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Dan C

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I am not one for usually criticising players but this is a exception as I am generally worried about Basso and the mistakes he makes.

As we saw last season and again tonight he does make mistakes that could easily be avoided.

So far his mistakes haven't really cost us but that was last season where anything apart from relegation was a bonus so his mistakes went pretty unnoticed.

However this season the ultimate goal is to win promotion but having a Gk who is prone to making mistakes is going to undoubtedly put a dent in them promotion hopes.

Every keeper has there weaknesses I agree especially at this level or otherwise they would be playing at a higher level. However being mistake prone is probably IMHO one of the worst weaknesses a Gk can have.

I know a lot of people like the guy as he is funny, But being funny isn't going to get us out of this division unfortunately. He needs to kick the show boating into touch and just keep it simple otherwise by the time Weale recovers from his injury it may be to late to repair the damage as half of the season would have passed.

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Basso needs to take a crash course in "not kicking like a girl", stop screwing about with the ball, and stop doing flashy dives when a simple save will suffice. He seems to me to survive on reflexes and adrenaline. Were I a centre half he would not give me confidence and Carey didn't seem best pleased either.

I agree totally that "keep it simple" is what is needed I'm just not convinced he can, and if he doesn't he will cost us points. Nice guy as he undoubtedly is, charisma and attitude are not going to get us promoted on their own. I worry that opposition managers will target him.

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Guest Eamer

Not liked Basso since he joined us really. Mistakes happen regularly with him and I wouldn't be suprised if he cost us quite a few points this year.

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Here we go again, you have got to have someone to pick on,

I personally think that AB is a breath of fresh air, someone who can actually read the game and control his area just remember even the so called best goalkeepers in the world make mistakes i.e. David Seamen has dropped a few clangers in his time, Bruce Grobbelar, and even Jens Lehman (Excuse the spelling) in the world cup, so lay of of AB.

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You've got it about right Grandad. Basso is the new whipping boy now that the likes of Fortune has left the club and Orr is playing too well to slag off any more. One thing is certain - once Basso either improves his form or is dropped someone else will take up the role of whipping boy.

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I am amazed at the hysteria following Basso's mistake in the Southampton game.

What is the difference between Basso's error and Cotterill and Williams missing really wide open goals?

The difference is that those that believe Basso is not any good, can slate him with impunity, whilst those of us that think he is a pretty decent goalkeeper view it as an unfortunate error...

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You've got it about right Grandad. Basso is the new whipping boy now that the likes of Fortune has left the club and Orr is playing too well to slag off any more. One thing is certain - once Basso either improves his form or is dropped someone else will take up the role of whipping boy.

Rubbish - He has never been some peoples favourite player - His mistakes are just plain stupid and can be avoided and thats why he gets slated.

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Here we go again, you have got to have someone to pick on,

I personally think that AB is a breath of fresh air, someone who can actually read the game and control his area just remember even the so called best goalkeepers in the world make mistakes i.e. David Seamen has dropped a few clangers in his time, Bruce Grobbelar, and even Jens Lehman (Excuse the spelling) in the world cup, so lay of of AB.

Come now, tell me, it seems blatantly apparent to me that Basso will be dropped as soon as a fit replacement is found, Gary Johnson victimising him too?

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Here we go again, you have got to have someone to pick on,

I personally think that AB is a breath of fresh air, someone who can actually read the game and control his area just remember even the so called best goalkeepers in the world make mistakes i.e. David Seamen has dropped a few clangers in his time, Bruce Grobbelar, and even Jens Lehman (Excuse the spelling) in the world cup, so lay of of AB.

Nothing to do with having someone to pick on, not in the least. All keepers make mistakes, but it's the regularity of them that is the difference. With Basso they seem to be much more regular.

You've got it about right Grandad. Basso is the new whipping boy now that the likes of Fortune has left the club and Orr is playing too well to slag off any more. One thing is certain - once Basso either improves his form or is dropped someone else will take up the role of whipping boy.

