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Dan C

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Posts get deleted etc and no one ever gives a reason why, Tell people to bugger off and you get a warning for it. Yea like that is really abuse. I Know what abuse is and it certainly aint that.

If people have a complaint about this place then they have the right to air there opinion what with fre speech and all that, But no threads get deleted without a reason why and people are left feeling bitter. This causing them to start even more threads complaing and then they go and get deleted/locked.

How would these mods feel if they were treated like this? Chill out guys, Lighten up, Take a chill pill and all that. If people got a complaint let them air it as well it is a forum and that sort of things happen on a forum. If no one is slagging people off then where is the harm? I just don't understand it all to be truthfull.

Then there is that test area. Al topics will now be locked as it creates extra work load for the mods because they got to check on them. Well it takes time locking them aswell so where is the difference? If something unsaviory is said in there which I havenever seen then there isthe report button for people to report it.

No doubt this will be locked or deleted which would just prove my point, But I'm just stating mine and many others opinion of this place at the moment.

Better relations between the mods and the forum users are needed for this place to carry on being a success and maybe someone with a less pc nanny state attitude is required to be a mod.

Critism shouldn't be viewed as a bad thing, It should be used to improve on things.

I'm not meaning to havea swipe at anyone with this post, And i'm sorry if it comes accross as that. All i'm trying to do is voice my opinions of where this forum needs to improve.

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Posts get deleted etc and no one ever gives a reason why, Tell people to bugger off and you get a warning for it. Yea like that is really abuse. I Know what abuse is and it certainly aint that.

If people have a complaint about this place then they have the right to air there opinion what with fre speech and all that, But no threads get deleted without a reason why and people are left feeling bitter. This causing them to start even more threads complaing and then they go and get deleted/locked.

How would these mods feel if they were treated like this? Chill out guys, Lighten up, Take a chill pill and all that. If people got a complaint let them air it as well it is a forum and that sort of things happen on a forum. If no one is slagging people off then where is the harm? I just don't understand it all to be truthfull.

Then there is that test area. Al topics will now be locked as it creates extra work load for the mods because they got to check on them. Well it takes time locking them aswell so where is the difference? If something unsaviory is said in there which I havenever seen then there isthe report button for people to report it.

No doubt this will be locked or deleted which would just prove my point, But I'm just stating mine and many others opinion of this place at the moment.

Better relations between the mods and the forum users are needed for this place to carry on being a success and maybe someone with a less pc nanny state attitude is required to be a mod.

Critism shouldn't be viewed as a bad thing, It should be used to improve on things.

I'm not meaning to havea swipe at anyone with this post, And i'm sorry if it comes accross as that. All i'm trying to do is voice my opinions of where this forum needs to improve.

Hey man, as I fear it will be locked/removed before I get to comment I haven't read through your thesis but have a feeling I know the essence.

I got a load of stick for what was a quite innocent remark the other day, wasn't on the forum to defend myself (it was removed by the time I was) and only heard about it from a casual browser mate.

Set up a thread like what you have now in order to have it out with those who took offence to me, (don't know who they were as like I say it got pulled, not that it really matter's who they were) it was pulled almost instantly and I had 10% more 'warn' given to me :( .

Was fairly vexed at the time but I got over it.

I dunno what the answer is. If you're going to write a point of view on here, it is unlikely that at least one person out of 4000 odd isn't going to dissent it.

Exposition over.

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To add my point of view:

Telling somebody to bugger off is attacking the poster which is against forum rules.

When the post you refer to was removed, you were informed by PM. You say you were not told of the reason why, yet you go on to state the reason why - contradictory?

Complaints over moderation shopuld IMO be dealt with by PM, indeed complaints over the actions of anybody should be made over PM as an open forum is not the place - that is why these threads are often locked/deleted.

The mods have to follow the forum rules just like any other poster so to ask how the mods WOULD feel seems bizarre.

As for PC Nanny state attitudes, seems a strange statement but I personally don't like things being too PC and am not particularly fanatical about the welfare system in this country.

Finally, the mods have a responsibility to keep this forum suitable for family viewing. Please understand this. There are more important things in all of your lives than posting on here I would hope and whilst some of us are obliged to be here at the moment due to certain posts meaning they cannot go to sleep yet in case similar ones pop up, you are not. Go and enjoy some of those more important things......

This thread may be locked/deleted, I have not done so but I would understand if it was.

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Telling somebody to bugger off is attacking the poster which is against forum rules.

There are more important things in all of your lives than posting on here I would hope and whilst some of us are obliged to be here at the moment due to certain posts meaning they cannot go to sleep yet in case similar ones pop up, you are not. Go and enjoy some of those more important things......

To me that sounds pretty much like telling me to bugger off. Which as you put it is attacking the poster.

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This is one of the most laxly moderated forums i post on, and i would say that this is partly to blame for the downturn in quality over the past months. Some of the best forums on the net are the most harshley moderated, but they are moderated in the main fairly and evenly, but this one i'd argue is moderated with little degree of consistency, some personal attacks which are far harsher than a simple bugger off are left up or not dealt with for a long time, posts that have no use to them except to attack the poster rather than the actual argument are frequently left up.

