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Forum Rules


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just had a e-mail from the bcfc forum entitled ''Maesknoll Red '' has sent you a new personal message entitled "Forum Rules".

Please can you enlighten me a bit more on the error iv supposed to have done ??? is it as I'm reading that i do short hand spelling ie 2= too 4= for = gj gary johnson ect ect !!! i like the site and don't want to upset any one but seems a bit petty if you ask me , i see alot of people doing computing chat is that a crime ????? any one else had this message and who governs it ????? PAPA650

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Guest Eamer

shorthand is annoying and it is actually harder to type that way as you are thinking about how to shorten your words like when you write a text so it isn't as long or whatever else. just learn to spell word properly and everyone's happy. you won't accidently ever write "2" instead of "to" in any proper documentation then by accident either.

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shorthand is annoying and it is actually harder to type that way as you are thinking about how to shorten your words like when you write a text so it isn't as long or whatever else. just learn to spell word properly and everyone's happy. you won't accidently ever write "2" instead of "to" in any proper documentation then by accident either.

May as well use capital letters at the beginning of sentences as well then :whistle: Won't ever make the mistake in any proper documentation then by accident either.

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seems like if you have bad breath these days you get a telling off, I'd ignore it to be honest,

unfortunately the newer mods that on "working" on this forum are on power trips and just very petty

:devil: hi i am 41 yrs(years) old n(and) even i understand short hand comp(computer) tlk(talk) ow(how) cn(can) it b(be) easier n(and) faster 2(to) type the whole wrd(word) rather than in short hand...maybe u find it hard but u may find the majority of people(people) can read what i am typin(typing) does ne1(anyone) agree with me? :englandsmile4wf:

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:devil: hi i am 41 yrs(years) old n(and) even i understand short hand comp(computer) tlk(talk) ow(how) cn(can) it b(be) easier n(and) faster 2(to) type the whole wrd(word) rather than in short hand...maybe u find it hard but u may find the majority of people(people) can read what i am typin(typing) does ne1(anyone) agree with me? :englandsmile4wf:

actually no

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To my mind text talk just shows a lack of respect for other forum users and makes the writer appear a bit thick, no matter what they may actually be like.

I don't agree about the respect bit. But I totally agree that it makes the user come across as thick.

bh_red is spot on about this forum being far too 'over-modded', and agree even more about the new mods being on a power trip. Couldn't have put it any better myself.

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This type of thread pops up every now and again and has done for donkey's years. It's a long established rule that mods over the years have always requested posters observe. They do so because readers, in the main, get annoyed by text speak on the forum.

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seems like if you have bad breath these days you get a telling off, I'd ignore it to be honest,

unfortunately the newer mods that on "working" on this forum are on power trips and just very petty

That couldn't be further from the truth, apart from Tom, I'm the longest standing Admin on here ( since before the forum changed to this invision board ) and it certainly isn't a power trip. It was a polite request to heed the forum rule regarding 'text talk', which isn't necessary and a large number of forum members find irritating.

This is a copy of the PM I sent, which I feel is a polite request and not part of my supposed power trip.

Hi PAPA650,

Please can you stick to the forum rules, regarding text talk.

Excert from rules in blue.

Text Talk / Short Replies

On OTIB you are not limited to 180 characters like in a text message, so please do not use 'text talk' in your posts. Please don't just reply with one word answers, give your opinions. If a member continues to use text talk, then they will be warned/banned. Post counts can be reduced if a member is found to be just posting short replies to up his/her post count.

Continual use of text short hand, even using numbers for letters, elicits many complaints from forum users.



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we agree. leave the text talk to the mobile phones and not the forum.

when we see the text talk on here , by the time we have understood what

is being said we turn off and forget what was trying to be said.

also the spelling on here is crap. didn't we all go to scholl and learn

how to spell :dunno:

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So where would I stand on this? I never use text talk but sometimes the occasional 2 pops up and I refer to Gary Johnson as Gj and Steve Lansdown as SL. I also use things like Comp instead of computer.

But it is still very understandable unlike text talk.

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didn't we all go to scholl and learn

how to spell :dunno:

I went to school, Scholl do shoes. :dance:

Have to say I prefer not to have text speak on the forum, it does make it harder to read in my opinion. Fair play to the mods for keeping the dolts in order :D

Is it closed season or something? Nothing else for people to moan about?

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Gloves R off:

I absolutely hate text talk.

It's also annoying when people use CAPITALS only (although the shouting analogy doesn't work for me), and when people use Capitals At The Start Of Every Word (our resident Barnsley fan being a primary offender!).

Nowt wrong with spelling mistaeks or slang though, I reckons.

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I went to school, Scholl do shoes. :dance:

Have to say I prefer not to have text speak on the forum, it does make it harder to read in my opinion. Fair play to the mods for keeping the dolts in order :D

Is it closed season or something? Nothing else for people to moan about? :

is that where i have been going wrong :doh::doh:

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Txt spk is lazy, it isn't English and it detracts from whatever point someone is trying to make because it's often imcomprehensible gibberish. It makes the poster look illiterate. There is nothing hard about using correct English


Whatever you're sending, why not render it annoying and incomprehensible with TXT SPK

Yes, from an informal note to important business communication, there's almost nothing that can't be made to sound like the syntactically inept burpings of an emotionally retarded 12 year old with TEXT SPEAK! Why use the word 'to' when you could move your hands off the letters of the keyboard and up to the number '2', thereby saving yourself the massive effort of having to type and extra letter AND making you look like an ill-educated, snot dribbling moron in the process! English is the proud language of business, shipping and aviation. With TEXT SPEAK we can reduce it to the grunting, vowel-less, comma free, lower case lingua franca of the relentlessly stupid!

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The ways that people choose to express their opinions shouldnt really matter - if there choice of expression makes them come across as thick, so be it, that's there choice. If you've got the time and effort to look into your presentation, then good for you, but really does it matter? My humblest of opinions thinks, you are what you are in the ways that you choose to represent yourself, noones grammar/syntax/spelling is ever going to be perfect so just leave the pedantics to analyse GJ + SL's dodgy decisions.

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The ways that people choose to express their opinions shouldnt really matter - if there choice of expression makes them come across as thick, so be it, that's there choice. If you've got the time and effort to look into your presentation, then good for you, but really does it matter? My humblest of opinions thinks, you are what you are in the ways that you choose to represent yourself, noones grammar/syntax/spelling is ever going to be perfect so just leave the pedantics to analyse GJ + SL's dodgy decisions.

Or even pedants :laugh:

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