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It's Snowing Here

Ricky BCFC

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The Pitch may be ok for Saturday, as like previous posts say they have undersoil heating an covers. I think it may affect the amount of fans that travel, if they think the conditions of the roads are dire. We all know the motorways are going to be fine, but if 4000 are travelling if the weather is ok, how many will travel if the weather looks dodgy. Shame the terrible weather is here now, on the week of the game that most supporters are looking forward to.

I hope the weather clears up, as looking forward to Saturday!!!

Want as many fans there as possible, will be a great atmosphere.


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I'm in Tamworth at our learning centre, and my mrs just rang to say not to rush home as the roads are at a standstill in town. Apparently they have taken the buses off and she was walking home.

Suits me to stay for a while as it's just me and the cleaner here at the moment and she's a little darling....... :me?::D:(

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I have seen it snowing since about 1PM all the way through to about 6PM.

Thats 5 hours of snow  :me?: I got in about 30 mins ago from school/town. Had a great laugh. Let's hope the game isn't in doubt!

:( its not fair it keeps starting,snows for about 10mins then stops all melts then it starts again :D
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hi lads, I'm already in sheffield as I'm working here this week, and i can say that 2day there has been no snow whatsoever, in fact its totaly clear just really cold. but as wed have undersoil heating then the game should be ok. wed fans i spoke to today reacon we will stuff them and there well ###### off, so hopefully they ill turn on their team if we turn on the pressure and score early. heres to sat and 12 in a row. :D

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Plenty of Snow it looks like all over the South West... (Well at least in our region!) :D

Looks like there's going to be a fair bit settled for tomorrow too! :Party27:

Hopefully the game won't be cancelled on Saturday and even then if not, there still might be quite a few problems getting there! :me?:

Let's hope not! :(

Up the City!!! :D

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You're all getting a bit excited about the odd inch of snow. Not a flake up here in Hal;ifax and I have to say in the 9 years I've lived the snow return has been very disappointing. Only 1 bad day in January 1996, the night Cantona got sent off for kicking a fan. I was stuck in drifts travelling just 4 miles. I'm pretty certain the game will continue, just worried I won't msake my Lake District weekend because of snow in the West.

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