For me there is little consistancy within the moderating of these forums.

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Well Spud, they certainly shouldnt be. Please feel free to use the report button if you feel that a post is doing that.

I too think that we are fairly relaxed in moderation - it is a hard balance to strike and we have made conscious decisions to relax certain things since the Club decided to stop running the forum but certainly don't wish to leave up posts which attack the poster.

You will never please everyone, and I feel it is important to stick to doing the right thing rather than trying to please the more vocal "complainors" which is often done in life. That is only ever a short term fix.

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Well Spud, they certainly shouldnt be. Please feel free to use the report button if you feel that a post is doing that.

I too think that we are fairly relaxed in moderation - it is a hard balance to strike and we have made conscious decisions to relax certain things since the Club decided to stop running the forum but certainly don't wish to leave up posts which attack the poster.

You will never please everyone, and I feel it is important to stick to doing the right thing rather than trying to please the more vocal "complainors" which is often done in life. That is only ever a short term fix.

I agree, that you will never please everyone, but you can get close, i'm assuming as mods you have the ability to edit posts as well as delete them ? were it is a case of something like Dan C posted where i'm assuming that the entire cntent of his post was not just bugger off and there was other stuff as well ? i didn't see it so i don't know, if it was just a small part of a post then would a simple quick edit replacing the bugger off with Oi no personal attacks, gets the message across without deleting the wole post, assuming there was more to it.

These are the basic rules of the forum i post on the most, they have other rules but they are specific to those forums, but this is the base of their rules,

No swearing, posting of "adult" material, personal attacks or "trolling"

OcUK would like you and your whole family to learn and share via our forums. For this reason swearing and the posting of "adult" or offensive material is forbidden. Simply replacing some of the letters in a swearword with a * or any other character is not acceptable. If you must then please replace the whole word with ***** or other repeated character. We also expect members to behave respectfully and not launch personal or abusive attacks on other members. Those who post for the sole purpose of causing trouble are not welcome here and will be dealt with accordingly.

They are hardly draconian and i would say please the vast, vast majority of the 20,000 members on that board, not hard to enforce either.

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Spud - those rules are common courtesy and if theoretically everyone should follow them by choice. If they did, we'd have no problems but we do try to enforce essentially this.

As for editing posts, yes we can and a lot of the time we do. Problems come where a thread degenrates due to someone abusing another poster who then responds and someone else comes in... all of a sudden you need to edit a whole bunch of posts and a whole bunch of quotes within posts. We don't get paid, we do have other things to do and sometimes therefore the only real option is to delete a section of a thread.

This was the case in the example you cited.

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Spud - those rules are common courtesy and if theoretically everyone should follow them by choice. If they did, we'd have no problems but we do try to enforce essentially this.

As for editing posts, yes we can and a lot of the time we do. Problems come where a thread degenrates due to someone abusing another poster who then responds and someone else comes in... all of a sudden you need to edit a whole bunch of posts and a whole bunch of quotes within posts. We don't get paid, we do have other things to do and sometimes therefore the only real option is to delete a section of a thread.

This was the case in the example you cited.

Oh yes they are common courtesey but it would seem that you have to enforce common courtesy in this day in age, especially on the net when all the keyboard warriors come out to play.

Fair enough if the thread has degenerated beyond all hope then posts just have to be pruned en masse.

I shall in future use the rtm function more often if i spot something dodgy, not used to having to use it as the other boards i post on are pretty much self moderating as if a personal attack or something is made it's usually reported fairly sharpish, or a mod is there anyway.

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To me that sounds pretty much like telling me to bugger off. Which as you put it is attacking the poster.

My advice would be to learn from Luke's methods of communication. He is always polite, and if everyone was polite instead of saying 'bugger off' there would be less for the mods to do.

I don't blame any particular individuals, but the rules are the rules.

I'd also recommend PMing people when things seem to be getting a bit heated or personal, just to check that you're both cool about where the debates going. That can save you getting annoyed to the point of wanting to have a rant at them.

At the end of the day, this forum is here for one reason and one reason only: to give Trevor the Giraffe all the exposure he deserves. We are just a sideshow.

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At the end of the day, this forum is here for one reason and one reason only: to give Trevor the Giraffe all the exposure he deserves. We are just a sideshow.

ey, big up Trev!

The consistency issue Spud was talking about is my main problem.

I would get into using the Report button but I don't personally have a problem with much that I read, (when I do I'll have it out with the person there and then usually) it's just in relation to some of my edited/pulled post's it feel's unjust.

Got to slowly weeve myself off posting on this ##### yet utterly addictive forum anyway.

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  • Admin

I have been a moderator on this forum when it was still run by the club and in its current state and I can honestly state that the modding now is a lot more lenient than it was when under BCFC stewardship. That is a view that is backed up by feedback that we receive from many users.

It is my view that the Forum Rules are clear for every poster at the link at the top of the board. Those are the rules by which we moderate this forum.

95% of the users on this forum manage to get by without ever having their posts moderated, it's only those who feel they should transcend the rules that seem to have a problem.

