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Proof, The World Is Going Mad.....

Maesknoll Red

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I have never heard anything so ridiculous in my life. :@ In fact I'm quite shocked by this, and I thought I was pretty unshockable.

I would like to find out where their 1st party meeting is, so I could firebomb the place. I would deserve a medal.

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"Other issues the party plans to take up include legalising sex with animals and allowing people to go naked in public. "

has no-one questioned their motive to do this? :blink:

"and free train travel for all"

just read that bit :rofl2br:

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I have never heard anything so ridiculous in my life. :@ In fact I'm quite shocked by this, and I thought I was pretty unshockable.

I would like to find out where their 1st party meeting is, so I could firebomb the place. I would deserve a medal.

I will supply the C4 mate :) , and then we can tie up all the members and beat them with a 5h1tty stick!!!


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Just going to contrerversially play devils advocate here for a minute but our outrage is very culturally specific, mankind's sexuality is diverse as talk of Tailand in the co-running ladyboy thread has highlighted.

In other ages and in other society's there has been deemed nothing wrong with anybody having sex with anybody once they have reached puberty, I shall have to go away and do some research if you don't believe me but I've heard it from the mouth of a leading scholar in the field of the social construction of sexuality. ( :rolleyes: If only I'd paid more attention at college.) As for copulation with animals, I firmly believe it is/has been an accepted norm in other settings/times as well.

It's funny how we're s'pose to be living in an enlightened individualistic age and yet much that goes against Western norms courses offence. Who's really to say what is right and what is wrong?

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In other ages and in other society's there has been deemed nothing wrong with anybody having sex with anybody once they have reached puberty, I shall have to go away and do some research if you don't believe me but I've heard it from the mouth of a leading scholar in the field of the social construction of sexuality.

You don't finish puberty at 12 though... :blink:

I'm off to Netherlands at the next election :)

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Also against the grain - I thought that this is a positive thing, in a way. By this I mean that at least the subject will get discussed and analysed with the very people who advocate it from which we may be able to learn.

We might get closer to unserstanding why it happens and how we can stop it. Unless you believe that people are 'born evil' you should be interested in this issue being researched and debated so that we can potentially prevent indecent acts in the future.

Sorry to point this out, but tabloid villification and moral panic is leading to plenty of finger pointing but few seem to care about investigating the topic. You can hate paedophilia all you want (as we all do), but how does that put a stop to it?

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Also against the grain - I thought that this is a positive thing, in a way. By this I mean that at least the subject will get discussed and analysed with the very people who advocate it from which we may be able to learn.

We might get closer to unserstanding why it happens and how we can stop it. Unless you believe that people are 'born evil' you should be interested in this issue being researched and debated so that we can potentially prevent indecent acts in the future.

Sorry to point this out, but tabloid villification and moral panic is leading to plenty of finger pointing but few seem to care about investigating the topic. You can hate paedophilia all you want (as we all do), but how does that put a stop to it?

Easy peasey, lemon squeezy..a 9mm in the back of the head for these Goddamn freaks, Mozo.

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....you've reached it though, often anyway, and if not then you're not yet physically ready for sex.

An interesting topic in that in Southern Ireland and in some American Southern states a girl could, until recently, marry at age 12.

Under the rule of Oliver Cromwell some very bizarre religions flourished, such as the Diggers - an early form of communism, Adamites - who walked about naked :shifty: , and many others.

Hail the coming of the second English Republic !!! :englandsmile4wf:

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Easy peasey, lemon squeezy..a 9mm in the back of the head for these Goddamn freaks, Mozo.

Missed the point did you bucks?

I'm not talking about punishing offenders, I'm talking about trying to understand how to prevent it from happening - or does that not interest you?

I think many people are more interested in having someone to hate than they are in looking out for children.

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Thats sick.

There is no need to understand sombody that wants to legalise child pornography. They must be seen as current threat to kids of today and locked up.

