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Grannys Garden Petition


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So where are you stuck?

I'm not stuck so much, well actually I am, I need to work out how to get past the mushroom level i flew over the pond, then went in the snail and then the worm (maybe not in that order) but then the next bit i cant fly again and the witch gets me.

I know I know go on laugh at me!

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I'm not stuck so much, well actually I am, I need to work out how to get past the mushroom level i flew over the pond, then went in the snail and then the worm (maybe not in that order) but then the next bit i cant fly again and the witch gets me.

I know I know go on laugh at me!

Try the Spider...

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Nope its scared of the dog and I get the witch.

Now when I have nightmares tonight I know who to blame

You said you needed to fly again....you didnt say nowt about a dog! Pfff!

Then you have one other helpful insect to help you....

It might bee easy for you to work it out hun ;)

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You said you needed to fly again....you didnt say nowt about a dog! Pfff!

Then you have one other helpful insect to help you....

It might bee easy for you to work it out hun ;)

Ive had enough trauma for one day, will have another go tomorrow, is there anyway you can get back in on that level straight away only it doesnt ask me for the password and I have to do the house again.

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Ive had enough trauma for one day, will have another go tomorrow, is there anyway you can get back in on that level straight away only it doesnt ask me for the password and I have to do the house again.

Is is Sky?

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I think it only asks you for the pwd after you die. Could be wrong though. What I did was kill mnyself by looking in the pot in the kitchen of the house then type in the password.

Then by all means post me a PM with the first time route without giving the yellow object eater it then! :laugh:

You just say no and carry on o the castle then go back amd sya yes the next time. You would need to say no which is the difficult thing.... the first time route is the same as the route you did the last time... just on the first time... geddit? :P

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