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Smoking @ Ag

Red Dave

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I notice from the official site that the Club have offered there thanks to the supporters who took notice of the signs and announcements regarding not smoking in the ground at the recent friendlies.

Is it just me or did anyone else sit there waving away the smoke from the guy in front thinking 'Well no one took any notice of those new rules then?'

I'm not particularly worried from a personal point of view but my friend has moved up to D block Atyeo with his kids as a direct result of the new rules. Did anyone see any stewards taking any action against Smokers?

There was a group of three or four sat right in front of us about row S in Atyeo D block trying to be crafty.

What I don't want is to be constantly watching Stewards walking up and down in front of me telling people to put their fags out. Rules are rules and there's designated smoking areas set up for those that can't go without for 45 minutes.

Any thoughts any one?

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There's no designated areas in the Atyeo and I notice this caused problems at half time as smokers who HAD respected the new non-smoking status of the stand went down to the exit gates to see if there was an area they COULD have a fag in at half time only to be told they couldn't.

When the smoking ban is introduced in pubs/restaurants etc in the fairly near future, those smokers amongst us will be able to go outside for a "quick fix". In the Atyeo Stand this season that will not be allowed, even though the stewards in the Williams Stand regularly allow supporters out at half time to use the toilet block opposite and even to pop to KFC!

Smokers are being treated more and more like 2nd class citizens or social pariahs (especially in this case by BCFC) and they want us to respect their rules?

I have done thus far, but I predict a few volatile flashpoints at tomorrow's game.

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At the Southampton game there was one steward who was asking people not to smoke at half time in the Atyeo concourse. Other stewards were simply ignoring the smokers. I reckon it will be different tomorrow as they will be asked to take more action.

I think one of the problems was there were very few signs up so it wasn't really clear that you couldn't smoke in the concourse.

Personally I reckon smokers are second class citizens and the sooner they realise it and stop polluting the place the better.

I was in Scotland last week and it was a pleasure walking into pubs that had clean air. Can't wait for the full ban in England to come into effect.

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At the Southampton game there was one steward who was asking people not to smoke at half time in the Atyeo concourse. Other stewards were simply ignoring the smokers. I reckon it will be different tomorrow as they will be asked to take more action.

I think one of the problems was there were very few signs up so it wasn't really clear that you couldn't smoke in the concourse.

Personally I reckon smokers are second class citizens and the sooner they realise it and stop polluting the place the better.

I was in Scotland last week and it was a pleasure walking into pubs that had clean air. Can't wait for the full ban in England to come into effect.

:laugh: pollute? :laugh:

I trust you don't use motor vehicles then as you clearly feel strongly about pollution?

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At the Southampton game there was one steward who was asking people not to smoke at half time in the Atyeo concourse. Other stewards were simply ignoring the smokers. I reckon it will be different tomorrow as they will be asked to take more action.

I think one of the problems was there were very few signs up so it wasn't really clear that you couldn't smoke in the concourse.

Personally I reckon smokers are second class citizens and the sooner they realise it and stop polluting the place the better.

I was in Scotland last week and it was a pleasure walking into pubs that had clean air. Can't wait for the full ban in England to come into effect.

Why am I a 2nd class citizen because I smoke? You probably do things I don't do and vice versa that equals it out. I don't drive and you may well do. I'm no expert but it would take a hell of a lot of cigarettes to pollute the environment as much as a 30 minute car drive.

Where I work 80% of the workforce smoke. Does that also make them 2nd class citizens despite the important role they lead in society?

We have to smoke outside at work and I have no problems with that, Why can't something be arranged like that in the Ayteo. I'm in two minds weather I will be going tomorrow because the cheapest tickets are in the Ayteo, However there is no where to smoke in the Ayteo so I will be forced to pay extra to sit in one of the smoking blocks. A tad unfair me thinks.

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Personally I reckon smokers are second class citizens and the sooner they realise it and stop polluting the place the better.


That is hysterious! (new word combining hilarious and hysterical)

Second class citizen...


Can't get over that!

going to use it tonight :D

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At the Southampton game there was one steward who was asking people not to smoke at half time in the Atyeo concourse. Other stewards were simply ignoring the smokers. I reckon it will be different tomorrow as they will be asked to take more action.

I think one of the problems was there were very few signs up so it wasn't really clear that you couldn't smoke in the concourse.

Personally I reckon smokers are second class citizens and the sooner they realise it and stop polluting the place the better.

I was in Scotland last week and it was a pleasure walking into pubs that had clean air. Can't wait for the full ban in England to come into effect.

and how did you get there :dunno: polluting the atmosphere every mile no doubt, but hey that don't matter somebody else can suffer that maybe your sons or sons sons; These non smokers are quite happy to pour millions of tons of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere; DOUBLE STANDARDS :ranting:

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thank God smoking is being all but banned from AG.

May it be banned from everywhere that non-smokers want to go so that we don't have to end up with stinging eyes and having our clothes and hair absolutely reeking of other people's stale fag smoke.

Smoking is a sordid little addiction that causes the deaths of around 100,000 people every year.

You smoke, I choke. Cheers.

Living? Smoking is a long winded suicide attempt! Just went outside for a cig and felt bad for all those... pigeons I was 'polluting'

to quote the Ricky Fitz in 'American Beauty': "never underestimate the power of denial".

