief about using "we was" in the last sentence - bloody wimmen!

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Quote from the CDP household ....

"well if we give him the * bleeping * key then we won't get in the * bleeping * Castle then will we?"


Thank God that when I was younger I had MegaDrive's, N64's and Playstation's.

I mean really. There was a game where you shot at bricks??

You have not lived son.

Those were the days where games were games, and men were men and you could get a pint of beer for 25p.....

Ahem, games used to be played for gameplay, not necessarily all these high tech graphics.

God the language in this house is getting extreme :D

Sigh - women, you tell them one thing they want another! Just ruined another go :D

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We (of the CDP household) have not quite worked out how you find the last two children in one go - we reckon you have to play it once and find something out otherwise you cannot make it through to the castle...

Can anyone PM me and prove us (my missus) wrong?

Cheers :)

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That's what I mean Lukey, if you give the yellow object eater the object you then cannot use the object to get access to one of the locations (talking in non spoiler riddley things!) - so you have to do it once to get the right answer then start again to do it.....


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Right Blokey... but if you had said no first time, thinking that it would be a silly thing to do (as your missus did I believe) then found one person then realised what you needed to do in order to find the other person.....

It can be done first time, I am sure of it...

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Right Blokey... but if you had said no first time, thinking that it would be a silly thing to do (as your missus did I believe) then found one person then realised what you needed to do in order to find the other person.....

It can be done first time, I am sure of it...

Then by all means post me a PM with the first time route without giving the yellow object eater it then! :laugh:

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