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Does It Make Me A Bad Person


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Apparently this bird I pulled last night was 17 BUT she told me she was 19!!! If I'm 23 is that wrong???

To put it in perspective I don't remember owt, I thoght she was a black girl but apparently she was Chinese. Anyway, am I going to go to hell/prison/fat camp for it?

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Apparently this bird I pulled last night was 17 BUT she told me she was 19!!! If I'm 23 is that wrong???

To put it in perspective I don't remember owt, I thoght she was a black girl but apparently she was Chinese. Anyway, am I going to go to hell/prison/fat camp for it?

Visit an optician, son, it will be your saviour!

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Apparently this bird I pulled last night was 17 BUT she told me she was 19!!! If I'm 23 is that wrong???

To put it in perspective I don't remember owt, I thoght she was a black girl but apparently she was Chinese. Anyway, am I going to go to hell/prison/fat camp for it?

Fat camp I reckon.

The age thing doesn't really matter, but was she a minger is my concern!! :whistle:

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Visit an optician, son, it will be your saviour!

Mate I haven't been able to see for about 24 hours, glasses aint going to help.

Fat camp I reckon.

The age thing doesn't really matter, but was she a minger is my concern!! :whistle:

I reckon probably yes, but, bothered. I didn't see her so in my eyes, she's Whitney Houston.

Oh no. She reminds me of something. Have a good night one and all mwah.

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Apparently this bird I pulled last night was 17 BUT she told me she was 19!!! If I'm 23 is that wrong???

To put it in perspective I don't remember owt, I thoght she was a black girl but apparently she was Chinese. Anyway, am I going to go to hell/prison/fat camp for it?

No son you won't and I for one am proud of you !!

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Apparently this bird I pulled last night was 17 BUT she told me she was 19!!! If I'm 23 is that wrong???

To put it in perspective I don't remember owt, I thoght she was a black girl but apparently she was Chinese. Anyway, am I going to go to hell/prison/fat camp for it?

Barry!!! :o:D

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Apparently this bird I pulled last night was 17 BUT she told me she was 19!!! If I'm 23 is that wrong???

To put it in perspective I don't remember owt, I thoght she was a black girl but apparently she was Chinese. Anyway, am I going to go to hell/prison/fat camp for it?

Nothing wrong with it at all my friend. It's happened to the best of us. Though if you managed to get her race confused, you might have to question the amount you had to drink.

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What species just out of interest? Penguin? always a challenge I find.

Here's a current favorate philosophy of mine; sometime's in life the punishment is well worth the crime.

Another little thought, being too young and being under aged are by no means the same thing. :ph34r:

17 though!!! ******' 'ell man! :pinch:

Minger's make the world go round imo. Gotta love 'em.

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No son you won't and I for one am proud of you !!

Thank you awfully.

What species just out of interest? Penguin? always a challenge I find.

Here's a current favorate philosophy of mine; sometime's in life the punishment is well worth the crime.

Another little thought, being too young and being under aged are by no means the same thing. :ph34r:

17 though!!! ******' 'ell man! :pinch:

Minger's make the world go round imo. Gotta love 'em.

Species? I'm just happy she had a pulse. The punishment is not worth the crime 've been gettin rinsed for it all night. And t werem't even that good! Not that I remember though. She was too young but not underage. Everyones a winner.

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Apparently this bird I pulled last night was 17 BUT she told me she was 19!!! If I'm 23 is that wrong???

To put it in perspective I don't remember owt, I thoght she was a black girl but apparently she was Chinese. Anyway, am I going to go to hell/prison/fat camp for it?

Good god no, nothing wrong with that, i would be sceptical if you at 23 entered into a relationship with a 17 year old, in my expirence people in general still have one hell of a lot of growing up to do at the age of 17 and are often very different people when they get to 21.

She said se was 19, you were ******** so mabye made a judgement on her age that you perhaps wouldn't have made if sober, but she lied, her proble not yours, you can hardly be expected to ask for Id can you ?

Be a bit of a mood killer so to speak, "oh hang on love, before we go anywhere can i see some id please" It's just not going to get you any results.

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Guest MaloneFM

Barrington the question from the prosecution that this whole case rests upon is. Did you make the beast with two backs with her?

And the obvious follow up question being...have you got pictures you can put on here?

'Yes' to both means aquittal on all counts

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Barrington the question from the prosecution that this whole case rests upon is. Did you make the beast with two backs with her?

And the obvious follow up question being...have you got pictures you can put on here?

'Yes' to both means aquittal on all counts

Mate, my drunken stupor has made me think "god I love this guy". In reality I don't know you from Jack but, point being, no and no. Sorrry. To far gone at the time. Get me?

Now, I'm going to carry on with the procedings and get me a beast :w00t:

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Guest MaloneFM

EVERYONE loves me Barrington! Its a fact. But having not made the beast puts you in a slightly better view as far as the jury goes.

As long as you copped some kind of a feel. CASE DISMISSED!

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Well thank you Barrington. And the copping a feel? Just for the record of course.

Pull yer baggy Y-fronts back up you old perv. One pimms too many and he thinks he's a randy teenager again!

By the way, I'm planning on pulling a giraffe - any laws on that?

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In reality I don't know you from Jack

Which Jack are you making reference to? :dunno:

Jack the Ripper? Nice enough bloke once you got to know him apparently, had one or two slightly anti-social behavioural trait's that irked some (but haven't we all?), just misunderstood on the whole I gather.

Jack the Hat? Liked his hat's but did go and fall out with those lovely Kray boy's which he kind of lived to regret :blink: or didn't, now that I think about it. or.....

Jack The beanstalk lover? He had something of an unusual experiance when he exchanged the family cow (not his sister but the sexually attractive type) for some beans so legend has it.

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Would you be planning on the copping of the feel Mozo? For the record of course.

Well if I fail to pull the younger sister of Barry's conquest, I'll have to settle for that bloody long-necked horse.

There may be groping.

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A man's gotta do what a man's gotta do. I didn't get that far in all honesty but I'd imagine the answer is a sound YES, and brown.

I hope that's put Malone to bed nicely.

Oo barry you do make I chuckle! :doh: Like dolls said, if shes over 16 and consented its fine. The fact she lied about her age shows she may feel its an issue though!Hey ho. Just another night in Barry land! he he he :blink:xxx

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Guest bcfcjake

Beer goggles Baz!! :laugh:

i've got some x-ray goggles if anyone wants to borrow.

espiecially if your going to the zoo to see the girraffes , eh mozo? :dance:

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i've got some x-ray goggles if anyone wants to borrow.

espiecially if your going to the zoo to see the girraffes , eh mozo? :dance:

I don't need to go to the zoo to see a giraffe buddy. I've got a constantly pished 'raffe permanently slumped in my caravan already.

Not to mention Colby passing him pear cider through my window and Dagest in my cupboard.

Me and WTF are trying to organise this revolution tour and can barely move.

To add insult to injury, Baz keeps bringing back pished up schoolgirls! It's a hoot, it really is.

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