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City don't Give Youngsters A Chance


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Like most on here, I was willing to give him a chance and wish him all the best, but he really is doing himself no favours whenever he opens his mouth. He is coming acros as a bitter, conceited ####, and to be honest it isn't at all difficult to see why GJ fell out with him so quickly. You may also remember that after the final whistle of the Swansea debacle, while leaving the pitch, Phillips was hurling abuse at Tinnion, who was sat in the dugout, clearly devestated by what had happened during the game.

As someone else said, this would be the same Steve Phillips plucked from non-league obscurity 10 years ago and given his chance at a (at the time) club in the 2nd tier of the game. Frankly he should be bloody grateful that he didn't get dropped sooner than he did, it was only through having no worthwile competiton for so long that he kept his place in the side.

I know it's been said before, but how about a change to his car registration plates. I think TO55A would be more than apt.

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Boy oh boy oh boy, is the c c c c carrot (Nice one dolls)formerly known as Flapper one bitter and twisted individual.

Shut up, Flapper, you play for the worst team in Brizzle now.......................plonker

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