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Lee Miller - Scotland

Private Cider(cider army)

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With Scottish football in such turmoil surly it is about time that our own Lee Miller got a call up to the Scottish U21 or the first team ??

At the start of the season Lee was quoted as saying that the pace and skill of the English league was a lot faster and better than the Scottish 1st, therefore Lee has to be an improvement on what the scots already have.

May be we should contact the Scottish FA and point out what a good player Lee Miller is and push for him to be selected for there next game.

Anyway only a thought.

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Guest butterflybairn

no idea why he hasn't at least been in the u21s. it's been suggested on one f that something or someone is preventing him.

Last season, despite playing in the first division, he was nominated for spfa young player of the year against 3 premier division guys. he has the strength and the skill to go all the way hopefully! i will be watching with interest!

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One of the reasons Gloucestershire CCC have won so much in recent years is the lack of call ups to international sides. Why should we want Miller to play for Scotland U21 when it is likely to clash with a League game. We already lose the services of Tommy D and Luke W why do you want to weaken the side even more?
If Lee M was called up along with Tom D and Luke W then we can postpone any league game due to international call-ups.
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To be fair though Scotland have some good strikers at under 21's level.

Shaun Maloney - Celtic, Simon Lynch - Preston ( on loan to Stockport ), Gary O'Connor - Hibs!!

I agree thou that he should get his 2nd cap at Scottish Under 21 Level, as last cap he recieved he didnt make it off the bench unfortunately!!

As for being voted young player of the year in Scotland, he was up against Shaun Maloney, Ian Murray and James McFadden, with James McFadden now of Everton winning it. Not bad company to be in consider he was playing a league below them!!

Why shouldnt he get a try at 21 level, if nothing else it will boost his confidence for City, which can only be good

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Lee Miller was denied his opportunity to bond with others selected at the same time for the Under 21 squad, by his then Manager who would not release him(much to the surprise of the previous Manager) for a special training camp abroad. Deja vu cheshire red?

As it turned out both Falkirks games during that time were cancelled due to bad weather. (Sods Law).

I can see both sides of the arguement here, where it would be a great honour to represent his country as he has in the past at School Boys level, until the Scottish F.A. get their act together, would it indeed be good for him to play in a team with no soul, when he is used to the heart and soul shown by Bristol City. Only Lee and Danny Wilson can answer that.

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Luke being Australian is unlikely to be called up on European International designated days is he, so no we can't.
but since the oceania region does not have "friendly" dates as there are only two teams, Aussie and NZ that actually regularly play them, and Australia moving it's "base" for international football to England, they in fact have been playing friendlies in line with them, such as recently as wednesday.
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Guest butterflybairn
Lee Miller was denied his opportunity to bond with others selected at the same time for the Under 21 squad, by his then Manager who would not release him(much to the surprise of the previous Manager) for a special training camp abroad.  Deja vu cheshire red? 

As it turned out both Falkirks games during that time were cancelled due to bad weather. (Sods Law). 

I can see both sides of the arguement here, where it would be a great honour to represent his country as he has in the past at School Boys level, until the Scottish F.A. get their act together, would it indeed be good for him to play in a team with no soul, when he is used to the heart and soul shown by Bristol City.  Only Lee and Danny Wilson can answer that.

now things are a bit clearer......

to be fair the under 21s where he should be just now have a lot more 'heart and soul' as you put it than the full squad.

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