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Forgive Me Revkev..

Sir Colby-Tit

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It was people like Noah that gave beastiality a bad name. Before his big wooden brothel was erected, man and beast were free to express their sensuality in any way they saw fit...

...Forgive me RevKev for I again have sinned (might be a long night for you pal) - I referred to a biblical character in an offensive and wanton manner. I s'pose God must be gettin kinda peeved with me by now?

There's a little known story about Noah in Genesis chapter 9 verse 20 onwards, which took place after the flood. Noah started a vineyard and drank too much of his own grog, got drunk and naked (no animals involved though, to the best of my understanding, Mozo). His son canaan saw him naked and got the blame for it, though it doesn't make sense really. Anyway, look it up and see for yourself.

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There's a little known story about Noah in Genesis chapter 9 verse 20 onwards, which took place after the flood. Noah started a vineyard and drank too much of his own grog, got drunk and naked (no animals involved though, to the best of my understanding, Mozo). His son canaan saw him naked and got the blame for it, though it doesn't make sense really. Anyway, look it up and see for yourself.

Is being drunk and getting naked a sin really..................... no I didn't think so?

I obviously feel sorry for his son on this one.......... but I will remember it for fututre reference ;)

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Is being drunk and getting naked a sin really..................... no I didn't think so?

It wasn't Noah who got the blame, and he was the one drunk and naked. His poor lad got the blame. And, I ask you, who wants to see their dad naked and in the buff???? Think he's suffered enough.

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There's a little known story about Noah in Genesis chapter 9 verse 20 onwards, which took place after the flood. Noah started a vineyard and drank too much of his own grog, got drunk and naked (no animals involved though, to the best of my understanding, Mozo). His son canaan saw him naked and got the blame for it, though it doesn't make sense really. Anyway, look it up and see for yourself.

That's a good story. If the bible's full of anecdotes about hebrews out on the lash I might just give it a read.

I like your technique of giving me that little teaser so that I'll run off and read the good book. Sneakier than the snake in eden you are! (I jest of course)

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That's a good story. If the bible's full of anecdotes about hebrews out on the lash I might just give it a read.

I like your technique of giving me that little teaser so that I'll run off and read the good book. Sneakier than the snake in eden you are! (I jest of course)


Don't take my word for it, it's all there.......

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