Posting on (or even reading) this forum is not compulsory and if anyone dislikes the way it is run, there is nothing stopping them from using the little "x" in the top right hand corner of this window and not returning.


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Chill out guys, Lighten up, Take a chill pill and all that. If people got a complaint let them air it as well it is a forum and that sort of things happen on a forum. If no one is slagging people off then where is the harm? I just don't understand it all to be truthfull.


Hey man, as I fear it will be locked/removed before I get to comment I haven't read through your thesis but have a feeling I know the essence.

I got a load of stick for what was a quite innocent remark the other day, wasn't on the forum to defend myself (it was removed by the time I was) and only heard about it from a casual browser mate.

Set up a thread like what you have now in order to have it out with those who took offence to me, (don't know who they were as like I say it got pulled, not that it really matter's who they were) it was pulled almost instantly and I had 10% more 'warn' given to me :( .

Was fairly vexed at the time but I got over it.

I dunno what the answer is. If you're going to write a point of view on here, it is unlikely that at least one person out of 4000 odd isn't going to dissent it.

Exposition over.

Firstly where is this report button it sounds fun, secondly where is this warn meter we should do a compo and thirdly, I got a whole part of a thread deleted for mentioning boobs. Made I larf.

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Firstly where is this report button it sounds fun, secondly where is this warn meter we should do a compo and thirdly, I got a whole part of a thread deleted for mentioning boobs. Made I larf.

Look just below your post Barry, you will see the mighty report button! Used it on you

plenty of times but they never ban you.

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95% of the users on this forum manage to get by without ever having their posts moderated, it's only those who feel they should transcend the rules that seem to have a problem.


Thing is Madger, my latest little spat with the......(what I can only describe as) 'do-gooder's' arose from an innocent light hearted remark and I just could not forsee any backlash at the time of writing.

It was born out of over-fussyness and yet more of this PC nonsense and I actually had the backing of one of our mods.

If I were to put my 'fussy old Granny hat' (I have multiple outlook's) on and trawled through the forum looking for minor offences then I'm sure there'd be far more technical transcender's to the rules.

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Posts get deleted etc and no one ever gives a reason why, Tell people to bugger off and you get a warning for it. Yea like that is really abuse. I Know what abuse is and it certainly aint that.

If people have a complaint about this place then they have the right to air there opinion what with fre speech and all that, But no threads get deleted without a reason why and people are left feeling bitter. This causing them to start even more threads complaing and then they go and get deleted/locked.

How would these mods feel if they were treated like this? Chill out guys, Lighten up, Take a chill pill and all that. If people got a complaint let them air it as well it is a forum and that sort of things happen on a forum. If no one is slagging people off then where is the harm? I just don't understand it all to be truthfull.

Then there is that test area. Al topics will now be locked as it creates extra work load for the mods because they got to check on them. Well it takes time locking them aswell so where is the difference? If something unsaviory is said in there which I havenever seen then there isthe report button for people to report it.

No doubt this will be locked or deleted which would just prove my point, But I'm just stating mine and many others opinion of this place at the moment.

Better relations between the mods and the forum users are needed for this place to carry on being a success and maybe someone with a less pc nanny state attitude is required to be a mod.

Critism shouldn't be viewed as a bad thing, It should be used to improve on things.

I'm not meaning to havea swipe at anyone with this post, And i'm sorry if it comes accross as that. All i'm trying to do is voice my opinions of where this forum needs to improve.

Here is a polite suggestion then, if you don't like OTIB.


Thats not a nasty suggestion, its just you seem to clearly be getting uptight about the place. So just take it off your favourates and put it you hosts file so that you can't come here.

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Here is a polite suggestion then, if you don't like OTIB.


Thats not a nasty suggestion, its just you seem to clearly be getting uptight about the place. So just take it off your favourates and put it you hosts file so that you can't come here.

I'm not going to stop using this place sorry. I just had a few concerns about the place and you lot seemed to have cleared them up with your answers. I'm sure the answers made a few people understand the situation regarding posts being deleted etc.

So I thank you all for your answers.

Have a good day.


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Here is a polite suggestion then, if you don't like OTIB.


Thats not a nasty suggestion, its just you seem to clearly be getting uptight about the place. So just take it off your favourates and put it you hosts file so that you can't come here.

One solution I suppose but perhaps a better one would be if everyone realised we're all entitled to an opinion. The bad language etc seems to start when one party does'nt.

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One solution I suppose but perhaps a better one would be if everyone realised we're all entitled to an opinion. The bad language etc seems to start when one party does'nt.

Agreed, alot of the trouble and actions taken by moderators are taken because people who know better sadly can't resist kicking off.

I tell you, moderation isn't an enjoayble job. I doubt the ST guys who've come in and done such a fab job since going unofficial actually enjoy having power.

I know I certainly don't! :laugh:

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Agreed, alot of the trouble and actions taken by moderators are taken because people who know better sadly can't resist kicking off.

I tell you, moderation isn't an enjoayble job. I doubt the ST guys who've come in and done such a fab job since going unofficial actually enjoy having power.

I know I certainly don't! :laugh:

For my part I have no problem with the moderation on the Forum and I certainly don't envy any of you who have taken it on.

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