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A report in todays evening post suggesting that a lifelong Bristol City fan, who hasn't been to a game for a while, went to the City Swindon game and heard some people shouting racist abuse at Aaron Brown.

I assume the club will investigate, and I also have no doubt that it happened, however, i will take a very good guess that the culprits were not the burb capped youths, but middle/older aged fans as i have heard it so often behind me.

My resolution for next season is that if i hear it, i am going to have the balls to stand up, approach the nearest steward/policeman and insist that person is ejected. I urge you to do the same.

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A report in todays evening post suggesting that a lifelong Bristol City fan, who hasn't been to a game for a while, went to the City Swindon game and heard some people shouting racist abuse at Aaron Brown.

I assume the club will investigate, and I also have no doubt that it happened, however, i will take a very good guess that the culprits were not the burb capped youths, but middle/older aged fans as i have heard it so often behind me.

My resolution for next season is that if i hear it, i am going to have the balls to stand up, approach the nearest steward/policeman and insist that person is ejected. I urge you to do the same.

Actually, I heard something similar when I was down there that day. A bloke in front started doing a "ooh, ooh" chant. Nobody joined in thankfully, but the fact he was very big with a skinhead and sat with his skinhead mates put me off saying anything. And you're right he was middle aged/older.

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I must say I'm utterly shocked that the Evil Post think it's worth publishing a negative story about City like this 10 days after the game, just after Rovers have had some crowd trouble. It's so unlike them.

/end sarcasm.

Does the story have any corroboration?

Does it mention how many people this person supposedly heard being racist or what they said?

Does it mention that even if it did happen they are a tiny miniscule bigotted minority of the 15,000 people there?

Does it mention our support of the Kicking Racism out of Football campaign?

I'm going to bet the answer to all of the above is No.

That paper is a complete crock of Gas biased poo full of lazy incompetent two bit hacks who aren't capable of getting a real job, doing any proper research or putting any balance into a story.

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I must say I'm utterly shocked that the Evil Post think it's worth publishing a negative story about City like this 10 days after the game, just after Rovers have had some crowd trouble. It's so unlike them.

/end sarcasm.

Does the story have any corroboration?

Does it mention how many people this person supposedly heard being racist or what they said?

Does it mention that even if it did happen they are a tiny miniscule bigotted minority of the 15,000 people there?

Does it mention our support of the Kicking Racism out of Football campaign?

I'm going to bet the answer to all of the above is No.

That paper is a complete crock of Gas biased poo full of lazy incompetent two bit hacks who aren't capable of getting a real job, doing any proper research or putting any balance into a story.

Yeah, but don't beat about the bush, say what you really think.

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its about time the evil post and Radio Bristol had a bit of competition locally but it wont happen when you don't even get sport reports on local teams on the loacal ad radio stations and only one paper in the 8th biggest city in england something a little wrong there me thinks


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I must say I'm utterly shocked that the Evil Post think it's worth publishing a negative story about City like this 10 days after the game, just after Rovers have had some crowd trouble. It's so unlike them.

/end sarcasm.

Does the story have any corroboration?

Does it mention how many people this person supposedly heard being racist or what they said?

Does it mention that even if it did happen they are a tiny miniscule bigotted minority of the 15,000 people there?

Does it mention our support of the Kicking Racism out of Football campaign?

I'm going to bet the answer to all of the above is No.

That paper is a complete crock of Gas biased poo full of lazy incompetent two bit hacks who aren't capable of getting a real job, doing any proper research or putting any balance into a story.


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I totally abhor racism and it should be eradicated from society, not just football. However, I was surrounded by people hurling abuse at Aaron Brown, but not once did I hear anything aimed at him because of his colour. It was all aimed at him as an ex-player and the perceived reasons for his departure.

It is easy to label all abuse as racist when aimed at a person of a different skin type. All this does is highlight the differences. By subjecting Brown to the same abuse as Cureton, then, in a roundabout way, he was being treated the same as every one else, not being singled out because of his colur.

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I may have been wrong, but I thought I heard monkey chants at the Southend game when Williams came on. I hope I'm wrong, because Williams is a great chance for this club to go places, and he won't stick around if he hears monkey chants, even though the rest of us were singing his name.

But like I said, I might have been wrong. It may even have been the Southend fans, we weren't far away from them.

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Guest do you like apples?

