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Leppings Lane End


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Yes I did. It seemed very surreal that it all happened right in front of where I was sat. It just seemed unimaginable that it was allowed to happen at all, but seeing those tunnels leading into the lower tier, you could actually understand how it did. On leaving the ground I actually shook the hand of the steward standing at the top of the exit, and said thanks and goodbye. Dont ask me why, but it kinda felt the right thing to do. Makes you get things into perspective doesnt it.?

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I was in the upper teir and when they scored i went down to the lower teir to watch the last seconds, so that i could get straight out.

Looking at the design of the lower teir, with the open access right behind the goal, for one second i nearly didnt go in. It just all came flooding back.

I can really understand now how it happened.

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We walked around to the main entrance and stood in silence in front of the memorial stone, I can remember walking home from the Gate after a game and listening to the horrific description on the radio, then watching it on the TV when I got home.

Its still hard to comprehend that 96 fellow football fans died at what should have been a great occasion.

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I did think about it when we were outside but I was also worried when we were leaving after the game and the announcement along the lines of 'could all city fans still inside the stadium please remain there for 5 minutes to allow the conjestion to clear. I can see why it happened and if that stand had been full I could see something similar happening again if there was a fire or something

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Guest comeonyoureds

yeah i certainly thought about it, i was in the lower tear and couldnt help but think about all those people that died where i was, they were all there for the same reason as i was which was to enjoy a game of football! :D

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Yes, and the police and SOME of the stewards seem to be just as inept as all those years ago, letting the two mobs leave at the same time in that little lane.When asked ,a copper said "We've ALWAYS done it this way." HOW SUPRISING, but thats SY Police!
To be fair, I've been in away grounds many times where they would make you stay behind after the game for up to 15 minutes (at the Mem once) by locking the gates, and it only creates more bad feeling and danger to the fans than letting all out together. To be fair to Wednesday, they did ask us to remain in our seats for 5 minutes after the game, without forcing us by shutting the gates, but how many actually did?
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Guest swfc1867

What happenned on that day still haunts many fans, but believe me the main cause of that disaster was the fences that ran along the front of the bottom tier not allowing fans to spill over onto the pitch, directly to the right and left of the middle tunnel that some of your lads must have walked through ,fences used to be in place that stopped fans moving to the left and right, in no way is this an excuse for what may well have been negligence on the part of south yorkshire police or stewards on that terrible day , it was a caused by what at the time was a complete disregard for football fans at every stadium in the country that it happened at Hillsborough will always be something we up here have to live with, and believe me, at the time i worked at one of the main hospitals in Sheffield and was unlucky enough to be on duty and see the whole tragedy unfold.

I have travelled all over the country watching the Owls and honestly believe this could have happened anywhere, at any stadium, at any time during the seventies and eighties because we were treated like ######. There is hardly a home match where i don't go on the kop look over at the leppings lane end and think on that day.

A friend lived 0n Vere Road that runs from the kop end onto leppings lane and she opened her door to let liverpool fans make phone calls home to tell their families they were safe..months later when liverpool next played at hillsboro' there was a knock on the door and a couple of scousers asked if she wanted any money to pay for the phone calls....proof that your average football did not deserve to be penned into terraces like some sort of animal.

As for the idiots that were over to your right on Saturday...well weve all got them, and i suppose we might have more than most, but trying to ask that sort of moron to remember hillsboro' '89 is p*ssing in the wind mate

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We thought about that terrible day quite a few times as

we sat in the bottom teir! The thought of ole they fans

who lost their lives in the area where we were sitting`

just to watch a game of football.

As some of you have said, some of the things we saw goin`

on up thur yesterday with the big queues at the Leppings

Lane End before the match, paying 17 quid to get in thur

and bein` treated like trash by the stewards an coppers,

they still don`t seem to have learned from that tragic day!

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Guest swfc1867

lets be realistic if your'e going to bring 4'000 fans there are going to queues, show me one person who hasn't queued up to get into a ground and i'll show you a blades fan.........

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A very honest and heartfelt post swfc. We all know that there was a lot more to it than just the design of the entrance. We have discussed this issue before and all the facts have been posted. I think what we all are trying to say is that actually being there brings it all home. Yesterday, i could actually picture all the Liverpool fans cueing up in high spirits. Then the roar of the crowd and they all rush in ( just like i would). Then the tragedy. When you read about it in a paper or see images on screen, you tend to fill in the blanks with your imagination.

Actually being there changed that. Its hard to describe what I'm thinking. I just hope you can understand.

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Guest swfc1867

Many excuses have been brought forward by many people involved on the day, among the most transparent were accusations that some liverpool fans were still drinking in pubs round hillsboro' 5 mins before kick off...so what?..i was in a pub chatting with a couple of your supporters a few minutes before kick off on saturday you buy your ticket and its your perogative to miss the first 5 mins or whatever theres noexcuse for what happened, believe me i would love one, but i reiterate it was the same at every stadium up and down the country at that time, you been to Brentford yet this year?..or been herded through shepherds bush?..there are places where it has not got any better, its got better at Hillsborough but sadly 96 people had to lose their lives beforehand

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When I was exiting Hillsborough I saw a South Yorks Police top fella patting a baton in his hand ready to lash out. :rolleyes: The thoughts then crossed my mind of the Liverpool fans' accounts of how they said that the South Yorks top fella were partly responsible for so many deaths on that tragic day.

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Guest Owls2k
I just wanted to know if anybody else had a little think about the disaster while sat in the leppings lane end on Saturday?

I must admit that i had it all in my mind for a bit on sat.

This kind of thing is often mentioned by away fans. Especially this season with so many clubs visiting Hillsborough for one of the first times after the disaster. I think I can remember an Oldham fan on Owlstalk, saying the Lepping Lane end had a mysterious chill about it. Having seen the pictures from many Bristol fans from Saturday, it looks a great view from that top tier. A good following, but a little queter than I expected. Good luck for the season, although I dont think you'll need any. UP THE OWLS
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The Steward on Gangway Y was excellent.

I was in Gangway Z and the stewards there were good too.

But, like many others, I did reflect on that tragedy when, at 2.50 there were thousands trying to get in and only 4 turnstiles operating. Wouls it really have broken the bank to open some more turnstyles? It made me think that they learnt little from that tragic day

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I think I can remember an Oldham fan on Owlstalk, saying the Lepping Lane end had a mysterious chill about it.

Obviously it was a very cold day but I'd agree with the Oldham fan that there was a mysterious chill about that Leppings Lane End. Can't really explain it very well but the air hung cold and heavy. Not a happy place.

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