Are 12 year olds asking for the legal limit to be lowerd so they can have sex with some dirty pervert, or pose for some perverts private collection? I don't think so!

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Guest MaloneFM

I think many people are more interested in having someone to hate than they are in looking out for children.

Once again young Mozzer speaks for the intelligensia. To the disgust of those who want to attack anyone involved in peadiatrics.

And if you don't get THAT. Join the queue and grab a pickaxe handle.

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I'm not talking about punishing offenders, I'm talking about trying to understand how to prevent it from happening - or does that not interest you?

Go on then know all, how exactly do you do that? I'm a hetrosexual, and lets say you wanted to understand my desires and wanted to prevent them happening, how are you going to do that? Do you really believe you can take those feelings away from me? :dunno:

I think many people are more interested in having someone to hate than they are in looking out for children.

How many? As a father of 2 I wish there was no one to hate, but unfortunatley there are, these scum are top of the list!

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Go on then know all, how exactly do you do that? I'm a hetrosexual, and lets say you wanted to understand my desires and wanted to prevent them happening, how are you going to do that? Do you really believe you can take those feelings away from me? :dunno:

How many? As a father of 2 I wish there was no one to hate, but unfortunatley there are, these scum are top of the list!

Well, I made a comment about how intelligent debate is better than vitriol and I get a response about shooting people in the back of the head. You work it out.

How the hell do I know about the psychology of sexuality? Maybe if the newspapers concentrated on the issue a little more and stopped entertaining themselves with headlines like "V.I.Paedo" (Evil Post had great fun with that).

Here's a point: if these child sex enthusiasts join a political party, they're easier to keep track of, just like the BNP get constantly exposed as militant racists.

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locking them up would be even more effective.

They're clearly wrong on this issue, but they're offering to debate rather than break the law (we assume until proven guilty) so that's what democracy is all about innit? It's the murky underworld that we should worry about, surely?

In an ideal world we'll be able to get to the root of the problem and create a society that doesn't produce these people. Dunno how you do that though.

If someone is abused themself as a child and then becomes an abuser, are they as bad? It's weird enough that it happens, but that really confuses me.

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They're clearly wrong on this issue, but they're offering to debate rather than break the law (we assume until proven guilty) so that's what democracy is all about innit? It's the murky underworld that we should worry about, surely?

In an ideal world we'll be able to get to the root of the problem and create a society that doesn't produce these people. Dunno how you do that though.

If someone is abused themself as a child and then becomes an abuser, are they as bad? It's weird enough that it happens, but that really confuses me.

if were trying to create a world that doesn't produce these people, than surely not giving them a political stance would be a start! If the dutch goverment accept this party, than that sends a signal to the dutch people that peadophillia is an acceptable form of behavoir in their very liberal world.

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if were trying to create a world that doesn't produce these people, than surely not giving them a political stance would be a start! If the dutch goverment accept this party, than that sends a signal to the dutch people that peadophillia is an acceptable form of behavoir in their very liberal world.

So you're not a fan of free speech and democracy?

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So you're not a fan of free speech and democracy?

promoting the abuse of minors is an abuse of free speech. As is promoting terriosim

If 12 year olds said we want to legalley have sex with dirty old men and pose for thier photo album, and set up a political party, i would still think it is wrong, but that would be their free speech

this is an example of the abuse of free speech


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promoting the abuse of minors is an abuse of free speech. As is promoting terriosim

If 12 year olds said we want to legalley have sex with dirty old men and pose for thier photo album, and set up a political party, i would still think it is wrong, but that would be their free speech

I agree that to promote either of those is wrong, but at the same time, who am I to sensor somone's point of view. This is, after all, what they believe, and maybe the best way to deal with it is to point out to them the wrongs of their beliefs rather than silence them :dunno: . They won't be able to 'convert' people to paedophilia surely??

It's a tricky one, and the world is certainly a bit mad, always has been and always will be.

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