Complete and utter crap. Until we're playing at a much higher level than this there will always be weaknesses in the team and unsurprisingly they get debated on otib. That doesn't make anyone a whipping boy or mean they get any less than full support during a game. Who's your new whipping boy now Phillips has gone?

Last night may have been a friendly but it would have been nice to win. Had that been a league game we'd have lost two points, and it's far from the first error like that he's made. He has some good qualities, but the eccentricity has to go or we will be dropping points we don't need to.

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And yet, before Steve Phillips left, he was the best thing since 1897.

No, alot of people myself included just really don't like Basso, I doubt think there is much doubt that Phillips is a better keeper, if it wasn't for Weale's injury Basso would be number 2 though.

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I, being a keeper, know what it's like to make a mistake. And it's not like keepers in the Premiership don't make mistakes and are completely perfect keepers 1--% of the time. Wow, he made a mistake...doesn't everyone? And ok he makes the eccentric dives and saves...but he saves them whether the dives are eccentric and OTT or not, does he not? And yes, he did make a mistake last nite, and it cost us a goal, but it was a friendly and I would much rather the mistake made now rather than in the middle of the season. Also, if a goalie makes a mistake, 99% of the time, it's a goal. If a midfielder makes a mistake, he usually has around 6 or 7 other players behind him to make up for it. It usually goes un-noticed. But with a keeper, it is usually a goal. Everyone makes mistakes and professional footballers are no different, whether we like to think so or not. The thing that annoyed me mostly though, were City fans in the Atyeo, who are usually in full support of Basso, jeering afterwards. Such as cheering when he kicked the ball well or going "oooooOOOOOO" ,as you do to put off an opposition player, when the ball came near to him. Cos thats going to help loads isn't it?! Make him feel even worse than he already does and make him feel like the crowd don't want him and then make him even more prone to mistakes as his mind is probably on other things, which is why we try putting opposition players off. Personally I think, yes ok fair enough, he messed up and I'm sure he will be 1st to admit that. But he stayed on the pitch and apologised to everyone at half time and I'm sure if people aren't on his back and making him feel worse then he will prove to be just as good as I, and many other people, think he is. (Cue people to completely destroy this post)

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We all know he makes mistakes if he didn't he would have not been playing at such at Woking or wherever it was before coming to AG.

He was brought in as a number 2 and at that I have no problem but to even suggest that he is a quality allround keeper is ridiculous. Sooner or late he will cost us points and in a league that looks more competitive than last season those points will count.

Sorry I am not a fan of Basso, I prefer a Mr Reliable between the sticks, not a poor relation of Bruce Grobbelar.

We need a decent Loan Keeper ASAP.

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Its all down to opinion though really isn't it?

My opinion is that Basso is an improvement on Phillips.......

He made one very disappointing mistake, that GJ says he has been chastised for, in an otherwise good performance....He will certainly have learned from the embarrassment and I even think his kicking has improved (a little bit).... so just get off the guys back and try not to start moaning that he is losing us points until that happens!

One poster said that he is worried that Basso will dent our promotion hopes... I'm more concerned that our fickle (I hope its only the minority) fan base will have a more negative effect it.

We have all suffered disappointment as a result being City fans and I like many am sick to death of this mickey mouse league....but this is a new era for City so I wont judge GJ or his team by what's happened in previous seasons under different management.

Support and encouragement that's where our job ends, let GJ manage the team and leave the slagging off to the gas!

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just hope chris weale gets fit soon as the novelty of basso is wearing a bit thin now,

he reminds me of bruce grobbelaar with 1 minute touches of brilliance then a total clown the next

it is that inconsistentcy that worrys me as games are one and lost by that, basso goes for the spectacular when a simple

touch is needed.


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And pray what is the difference between a goal conceded and an open goal not scored?

firstly, niether cotts or williams had 'open goals', although they were very good chances.

at 1-0 up, if basso does what he should do, it stays 1-0, then we can miss as many chances as we like.

the bloke is a muppet and i don't like his quiff either!

no-one has mentioned the stunning save he made in the second half, albeit the shot was going at least 5 yards wide!!! idiot

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Its all down to opinion though really isn't it?

