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Johnson Has Not Failed


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all the moaning and all the ifs and buts you got 2 ask yourself where has gj not done a good job, he knows his p's and q's and has the right attitude!!! doesnt let players dictate the game 2 him its either his way or out some thing i respect from a manager thats why he is there being paid 4 his services and doing a good job1!!think he will do well most players have realised his methods and have perform 2 keep there places in the team especially the front line, yes do need a spare keeper but do like basso he's got his own style just needs 2 upgrade his goal kicks !!! what do you think my prediction is auto promotion 4 city

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gone are the days when i declare automatic promotion is a certainty, I'm more quietly confident this time around that we will be there or thereabouts, after that there is a fair bit of luck involved so i don't think you can say we will definately go up.

GJ is doing a good job in my eyes. some people over analyse things and will look for the slightest inconsistency and blow it up out of all proportion or will just focus on the shortcomings of a certain player without appreciating how he fits into the team pattern, others just like a moan and will always do that even if we were top of the championship!!!!

the ironic thing is that a few people criticise him for being too harsh and for the whole hand grenade thing when we have been crying out for years for the team to display a more committed and hungry approach to match competitors with less talent/resources at their disposal but more desire; colchester, southend et al.

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gone are the days when i declare automatic promotion is a certainty, I'm more quietly confident this time around that we will be there or thereabouts, after that there is a fair bit of luck involved so i don't think you can say we will definately go up.

GJ is doing a good job in my eyes. some people over analyse things and will look for the slightest inconsistency and blow it up out of all proportion or will just focus on the shortcomings of a certain player without appreciating how he fits into the team pattern, others just like a moan and will always do that even if we were top of the championship!!!!

the ironic thing is that a few people criticise him for being too harsh and for the whole hand grenade thing when we have been crying out for years for the team to display a more committed and hungry approach to match competitors with less talent/resources at their disposal but more desire; colchester, southend et al.

:englandsmile4wf: bcfc under GJ appear 2 have that hungry look about them !! there finish 2 the season proved that so credit must go 2 GJ remember when he took over city were bottom of the league?? who would have predicted in DEC we would have a sniff of play offs the forum would have laugth if i submitted it :laugh: GJ seems 2 have a eye for back door players and moulding them in too his team methods best of luck i feel good as a BCFC fan :englandsmile4wf:

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IMO how well we do next season will very much depend on getting a good start. We will need some good early wins, and not as in recent seasons having to play catch-up to teams 10 to 20 points better off than us after the first quarter of the season.

Also there has been a lot of talk about the players who have arrived, and those that are expected to go, but to me the players who will most dictate how well we will do next season will be CAREY, WOODMAN, and ORR.

These were our most improved players last season.

If a player is having to be at 110% to reach a level of performance it is one thing to maintain it for half a season, but another altogether to keep that level for a second full season.

Lets hope all three were reaching last seasons level with something left in the tank, and can reproduce it again in the coming season.

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Just a reminder of the forum rules, as many members find text talk annoying and difficult to read through:

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On OTIB you are not limited to 180 characters like in a text message, so please do not use 'text talk' in your posts. Please don't just reply with one word answers, give your opinions. If a member continues to use text talk, then they will be warned/banned. Post counts can be reduced if a member is found to be just posting short replies to up his/her post count.

So, is OTIB now the arbiter of our language?

Surely text speak is only an adaptation and evolution of it?

Just as english as it was spoken in the middle ages is fundamentaly different to that spoken today.

Surely language is amorphous, flexible, never ever static. It's eloquance & ability to adapt a shining reflection of the intellect of society. a joyous celebration of communication across the ages.

Where Shakespeare wrote

A wretched soul, bruised with adversity,

We bid be quiet when we hear it cry;

But were we burdened with like weight of pain,

As much or more we should ourselves complain.

Todays literary youngsters would text (or txt)

great Bazz VeU gora BigNN 4 me

shoot them all.....

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