Actually, I heard something similar when I was down there that day. A bloke in front started doing a "ooh, ooh" chant. Nobody joined in thankfully, but the fact he was very big with a skinhead and sat with his skinhead mates put me off saying anything. And you're right he was middle aged/older.

so he's big and had a skin head. wow

if you are not part of the solution, you are part of the problem.

hang your head in shame dagest

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The edition of the EP I'm reading must feel strongly about this subject. The report appears on page 2 and page 7.

I agree that I don't see why they should publish this so late after the game.

Plus I find it sad that Mr Sayer doesn't want to come back to Ashton Gate as he must know it's not a majority but a minority and plus he could sit in another stand.

Is this the first time he heard it? If so then surely history speaks for itself that a 59 year man has heard this appauling chanting once and decided thats it, should think, I could sit in the Williams and I won't get any bother. I know it's a case of why should he and I do hope IF this happened then those who did this are never to visit Ashton Gate again.

Personally I didn't hear anything racist, although I do sit in the Williams, but it was hostile.


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so being big and a skinhead makes you racist does it. I'm 6 ft tall and 16 stone and most people find me a bit menacing to look at but i can assure you i am far from a racist.

Where do I say that? Perhaps you should re-read the post.

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Admittedley I was in the dolman stand, just wondered if the monkey chants the guy heard was just booing

Be interesting to see if anyone else comes forward to say they heard. Racism is a problem but seems to me evil post are makin a big deal out of this one we get a bigger spread than the rovers attacking Macclesfield fans which to my mind should carry a bigger story, a guy who hardly visits the gate claiming the crowd racially abusing Aaron Brown who denies hearing anything hardly worth that amount of paper space.

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Was he also upset at the abuse levelled at Cureton?

It seems a bit precious to suggest that one incident of alledged racial abuse would stop him attending any more games - I smell gas, any tactic to take the limelight from their stone and coin throwing chavs.

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On a lighter note, congratulations on your season, you nearly made it after a very poor start. Roll on next year's fixtures. Pity Bas won't be there to cheer us up again though!!

You might sign him yet.

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I may have been wrong, but I thought I heard monkey chants at the Southend game when Williams came on. I hope I'm wrong, because Williams is a great chance for this club to go places, and he won't stick around if he hears monkey chants, even though the rest of us were singing his name.

But like I said, I might have been wrong. It may even have been the Southend fans, we weren't far away from them.

I cant believe anyone would do something like that. I like to think racism has virtually been eliminated from the game, but no-one is naive enough to say it never happens.

You sure it wasn't people just going 'SKUSE'? (like united fans go 'ruuuuuud')

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Ok I have a story for you regarding racial abuse. A person I know who supports his team was watching his team win a game when the x person who used to play for his club walked off the pitch. This person jokingly did the famous german sign (ala Fawtly towers) as a joke and was taken to the police for being a racist. They also tried to charge him for making the hand signal but this was dropped. So how far do you take racism? A joke that went too far? THis person has been a season ticket holder at his ckub for over 20 years and is facing a 3 year ban. He did this as a bit of fun and even personallly knows the player. He cant believe this is happening and was told that he would be used as an example because of the world cup. Is this mad or what? He knows he shouldnt have done it but was only a bit of fun and it wasnt as if he went on and on for several minutes doing it was just done quickly.

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Colin Sexton replies.

"Nobody I have spoken to, including the player himself, the stewards and the referee, have said that they heard any racist abuse".

I think this so-called life-long city supporter is a gas head out to cause trouble. The EP has fell for it big time, have they any journalistic merit?

Next season we should report some stories about them,

how about the fact that the rovers players are actualy brain-eating alien zombies rather than a second rate failing fourth division "family club" team?

Actually the "family club" bit looks a bit over the top.

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Any abuse that Aaron Brown received was totally out of order, however he answered

them back in the only way possible, by being the best player on the pitch that day.

The Evening Post never fails to impress with it's bias towards the "family club".

On page 2 in today's 3 star edition you have 2 football related stories,the Aaron Brown incident

and the coin throwing incident at the rugby ground, guess which story has the most coverage and

a photograph, is also repeated on page 7 and is the subject of the "Comment" on page 10.

One reason for this may be at the bottom of the "comment" section on page 10

"Assistant Editor-Kevan Blackadder", who is a well publicised Rovers fan

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Any abuse that Aaron Brown received was totally out of order, however he answered

them back in the only way possible, by being the best player on the pitch that day.