My opinion is that Basso is an improvement on Phillips.......

He made one very disappointing mistake, that GJ says he has been chastised for, in an otherwise good performance....He will certainly have learned from the embarrassment and I even think his kicking has improved (a little bit).... so just get off the guys back and try not to start moaning that he is losing us points until that happens!

One poster said that he is worried that Basso will dent our promotion hopes... I'm more concerned that our fickle (I hope its only the minority) fan base will have a more negative effect it.

We have all suffered disappointment as a result being City fans and I like many am sick to death of this mickey mouse league....but this is a new era for City so I wont judge GJ or his team by what's happened in previous seasons under different management.

Support and encouragement that's where our job ends, let GJ manage the team and leave the slagging off to the gas!

Where was his good performane? he was twice shouted at by Carey for not communicating - Hes a liability.

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Basso is a good keeper if a little eccentric. If he makes enough mistakes he will be dropped and rightly too. But, I think the likes of greebs is right, City fans just need another player to pick on, which is a shame as Basso played his part in plugging a few gaps in last season's very leaky defence.

You people calling him an idiot etc. you know who you are , the same one's who have slated, Fortune, Orr, Woodman, Savage, McCammon in the last 12 months (not on the forum, but at the Gate) ought to **** off and take your negative ,confidence destroying tatics down the Mem.

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Its all down to opinion though really isn't it?

My opinion is that Basso is an improvement on Phillips.......

He made one very disappointing mistake, that GJ says he has been chastised for, in an otherwise good performance....He will certainly have learned from the embarrassment and I even think his kicking has improved (a little bit).... so just get off the guys back and try not to start moaning that he is losing us points until that happens!

One poster said that he is worried that Basso will dent our promotion hopes... I'm more concerned that our fickle (I hope its only the minority) fan base will have a more negative effect it.

We have all suffered disappointment as a result being City fans and I like many am sick to death of this mickey mouse league....but this is a new era for City so I wont judge GJ or his team by what's happened in previous seasons under different management.

Support and encouragement that's where our job ends, let GJ manage the team and leave the slagging off to the gas!

Spot on that man.

What we all want is a side that is improving, that way we will have a better chance of getting up.

Basso is a definite improvement on phillips, despite being a little eccentric, snd hopefully when weale is back playing he will be an improvement on Basso.

Plus, lets face it, we do not have another option so get behind him and hope he does us a great job like he did last year. One mistake in a meaningless friendly doesn't make him a liability.

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Here we go again, you have got to have someone to pick on,

You've got it about right Grandad. Basso is the new whipping boy now that the likes of Fortune has left the club and Orr is playing too well to slag off any more. One thing is certain - once Basso either improves his form or is dropped someone else will take up the role of whipping boy.

I am amazed at the hysteria following Basso's mistake in the Southampton game.

What is the difference between Basso's error and Cotterill and Williams missing really wide open goals?

The difference is that those that believe Basso is not any good, can slate him with impunity, whilst those of us that think he is a pretty decent goalkeeper view it as an unfortunate error...

There's a difference between criticism and slagging off and in my view the original poster was very fair.

Basso is a very likable player and his attitude is by all accounts spot on (a breath of fresh air after Phillips). His leaping ability and reflexes are very good (as with Phillips)...but he has flaws, as do most.

Sadly, with his atrocious kicking and the regularity that he gifts chances to forwards, I'd have to say that he is in no way good enough for the Championship and is likely to lose his place in a successful league one side that has other options.

Call it 'slating'...'hysteria'...'slagging off'...'picking on'...or whatever - but if I was looking for a weak link in the team he'd be it.

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Hands up all those who have never made a silly mistake whilst doing their job.

If you can, in all honesty, say you have never made a silly error at work, please feel free to have a go at Mr BASSO, ...........

The rest need to be careful, ..........something about people in glass houses not throwing stones !

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