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Personally I reckon smokers are second class citizens and the sooner they realise it and stop polluting the place the better.

I was in Scotland last week and it was a pleasure walking into pubs that had clean air. Can't wait for the full ban in England to come into effect.

Then ###### off to Scotland then. Fool :disapointed2se:


The sooner this era of PC bullshitism moves on the better.

Agree totally. If I want to say someones a midget, fat, lanky or any other descriptive name, I will, because lets face it its no different than calling somebody vertically challenged, overweight or over tall(??).

Where does it all end????

P.s Wtfigo!?!, bullshitism is the best word (unword???) I have heard since Barry_mancs use of hysterious!! :laugh:

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thank God smoking is being all but banned from AG.

May it be banned from everywhere that non-smokers want to go so that we don't have to end up with stinging eyes and having our clothes and hair absolutely reeking of other people's stale fag smoke.

Smoking is a sordid little addiction that causes the deaths of around 100,000 people every year.

You smoke, I choke. Cheers.

to quote the Ricky Fitz in 'American Beauty': "never underestimate the power of denial".

Talk about over exaggerating

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Living? Smoking is a long winded suicide attempt! Just went outside for a cig and felt bad for all those... pigeons I was 'polluting'

:o ....and they've not arrested you yet?

I don't know how you can sleep at night!

pff... :disapointed2se: what has the world come too?

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Can anybody clarify this question:-

I sit in G block Dolman and have done for many years, I smoke and so does my old man who sits next to me, If we want to have a cigarette during the game or at half time, is it possible to walk to A block and stand in the aisle and 'light up' or is the privilege just for supporters seated in 'A' Block and am I going to be sent back by stewards?

My feelings are that the aisles will be crowded solid thus causing a safety hazard and a huge cloud of smoke will develop and fans in the dolman wont see the second half.......

Not being funny but don't change something that aint broken!

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Can anybody clarify this question:-

I sit in G block Dolman and have done for many years, I smoke and so does my old man who sits next to me, If we want to have a cigarette during the game or at half time, is it possible to walk to A block and stand in the aisle and 'light up' or is the privilege just for supporters seated in 'A' Block and am I going to be sent back by stewards?

My feelings are that the aisles will be crowded solid thus causing a safety hazard and a huge cloud of smoke will develop and fans in the dolman wont see the second half.......

Not being funny but don't change something that aint broken!

....try explaining your concerns to Colin Sexstone. Not being funny.

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Can anybody clarify this question:-

I sit in G block Dolman and have done for many years, I smoke and so does my old man who sits next to me, If we want to have a cigarette during the game or at half time, is it possible to walk to A block and stand in the aisle and 'light up' or is the privilege just for supporters seated in 'A' Block and am I going to be sent back by stewards?

My feelings are that the aisles will be crowded solid thus causing a safety hazard and a huge cloud of smoke will develop and fans in the dolman wont see the second half.......

Not being funny but don't change something that aint broken!

Instead of congregating in Block A, why not go without a fag for a couple of hours?

The Dolman Hall and lounge is also a non-smoking area.

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I am delighted with the action the club has taken, sick off all the shite I get in my face from smokers around me :)!

But from a smokers point of view, I think they should let you lot light up at the front and out of the way as long as you are not by children or non-smokers.

I really hope the stewards will make sure they put these rules across with force and that the smokers will respect these rules.

I am a bit confused as to why no block has been inserted into the Ateyo for smokers but theres always problems when theres change.

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Instead of congregating in Block A, why not go without a fag for a couple of hours?

The Dolman Hall and lounge is also a non-smoking area.

Well, I got to football to enjoy myself and let off some steam. Enjoying myself is cheering the lads on, Having a burger, A pint and a ciggy. Take away any of them and the day will not be as enjoyable. I can go a few3 hours without a fag as I do in work, But I don't want to go without a fag whilst doing something I enjoy.

And just because I smoke I have to pay a few more quid to sit in one of the smoking blocks. Where is the sense in that?

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Instead of congregating in Block A, why not go without a fag for a couple of hours?

The Dolman Hall and lounge is also a non-smoking area.

Perhaps I will go without, but I was just asking a question on an open forum which I hoped for a sensible answer.

And I also hope you will be able to convince those other horrible good for nothing dirty smelly nicotine ridden filth who also smoke like myself to not do it ! cant see it myself!

So anybody know?

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The Dolman Hall and lounge is also a non-smoking area.

.....speaking of which, a fiver I felt hoodwinked into caughing up for, something I contently used as another 'club in the bag' for my pre-match ritual last season..... of which, up until now, the SC card has failed to drop through my letter box, this has only dimmed my impression of the SC further.

Any explanations Mr. Chairman?

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I find it hillarious when people who drive complain amount people smoking, Due to health reasons and environmental reasons and because of the so called smell it leaves on there clothes.

Well a few years ago I used to cycle to Ag which took 45 Min's. By the time I got home my clothes stunk of car fumes. Should these people therefor be banned from driving to Ag? Like I have been banned from smoking at Ag?

Passive smoking isn't going to kill you. Cars have and will kill people, Especially within the next 100 years when it messes up planet because of all the fumes.

So lets ban motor vehicles if we are going to ban smoking in a football stadium which is outside. Anyone agree?

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