The Evening Post never fails to impress with it's bias towards the "family club".

On page 2 in today's 3 star edition you have 2 football related stories,the Aaron Brown incident

and the coin throwing incident at the rugby ground, guess which story has the most coverage and

a photograph, is also repeated on page 7 and is the subject of the "Comment" on page 10.

One reason for this may be at the bottom of the "comment" section on page 10

"Assistant Editor-Kevan Blackadder", who is a well publicised Rovers fan

If I were in charge of the media dept. at AG, I'd be very seriously considering barring EP hacks from the ground, quite how the unproven accusations of one man can justify two articles, (including photo's) and an editorial, when a proven act of assault by a mob warrants just a brief acknowledgement.

All City fans who don't already, should boycott the pathetic rag.

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Even if the person was worried about repercussions there are ways to report it. I would personally make it look like I was heading to the toilet and chat to a steward when I was out of sight.

Funny how all this comes out ten days after a game when antics are happening on the other side of town.

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Even if the person was worried about repercussions there are ways to report it. I would personally make it look like I was heading to the toilet and chat to a steward when I was out of sight.

Good in theory, unfortunately not always good in practice. Two/three seasons ago, I was incensed at some fans behind me in the Atyeo aiming racial slurs at both Aaron Brown and Matt Hill. The fact that they were playing for their own team might make some think that this was even worse, personally I think it isn't really relevant. Anyway I did as you suggest and spoke to the Steward by the nearest exit. He asked me to go with him and "point them out", I was with my daughter (14 at the time) so I declined his invitation to make us a target! I explained as fully as I could where they were seated, and he said that he would "keep an eye on them".

Needless to say, nothing was done and they remained in their seats until the end of the game. The abuse died away a bit as we had won, but there were still some further shouts from the group as the players left the field. The steward had by then made a discreet exit..... ;)

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Guest Harry May

Ok I have a story for you regarding racial abuse. A person I know who supports his team was watching his team win a game when the x person who used to play for his club walked off the pitch. This person jokingly did the famous german sign (ala Fawtly towers) as a joke and was taken to the police for being a racist. They also tried to charge him for making the hand signal but this was dropped. So how far do you take racism? A joke that went too far? THis person has been a season ticket holder at his ckub for over 20 years and is facing a 3 year ban. He did this as a bit of fun and even personallly knows the player. He cant believe this is happening and was told that he would be used as an example because of the world cup. Is this mad or what? He knows he shouldnt have done it but was only a bit of fun and it wasnt as if he went on and on for several minutes doing it was just done quickly.

I've been going to football a long time . And I've done things that when I look back on them , makes me cringe. I can also say , I can remember when Combat88 and the NF used to recruit from the terraces.

If your friend has been a season ticket holder for over 20 years - then he will remember those times as well.

If he give the "seig heil " salute as a joke , then I am afraid to say he needs his head seen to . It ain't funny .

Its a fascist salute , given by the Nazis , that is very offensive.Perhaps your friend also thinks genocide , concentration camps and the holocaust is a joke.

Football fans are generalised in some parts of the media as drunken , right wing thugs - and behaviour such as this merely enforces that stereotype.

Caldicot Red.

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If I were in charge of the media dept. at AG, I'd be very seriously considering barring EP hacks from the ground, quite how the unproven accusations of one man can justify two articles, (including photo's) and an editorial, when a proven act of assault by a mob warrants just a brief acknowledgement.

All City fans who don't already, should boycott the pathetic rag.

I don't believe this story, and i agree with every word you say Maesknoll.

If anyone is moved by this, and many other examples of unbalanced reporting, to stop buying/reading the EP, i suggest they do what i did.

Take a few minutes to contact them directly and tell them exactly why they will losing your family's custom from now on.

You'll feel better for it, and if enough do it it might just make them think twice before publishing unproven allegations against City fans, and besmirching our Club, in future. :whistle::city:

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I don't believe this story, and i agree with every word you say Maesknoll.

If anyone is moved by this, and many other examples of unbalanced reporting, to stop buying/reading the EP, i suggest they do what i did.

Take a few minutes to contact them directly and tell them exactly why they will losing your family's custom from now on.

You'll feel better for it, and if enough do it it might just make them think twice before publishing unproven allegations against City fans, and besmirching our Club, in future. :whistle::city:

Good shout Nogbad, I'm going to do that right now, this is really cheesing me off.

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