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New Home Kit - Confirmed A3 - But White Socks!


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Like the shirt, like the shorts but do not like the socks, the red socks would have looked so much better

Like the shirt, like the shorts but wish the socks were red. Will still buy my two sons the strip and a new top for me, does anyone know when it'll be on sale?

I reckon the club should sell both in the club shop, it would be a nice touch :pray:

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From reading the City History books, I seem to recall the very original kit when the club was formed back in Bemmy all those years ago was agreed as "Red Shirts, Blue Shorts and Red socks". Anyone know any different? Plus our only FA Cup Final appearance was in Blue shirts, white shorts and blue socks! Glad we dropped the blue.

I am absolutely delighted with the kit. It does seem like the Club are paying attention to the fans on this one. I would've preferred red socks but hey ho, that's Democracy! Hope it's ready to wear in time for Germany :englandsmile4wf:

In my book it says white knickers. Which seems a bit fussy.

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If someone was asked to name a team that plays in all red, most people would probably answer 'Liverpool'. We've looked good playing in all red, but it will be nice next season to have a change.

Although white shorts and red socks would have been more traditional, quite a few other teams have this combination. In fact, no other team in the Premiership and Football League that play in predominantly red shirts currently play in white shorts and socks, so we can make these our colours.

The full list in case you don't believe me (based on this seasons kits) is:

Man Utd: Red shirts, White shorts, Black socks

Liverpool: All red

Charlton: R, W, R&W hoops

Middlesbrough: All red

Crewe: R, W, R

Barnsley: R, W, R

Forest: R, W, R

B'mouth: R, Black, Black

Rotherham: R, W, R

Swindon: R, W, R & W

Walsall: R, W, R

L Orient: All red

Wrexham: R, W, R

Rushden: R, W, R

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Love the shirt and shorts, but seriosly...........did that many people actually vote for white socks! :dunno:

the outrage!

i voted for the shirt - best of the bunch although do not like it much - the vents looks a bit dodgy, the white shorts - prefer all white and none of this faffin about with 80's style stripes everywhere and the socks came as the package although i voted for red socks from memory - although they should have had the 2 white stripes - original - but not on offer.

quite frankly why we have to change anything from the 1976 promo day is beyond me - but tinker is the favourite word for the city board year in and year out.

red top should mean all red, white shorts should mean all white and socks should be red with the 2 white stripes - classic. no messing about. still, it is a step toward the original and designed so the fans buy, then buy again, and again and again and again......as they change, and change, and change....

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